Washing machine motor grinder: myth or reality - Setafi

When any household appliances break down, you should not throw it away: there are many mechanisms inside that can easily be given a new life. With their help, tools, equipment for various jobs and much more are made. For example, you can make a grinder from the engine of a washing machine. Even asynchronous type motors are also suitable for creating a grindstone.

Home appliance motors usually have a low speed and not too high power. But good twisting ability allows them to be used as the basis for disk emery. It will not take much time to make a sharpener from the engine from the washing machine. Tools are needed at a minimum. The result is a great addition to your home workshop.


The content of the article

  • Tools and materials
  • We assemble the frame
  • Preparing the grinding disc
  • Construction assembly
  • Diagnostics and finishing works

Tools and materials

Before you start making emery from the engine from the washing machine, you need to make sure that you have all the necessary materials and tools. In addition to the electric motor itself, you will need boards or plates to make the base of the device.

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It is not necessary to buy them: in chain stores like Leroy Merlin, materials are designed for large-scale construction, so boards with large dimensions are sold. You need some material, and the rest will just gather dust in the workshop. Parts of pallets, cabinets, bedside tables, drawers, etc. can serve as the basis for equipment.

To make a grinder from a washing machine motor, you will need the following materials:

  • Plug with cable;
  • Switch;
  • Wood thicker than 25 mm. This is enough to create a solid foundation;
  • Sandpaper of suitable grit;
  • Bolts, nuts, screws and other fasteners;
  • Glue for wood;
  • Metal corners.

You also need to find tools or their analogues:

  • Screwdriver;
  • Measuring device;
  • Drill;
  • Electric jigsaw for sawing wood;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Iron;
  • Level for construction work;
  • Writing instrument.

Before starting, it is worth checking the performance of the engine. If it starts and you have everything you need to make homemade emery, start the work, which we will divide into 4 stages:

  1. Assembly of the bed.
  2. Grinding disc preparation.
  3. Collection of emery.
  4. Sandpaper installation and tests.

We assemble the frame

The bed is the fixed part of the grinding machine, which provides it with stability and allows you to work with high accuracy. It can be a converted box, cabinet / shelf. Check old unwanted furniture for stability and strength, and also estimate how comfortable it will be in use. If everything is fine, you can skip the step.

We will consider a situation in which there is no ready support. In this case, follow the plan:

  1. Saw out a tabletop and 2 identical bars from a board with a thickness of more than 2.5 cm, which will protrude in the form of legs.
  2. Assemble the frame by laying out the letter “P” from the bars and the tabletop.
  3. Fasten the components together with self-tapping screws. To obtain a more reliable design, you can use metal corners, installing them from the inside of the bed.
  4. Add a crossbar or braces to the bed to make it stronger.
  5. To ensure stability in the horizontal plane, screw a small bar perpendicularly to each bar.

As a result, you will get the simplest wooden table. Choose the size of the design yourself, depending on how it will be more convenient for you. If you want to make the bed more attractive and extend its life, you can sand and varnish the wood. But in this case, it will not be possible to make emery from the engine from the washing machine, because the varnish will need at least one day to dry.

Preparing the grinding disc

This is the most important part of the grinder, so you need to approach its manufacture wisely. We have prepared a step-by-step guide for you:

  1. Measure the diameter of the disc that you will need for work. Draw a circle of the desired size on a board more than 2.5 cm thick. For accuracy, you can use a compass.
  2. Cut out the disc with a jigsaw and sand its edge until it is smooth.
  3. On the motor pulley, make 3 bolt holes with a drill.
  4. Measuring over the motor, drill the same number of holes in the sanding disc.
  5. Use bolts and nuts to secure the disc to the rotating element of the motor.

Construction assembly


Using wooden blocks and steel corners, attach the emery to the bed. Place the boards under the base and attach them to it. Then place the whole structure on the countertop and fasten them together.

The next step is to connect the engine to electricity. It already has special contacts for connection, so you just need to connect a wire with a plug to them.

Diagnostics and finishing works

After collection, we recommend running the device at full capacity. This will check the stability of the countertop and the structure. If the bed is wobbly or interferes with use in any way, further strengthen it by adding crossbars, jibs and ski-shaped bars for the legs.

When the structure is stable, proceed to the finishing work:

  1. With a chisel / grinder with a petal wheel, grind the disc to perfect condition.
  2. Place the motor in such a position that the circle is strictly vertical.
  3. From the sandpaper, cut out a circle that fits the grinding disc in size.
  4. Spread the workpiece with wood glue and fix it on the structure.
  5. An iron will help speed up the bonding process.
  6. Secure the disc in this position in a vise.
  7. Check how smooth the sanding surface is with a level.

As you can see, making a homemade sharpener from an electric motor is not so difficult. Such equipment will perfectly fit into any home workshop, becoming a useful tool. At the same time, the costs for its manufacture are minimal and require only an old motor from a washing machine.

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