How to cut with a chainsaw

The chainsaw is a complex and dangerous tool. During operation, you can get injured if you do not follow certain rules when working with it. Let's look at the features of using the tool.

The content of the article

  • How to use a chainsaw correctly: safety precautions
  • How to cut with a chainsaw
    • Correct user position
    • How to cut down a tree
    • How to cut branches
    • How to cut into chocks

How to use a chainsaw correctly: safety precautions

It is recommended that you read the instructions first. It contains all the necessary information about using a chainsaw. Before the beginning launch make sure that all items of equipment are in good working order. The chain brake is then activated. The saw must be placed on a level surface so that the cutting parts do not touch the ground. You can start running.

To protect yourself from injury, you must use personal protective equipment, including gloves, special glasses.

It is necessary to work with the tool extremely carefully. The operator may be injured due to flying branches, contact with equipment. Be sure to wear a helmet to protect your head. Massive shoes will avoid injury to the feet.

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To reduce the chance of injury, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The tool must be held as tightly as possible. It is better to press your hands to the body to reduce the load on them. You need to constantly monitor the device.
  2. It is forbidden to cut several logs at one time. Also, the work is not done with the tip of the saw. There is a high risk that it will slip. Before starting, the beam must be qualitatively fixed.
  3. The operator needs to take such a position that his body is not on the same plane with the running chain. It is not recommended to tilt, so as not to lose balance.
  4. The chain saw should not cut materials that are above the user's shoulder level.

The described recommendations will save health when operating a chainsaw.

How to cut with a chainsaw

In order for the process to be of high quality and fast, it is necessary to follow some recommendations. They depend on the material being processed.

how to cut with a chainsaw

Correct user position

To avoid injury and facilitate the process, the operator must assume the correct position. This is a position at which the user can move away at any time, in case of a dangerous situation. Before starting, the working area is cleared of small growth, which can be caught on and lose balance.

The switched on saw is held with both hands. The operator stands in the opposite direction from where the cut trees will fall.

How to cut down a tree

It was noted that the process should begin with the cleansing of the work area. When the small growth is eliminated, you need to decide in which direction the wood will fall. If the object is on a slope, then it will fall in the direction where its center of gravity has shifted. A tree standing upright can be felled in any direction. It is only necessary to consider how the branches are located. This is due to the fact that the trunk is much easier to dump to the side where it has more branches.

Then a wedge-shaped cut is made from the side where the tree will fall. Its depth should be no more than 1/3 of the trunk diameter. If washed down correctly, the tree will not tilt.

They move to the opposite side from the gash and rise a few centimeters up. A straight incision is made at this point. When making a cut that causes the barrel to fall, the operator must be as focused as possible. If the tree starts to fall without additional use of a fork or spatula, the person will have time to move away.

Thick trunks are much more difficult to cut. If there is no experience in this process, it is better not to try. To knock down a thick tree, you will need to use a stretch. To do this, the cable should be fixed on the trunk at a height of at least 5 meters. Then a wedge is cut out and the cable is pulled using a car, a tractor. The trunk is cut from the side opposite to the wedge.

The process of felling thick trees is influenced by many factors, so it is dangerous for a beginner to perform such work.

how to cut down a tree

How to cut branches

If you need to rid a fallen tree of branches, you must act carefully. There is a risk that the tire will clip. Branches are cut from the side opposite to the slope. Do not use the tip of the tire for this. Elements may kick back and cause injury to the operator. With clamped branches, they work from the side of the load. Often they start to bounce, so before starting the sag, it is recommended to move to a safe distance so as not to get injured.

How to cut into chocks

Cutting down a fallen tree is easier than cutting it down at the root. But there is also a certain danger here. If the work is not done correctly, the tire can be pinched in the barrel. Then it will be possible to remove it only with the help of a jack or crowbars. This will greatly complicate and slow down the process.

It is necessary to inspect the trunk carefully and start cutting in areas where tension is present. It is recommended to start at the top of the head, gradually moving towards the butt. Both upper and lower cuts are allowed. In the first case, they act until the trunk drops, pressing the tire. Then proceed to cut the trunk from below. When the tree is cut into several pieces, you can start sawing into chocks using the top cut.

how to cut into chocks with a chainsaw

Chainsaw work must be carried out in full compliance with safety regulations. Careful preparation for the process, thinking about each action will reduce the likelihood of injury.

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