Electric frying pan: how to use the device at home? – Setafi

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In everyday life, a miracle frying pan from electricity is often used, which can be used in much the same way as a regular frying pan. It allows you to cook food in a wide range of temperatures and in different modes. Many models have a timer and other useful additions. How to use them, and what to consider when choosing, is described in this review.

The content of the article

  • How to use
  • How to choose the right model

How to use

The instruction manual is quite simple. If we talk about how to use an electric frying pan, a few points should be listed:

  1. After purchase, you need to thoroughly rinse the bowl outside and inside with a damp sponge and detergent.
  2. Next, the device is turned on and made sure that it works correctly (there is heating, the indicator is on, the corresponding inscription appears on the display).
  3. First you need to heat the pan to the maximum to see how it functions.
  4. Next, pour a little vegetable oil, preferably olive oil (with a high boiling point).
  5. Spread prepared foods, for example, meat, vegetables.
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  7. Fry until fully cooked, remove the food and drain the oil (in terms of a healthy diet, you can use it only once).
  8. Then rinse again. If the bowl is non-removable, you need to work more carefully so as not to flood the apparatus itself with water.
electric frying pan

How to choose the right model

Manufacturers produce different models of electric frying pans, among them there are several types:

  1. The shape can be rectangular and classic round, there are also oval and square.
  2. Depending on the functionality, grill pans, wok pans, for travel (travel), for cooking specific dishes, for example, pancakes or pancakes, are distinguished. But for home use, it is worth considering universal models that can be used daily.

Moreover, choosing a specific model, it is worth considering its parameters:

  • temperature regime - in some models, you can set the range from 30 and even up to 240 degrees;
  • dimensions - the diameter can be in the range of 24-38 cm, and the larger this parameter, the more powerful the heating element will be needed;
  • power - the larger it is, the faster the cooking speed; often this parameter is in the range of 500-1500 W, sometimes it reaches 2400 W.
  • the presence of a non-stick coating - as a rule, it is teflon, but there may be other options, for example, marble chips;
  • bowl type - it is better to choose a removable one, because it is easier to care for it;
  • the presence of a timer - an additional option that helps not to miss the end of cooking.

When buying, it is advisable to study the reviews of real buyers. It is also possible to evaluate the reliability of the device under the warranty offered by the manufacturer. Usually it is 1 year, sometimes 2 years. If you use the electric frying pan correctly, as described above, it will last much longer.

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