What is a CPL filter for: characteristics and description – Setafi

Understanding why a CPL filter is needed is quite simple. If you do not use it, the video may contain optical defects in the form of flare, glare or reflections. Therefore, filters are put on almost all registrars. The purpose and characteristics of this important device are described in the presented material.

The content of the article

  • Purpose of the filter
  • Main characteristics
  • How to set up the filter correctly

Purpose of the filter

The CPL filter is an optical device that allows you to get polarized light radiation with different characteristics. Simply put, this is a filter that almost completely allows you to get rid of various types of optical defects:

  • sun glare;
  • exposure;
  • reflection.

The filter is installed on the registrar, which conducts continuous shooting while the car is moving. This greatly improves the quality of the recording. The colors become more saturated, and the contrast also increases, which can be seen in the comparison photo.

cpl filter

It is important to understand that even the highest quality filter does not provide 100% recording protection against optical defects. For example, the device completely blocks light reflections from a glass surface. But if the rays are reflected from the metal, partial exposure will occur.

instagram viewer

Main characteristics

What is the CPL filter for?

The CPL filter is a relatively simple device. In fact, this is optical glass installed in a frame made of durable material, such as plastic. Therefore, the filter has few characteristics - when choosing, quantitative parameters are taken into account (measured in mm):

  • diameter;
  • frame thickness;
  • glass thickness.

How to set up the filter correctly

Setting up the filter is quite simple, but you need to know a few rules, otherwise the device will not work correctly. The main method is to turn on the DVR and rotate the optics until the image becomes of the highest quality, contrast, without glare and reflections.

Moreover, initially the car should be positioned so that it stands in bright light. It makes no sense to put it in the shade - then it will not be clear whether there will be glare on the recording or not.

How to set up the filter correctly

If the day is cloudy, you can put a blank sheet of paper on the panel. Next, the filter gently begin to rotate. They do this until the reflection of the paper disappears completely (cases are allowed when it remains, but only partially).

Thus, the CPL filter is an absolutely essential part for a recorder and other recording devices. But it is not installed in all cases. The fact is that some models are already equipped with a polarizing film. Its availability should be clarified in advance in the product description.

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