The dimensions of the smallest dishwasher under the sink are as small as possible: height within 45-50 cm, width 45-60 cm, depth usually 50 cm. Despite this, the devices perform all the basic functions and can accommodate 6 to 8 sets of dishes. A detailed description of the best models, as well as selection rules, is presented in this article.
The content of the article
- small car dimensions
- Advantages and disadvantages
Selection guide
- Dimensions
- Machine type
- Number and types of programs
- Overview of the smallest models
small car dimensions
First of all, users are interested in the dimensions of the smallest dishwasher under the sink. The main parameter is the width, since it is not always easy to embed the unit, especially in a narrow space under the washbasin. However, all other dimensions also matter:
- Height from 45 to 60 cm - a small dishwasher will fit under the sink. Moreover, it is quite possible that there will still be some space left in which, for example, an additional shelf can be placed.
- Depth (that is, the distance from the front to the back panel) from 45 to 55 cm. The smallest dishwasher does not protrude, because it fits well into a set of standard dimensions.
- The width of the smallest dishwasher is 40 cm (this is an average). There are different models, so you can designate a range from 45 to 55 cm. Despite the small capacity, 6-8 sets of dishes can be placed in the chamber. This is quite enough for a family of 2-3 people.

Interestingly, the smallest dishwasher in width can even be 30-35 cm. But such models are sold extremely rarely. Therefore, if necessary, it is recommended to make a reservation. Although such a service will be quite expensive, it is therefore easier to expand the cabinet under the bathroom, partially rescheduling the kitchen set.
It is worth considering that the smallest dishwasher is built-in, so it is easy to “hide” it under the sink in order to maintain the overall style in the interior.
Advantages and disadvantages
An obvious plus of such a unit is that there is practically no dishwasher under the sink in a small kitchen. takes up space and at the same time performs all basic functions, including pre-rinsing and drying.

There are many advantages to this solution:
- You can use the space under the sink, which is still not used or is not used efficiently enough.
- If there is no space at all, you can purchase the smallest desktop dishwasher, the dimensions of which are the same as those of a microwave oven (only the height is larger - about 50-60 cm).
- The dishwasher is small, narrow, fits freely under the sink, and its installation is not too difficult.
- There is a small dishwasher under the sink is significantly cheaper compared to narrow, compact and even more full-sized devices.
- Accordingly, the level of water and electricity consumption is also noticeably less.
But the smallest dishwasher also has disadvantages. For obvious reasons, they are associated with small sizes. The main disadvantages are:
- The smallest dishwasher 40 cm can hold only 5-8 sets of dishes, that is, about 20-30 items. This is quite enough for a small family, but if, for example, guests come, some of the items will have to be washed by hand. Or spend 2 cycles, which will take more time, water and electricity.
- The smallest dishwasher of 40 cm does not fit large containers, such as a frying pan or a saucepan. At the same time, it is they who get dirty the most - they will have to be washed manually.
- If the smallest dishwasher is on the table, it is not very beautiful, and besides, it takes up quite a lot of space.
- The smallest built-in dishwasher can be inconvenient in terms of loading dishes. This moment needs to be thought out in advance (height, from which side to approach).

Selection guide
A dishwasher under the sink in a small kitchen is a complete piece of equipment that performs all standard functions. To choose the right model, you will need to study not only the modes themselves, but also a number of other factors.
This is one of the main parameters. As already mentioned, the dimensions of the smallest desktop dishwasher are about the same as those of a microwave. But in any case, you first need to take measurements, imagine how convenient it will be to put the dishes in and take them out.
Machine type
Calculations are especially carefully carried out in cases where the dishwasher is small, narrow under the sink will be built into the set. According to this indicator, 3 types are distinguished:
- Fully built-in (the door is closed by the facade of the headset).
- Partially embedded - in this case, the smallest dishwasher under the sink will also be part of the headset, but without a front panel (that is, open to the eye).
- Free-standing - we are talking about desktop units that are not built-in in any way. In this case, the dimensions of the smallest dishwasher also matter, but not as strong as in the first two types.
Number and types of programs
The dishwasher under the sink, the size of which is minimal, has several programs. A standard wash takes 90-120 minutes or more, and the temperature is maintained at 40-60 degrees. There are also other modes:
- The smallest dishwasher with small dimensions can work in fast mode. Its duration is 30-40 minutes, while heating goes up to 45 degrees. Suitable for not too dirty dishes.
- Despite the small size of a small dishwasher, it can work in intensive washing mode. This process takes up to 2-2.5 hours, and the water heats up to 60-70 degrees, which allows you to cope even with severe pollution.
- A very small dishwasher can operate in automatic mode, that is, it independently determines the duration and temperature depending on the load. But not all devices have this feature.

Overview of the smallest models
The low dishwasher under the sink has peculiar dimensions, but they make it possible to place it even in a very small kitchen. If you select several models according to technical characteristics, as well as according to customer ratings, you get the following rating:
Bosch SKS50E42EU - the dimensions of a small dishwasher are almost miniature: the height is within 45 cm, the depth is 50 cm, and the width reaches 55 cm. Outwardly, it resembles a small cube, in the chamber of which you can load up to 6 sets of dishes. Consumes only 8 liters of water per cycle, equipped with 5 programs.
Siemens SC 76M522 - a dishwasher under the sink, the photo of which is shown below, is also quite compact. The width is 60 cm, but the height is 59.5 cm, and the depth parameter is only 50 cm. Equipped with a bottom water protection system, electronically controlled. Can hold up to 8 sets, consumes 9 liters of liquid in 1 cycle.
Midea MCFD-0606 - this is a small dishwasher under the sink, as can be seen in the photo. Its width reaches 55 cm, while the height is maximum 45 cm. The depth is 50 cm. Up to 6 sets can be processed in one cycle. At the same time, water consumption is record low - only 6.5 liters.
Electrolux ESF 2300 DW - a small unit that can be placed in a narrow place (width reaches a width of 55 cm), height - within 44 cm. The depth is 50 cm. Consumes a minimum of water (7 l), works quite quietly. Can process up to 6 sets of dishes at one time.
Weissgauff TDW 4006 has the same dimensions, therefore, no more than 6 sets can be processed in it. Equipped with electronic control, there are 6 operating modes and 5 temperature levels. The amount of fluid consumed is only 6.5 liters.
Thus, a dishwasher under the sink can reach a width of 40 cm. Although most often this figure is 45-55 cm. However, the most important thing is the height, which is in the range of 50-60 cm. Due to its small dimensions, the device can be placed in almost any area. Moreover, modern models are quite roomy and quite suitable for a small family.