Old washing machine in exchange for a new one: where to put the old washing machine? – Setafi

In many stores, the action "Old washing machine in exchange for a new one" is held almost at any time. This is an advantageous offer that allows you to save several thousand rubles thanks to a discount. But along with this, there are several more ways to get rid of the old unit. They are discussed in detail in this article.

The content of the article

  • Exchange for a new one
  • Sell ​​for scrap
  • Sell ​​to another person
  • Give away for free
  • Use different parts in the household
  • How to throw away an old car

Exchange for a new one

One of the best ways to dispose of an old washing machine is to exchange used equipment for a new one at a favorable discount. This service is provided by quite a few companies - both large ones, for example, Eldorado, and little-known ones operating in a particular region.

As a rule, equipment owners who decide to wonder where to put their old washing machine receive not only tangible discounts, but also other services (for free):

  • dismantling;
  • loaders;
  • prompt pickup on the day of the order.
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The size of the discount is usually set individually, depending on the condition and estimated value of the used unit. For example, in the "DNS" you can exchange an old washing machine for a new one and get up to 10,000 rubles to purchase a modern model. Moreover, you can only purchase a similar product, that is, the actual washing machine.

Sell ​​for scrap

Along with the exchange comes the question of how to dispose of the washing machine. Some companies do offer such services, and they even take out equipment for free, which is convenient in itself. But it should be borne in mind that exchanging a washing machine for a new one is a more profitable service, because if you turn it in for scrap, you won’t be able to earn a lot of money.

old washing machine

As a rule, the amount of compensation is purely symbolic, for example, 500-1000 rubles. Moreover, some companies demand to take out the equipment on their own, and then they will not be able to earn anything.

On the other hand, even if it is not possible to replace the old washing machine with a new one for a promotion, it is possible to disassemble the unit yourself and dispose of it for spare parts:

  • the tank is valuable due to stainless metal;
  • electronic module (board with a processor) - a source of spare parts, semiconductors;
  • the winding is made of copper, which can be sold as a non-ferrous metal.

The bulk is made up of counterweights, which are unlikely to be sold. Therefore, if it is not possible to change the old washing machine to a new one, it is better to unscrew them immediately and take them to the trash can. The remaining elements can be tried to implement.

Sell ​​to another person

You don't always need a washing machine to replace the old one. If the discount is relatively small, and the unit is still in fairly good condition, it will be easier to sell it. Ads can be submitted on a variety of platforms:

  • Avito;
  • Yula;
  • public VK and other social networks.

It is also possible to sell the unit for spare parts. It is better to immediately describe the condition and characteristics in as much detail as possible in order to inspire confidence in a potential buyer.

Give away for free

If the issue of money is not acute, and a non-working unit greatly interferes, you can simply give it away for free, for example, to a needy family or to a nursing home. Then the main benefit is that the donee will independently pick up the equipment, take it out of the apartment, load it and take it away.

In this case, the action "Washing machine in exchange for an old one" will no longer work, but you can share unnecessary equipment with different organizations:

  • boarding houses;
  • orphanages;
  • religious organizations.

It is clear that there is almost always where to put the old washer. Sometimes it can even be conditionally sold, for example, "exchange for a chocolate bar", as many such ads indicate.

It is better to submit it to groups of social networks, in the names of which there is the phrase "I will give it away for free." Here, a washing machine is not provided in exchange for an old one, but you can simply help those in need and at the same time get rid of an unnecessary unit.

Washing machine in exchange for an old one

Use different parts in the household

The question of where to put a broken washing machine can be answered in different ways. For example, it is quite realistic to give a second life to individual details and continue to use them on the farm:

  1. If there was no one who would take the old washing machine, you can simply take it apart and take the case with the hatch. It is quite possible to make a booth for a medium-sized dog out of it. The space inside is insulated, several holes are made on the side, since the door is very tightly adjacent to the front panel. Now it’s clear where to put the old washing machine.
  2. Another option is to use a drum, which, thanks to its round shape and stainless metal, can become the basis, for example, for a barbecue. If the unit is top-loaded, and it is impossible to exchange an old washing machine for a new one, it is really possible to make a home smokehouse out of it.
  3. Also, if it is not clear where to put the washing machine, you can make a coffee table, a pouffe and even a lampshade out of it.
Where to put the washing machine

How to throw away an old car

Finally, if there is absolutely no time to wait, and it takes a long time to sell the device, you can simply take it to the trash. Before you figure out how to throw away a washing machine, you need to take it apart. The instruction is something like this:

  1. Always start from the top (cover) - unscrew the bolts and remove.
  2. Take out the tray where the powder is poured.
  3. Remove the panel from below.
  4. Remove the rubber cuff (it can also come in handy on the farm).
  5. Then remove the mechanism blocking the hatch.
  6. Remove the tank, carefully remove the counterweights.
  7. Next, you need to alternately remove all the other elements - the hose, the board, the heating element and others.
  8. If some elements are operational, they can be left in reserve or sold. The rest of the structure is taken out in parts and thrown away.

Thus, there are several ways to dispose of a washing machine. At best, it can be profitably sold or exchanged for a new one. Although there are other options, for example, just donate or disassemble. If you can’t change the old washing machine for a new one, it’s easier to dispose of it or disassemble it for spare parts, and throw away the extra parts.

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