Why is carrot clumsy and horny grows?

We always try to grow a crop of vegetables, fruits or berries in the best way, we surround the beds with care, attention. Why carrots are clumsy and horny sometimes turns out, instead of beautiful, smooth root crops from the picture on the package with seeds? What is the reason why the process of growth, ripening of fruits is not going according to plan - let's find out.

  • Why carrot horny grows?
  • How often to water carrots in the open ground?
  • How to feed carrots?
  • Reviews and Advices for Truckers
  • Funny pictures of clumsy carrots:

Scrambled carrots are not only unattractive in appearance, it is poorly cleaned, stored, and even does not please its taste. Some gardeners sin on the quality of seeds or dishonesty of producers of planting material, but in fact the reason is completely different.

Root root, photo:

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Why carrot horny grows?

Consider the reasons in order:

  1. Pay attention to the soil - it should not be heavy rocky or clayey. The soil for planting carrots should be loose. Ideally - with enough sand mixed. To obtain high-quality roots, do not be too lazy to manually mix the soil with sand (or compost, sawdust) in the place of the alleged beds. Strongly compacted, non-permeable earth - an obstacle to the normal development of carrots. For the soil to settle, it was ideal for planting, prepare beds in autumn - dig them (about 20 cm deep), and in spring, repeat this action about two weeks before sowing seeds.
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  2. Unsuitable fertilizers are quite common mistake gardeners. Carrots can not be filled with fresh manure or not ripe with humus. On a larger scale, the organic is good for tomatoes, onions, cucumbers or potatoes, but not for carrots. However, even for these crops, organic fertilizing should not be fresh, it is better that they properly "stand up perepreli. Lime fertilizers, as well as wood ash, can not be brought before the sowing. Potassium top dressing such as dolomite flour, potassium chloride or potassium salt is also not strongly recommended.
  3. Damage to the root at the initial stage of root development is a common cause of curvature, the appearance of multiple "tails". It is desirable to find out the cause of this phenomenon. The first is too long germination of seeds, when the roots have already appeared in the light, but have been damaged by their penetration. The second is the drying of the soil at the most critical stage of growth. This time before the appearance of the first sprouts, the first weeks of cultivation, when the regular moistening of the soil is required - when the soil is not moist enough, the tender roots are dying off. The third - mechanical damage to the roots with coarse thinning of the sprouts, a similar result will be observed with delayed thinning. When the shoots have the first two leaves, you need to hurry - first water, and then remove excess sprouts. The second stage of thinning is about 20 days later, when the ground portion of the carrot grows to 10 cm. The distance between carrots should be about 6-8 cm, it depends on the shape, type of carrots (size).
  4. Intervention of pests - a carrot fly or earth carcass (a bear).
  5. Another reason why carrots are clumsy is the low pH of the soil (too acidic soil).

Do not forget to loosen the land of inter-rows, in time to properly water it (do not allow the soil to dry out). If the amount of moisture is insufficient (superficial), the top of the carrot, which will receive water, will become wide, and the tail will remain underdeveloped, or in general there will be several - short, curved.

Deformed root crops, multiple "tails" photo:

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How often to water carrots in the open ground?

Watering this culture needs to be competently, especially important are the first weeks after seeding. In addition to curving, the appearance of multiple tails, if the approach to the wrong approach is taken root can grow hairy.Hairs appear on the surface of the carrot from lack of moisture or oxygen. Carrot is looking for the necessary water for development in the soil, trying to do it with the help of "antennae." The same happens when the soil is solid, where there is no air flow.

Carrots should be planted only on sunny areas. To prevent evaporation of moisture, immediately after you have sown the seeds, cover the beds with polyethylene. When the first shoots appear, remove the oilcloth or replace it with a non-woven covering material. Even in the early stages, the soil should be regularly loosened, watered, the moisture should impregnate the soil to a depth of about 20-25 cm.

It is not necessary to fill the beds with water every day, quality saturation with moisture a couple of times a week will be enough. If you do not often go to the dacha, ensure the quality watering of carrots the first month, then, when the root vegetables gain strength, it can be done much less often. Gradually watering must be minimized, and already grown carrots can not be watered even when drought.

Mustache in carrot, photo:

Due to the excessive moistening of the soil of truck farmers, one more carrot attack may be trapped - cracking of root crops. To prevent this from happening, do not pull the carrots out of the ground immediately after a generous watering or shower. Wait until the soil dries, and then start harvesting. Cracked carrots are also not suitable for storage, and use it is not very nice. This phenomenon is often observed in the summer, when the soil first dries up from the July heat, and then, after rain, the root crop actively absorbs moisture. It even happens that the carrots crack right in their hands, immediately after removing it from the ground.

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How to feed carrots?

To the formation of curves or too small roots can lead not only to the density of the soil, but also the lack of fertilizers, timely feeding. In addition, it is recommended to periodically change the place of beds, sow carrots where tomatoes, cucumbers or onions with garlic used to grow earlier. In the autumn preparation of beds for carrots, the addition of superphosphate will be superfluous.

The lack of organic fertilizers can affect the size of carrots - it will be shallow. To prevent this from happening, at the initial stage, while the root crop does not begin to form, add nitrogen fertilizing. You can also use double superphosphate (there is also a percentage of nitrogen), urea (carbamide). Somewhere in the middle of July, introduce phosphorus and potassium additives.


One of the best fertilizers during the set of roots is barium and manganese, and to make the carrots taste good, apply boron fertilizers (for example, Organo Bor). Everything should be in moderation - carefully read the instructions for the use of additives, consult more experienced farmers. An overdose of top dressing, for example, nitric, can also lead to the cracking of root crops.

To ensure that your carrots were not "wooden bitter, phosphoric-potash top dressing should be mandatory. The appearance of bitterness is also affected by the bare "shoulders" of root crops sticking out of the ground. When thinning and weeding, make sure that the root crop is securely covered with soil, so that the top of the carrot does not turn green in the sun, it will not be bitter. If you still decide to feed root crops with organic fertilizers, then keep in mind that a dilute chicken litter can water only row spacing, but not beds. Infusion of litter (1/10 water) is additionally diluted with water 1 to 10. The same goes for slurry.

Carefully select seed, take care of the soil, saturate it with necessary fertilizing in time. Competently watered, timely thinned, in time collect the rumpled carrots. Watering is best done early in the morning or after sunset. By the way, when watering, splashes of water should not fall on the tops! Now you know why carrots are clumsy and horny grows, if you take note of the above information, your harvest will never happen.

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Reviews and Advices for Truckers


1. In the first year after harvesting, you can sow the siderates (mustard, fecelia or fenugreek) so that the soil gets its food and "bedspread" in the winter. Then from the spring of next year you will not recognize your site. The soil in the beds will breathe, it will become light and soft, and you will forget what a "bearded" carrot is.

Marina Vladimirovna Protasova,
Kursk Region, pos. Pryamitsyno

2. Carrot is one of those exceptions that does not tolerate manure, even introduced last year. Excess humus and pebbles in the soil - the main cause of deformation of root crops.

http://chudo-ogorod.ru/forum/viewtopic.ph? = 37 & amp; = 579 & amp; id = 7169c1fcbbbd1d866b76a7133537a776 & amp; tart = 10


3. With a carrot a lot of problems. a). Qualitatively sow is generally PPC. Ideally, you need 40-50 observations per 1 m of the series. b). The landing scheme. I liked the 2-row - 60-70 inter-row. at). Between 2 rows of 25-35 cm. While it is not strange to have less clumsy root crops. Looks out for competition goes deep. If sowing is very seldom, then only the fodder grows forage.

http://forum.vinograd.info/showthread.ph? = 777 & amp; ighlight =% EC% EE% F0% EA% EE% E2% FC +% E1% EE% EB% E5% E7% ED% E8 & amp; age = 113

4. I will be happy if anyone suits. Whatever was the "carrot-slingshot watering should be done strictly on trenches, row spacing. As soon as the carrot has risen, we have pierced it. Immediately they took her back. And here on these trenches it is necessary to produce watering. Watering to produce abundant, not falling at the same time on the mounds with carrots. Thinning, every 4 cm, leave one. What would be more economical with seeds, pinch sowing every 4 cm. I hope I understood clearly.

http://forum.vinograd.info/showthread.ph? = 777 & amp; ighlight =% EC% EE% F0% EA% EE% E2% FC +% E1% EE% EB% E5% E7% ED% E8 & amp; age = 113

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