Glasperlen sterilization method. How to use a glasperlene sterilizer? – Setafi


Personal hygiene is the responsibility of every person, and at the same time a private matter. But when you are in a nail salon or a beauty studio, then the problem of maintaining hygiene is a matter of public importance. One of the great ways to order and cleanliness is the Glasperlen sterilization method, which we will talk about in this article.

The content of the article

  • Glasperlen sterilization method - what is it
  • How to use a glasperlene sterilizer
  • Instructions for working with glasperlene sterilizer for manicure instruments

Glasperlen sterilization method - what is it

Glasperlene sterilization is the use of a small device for processing hairdressing tools based on the work of special balls. It is a small device with glass beads inside. The creation of a clean environment is carried out by heating the balls under high temperature (in the range from 150 to 250 Celsius).

The people still meet the name "quartz sterilizer", which directly refers to the glasperlen method. The thing is that quartz material is used for the production of balls. It works great under high temperatures without losing its strength.

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The device works as the third and final stage of equipment sterilization. It is considered the most controversial and controversial among all disinfectants today.

Key Features of Glasperlen Sterilization Instrument:

  1. The device cannot completely process the surface of the tools, since it simply does not have enough height to load the same scissors. It directly contradicts sanitary norms. Only small blades or cutters can be fully loaded, and you need to pull them out with tweezers. It is also forbidden to use objects with locks or deep channels in the sterilizer.
  2. After applying sterilization, the instrument must be used immediately - for long-term storage, the processing method does not work.
  3. The result of the work is not confirmed by anything. For example, in dry heat, a special indicator is placed along with the devices. Glasperlene does not have any guarantee that the hairdressing tool has been completely disinfected.
  4. Each of the models of the sterilizing machine must have a license and certificate from the authorized bodies of the state. This is necessary to use the device legally, this confirms its effectiveness.
  5. The use of treatment with balls can be regarded as a violation by the sanitary inspection. It is better to stock up on another method of sterilization or contact higher authorities for recommendations: can you use such a device in your salon or not.

How to use a glasperlene sterilizer


Caring for manicure tools at home and for a professional in the salon are two different things. At least, for example, by the number of people served per working day. In such a large number of people, some kind of virus or infection can always get in. And in most cases, the client does not even know that he is a carrier of the “disease”. Our task is to reduce to the maximum the possibility of obtaining harmful bacteria and fungi on the instruments through mandatory sanitary procedures:

  • disinfection - complete elimination of malignant formations on metal surfaces. Here we will use glasperlen sterilization as one of the methods;
  • cleaning equipment before sterilization - the process is no less mandatory than the sterilization procedure itself. It is understood that before installing scissors and nail files in a container, they must be additionally processed;
  • sterilization – at this stage, all viruses and bacteria that have accumulated during the service to the client are removed. And it doesn't matter if he came with a certificate from a dermatologist or not;
  • third party processing - this includes everything that does not concern the toolbox. Without the processing of the hands of the master, the workplace, cleaning the floors and glasses, you can’t get anywhere in a high-quality beauty salon.

The quartz method is used not only in the field of beauty, but also in medicine. With the help of the ball sterilization method, the object seems to go through the “quartzization” stage: under the influence of huge temperatures, all the contents warm up, and all bacteria and fungi are eliminated.

Instructions for working with glasperlene sterilizer for manicure instruments

If you are using the instrument for the first time, we strongly recommend that you read the instructions for the Glasperlen Sterilizer. It contains enough rules for the full operation of the device. We will consider the stages of sterilization in a ball machine.

Step by step equipment processing method:

  1. Pour the quartz balls into the container before switching on.
  2. Plug the device into a 220 V network.
  3. Close the lid and turn on the device.
  4. Look in the instructions for how long the balls should warm up, and note the time. Also, the readiness of work can be signaled by a change in the color of the indicator (if there is one on the typewriter).
  5. Open the container and place the tools with the working side down. They must not touch the surfaces and walls of the sterilizer. If you place cutters, then "help" them climb with tweezers. The balls should only come into contact with the cutting part, without touching the handles (the plastic ones can simply melt during processing).
  6. According to the instructions, leave the devices for the allotted time inside the balls.
  7. Immediately after this, use the devices for their intended purpose, otherwise the effect will be completely lost in half an hour.

Do you use a glasperlene sterilizer? How does it perform in your salon, or have you not tested it for effectiveness, but just use it on a daily basis? Tell us about your experience in the comments, it's extremely interesting!

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