Dismantling the unit system with their own hands

To carry out the dismantling of split-systems independently find out the mechanism of the equipment. Similar processes, the actions are reversed. Starting procedures of the indoor unit - disassembly ends. Read on the secrets of the master installation of split systems.

How to install a split system reverse dismantling

Air Conditioning unpack, shall be verified dotted with figures nameplates, panel mounted on the wall in the room. The indoor unit preferably mounted on the upper border of - no fear least raise the bottom, to reach the uncoupling of communication nodes.

  • The unit is hung on the wall, the workers (not connected) are looking for a way of communication. The walls are full of holes drill Forstner, will shape the future of communication in the cable channel. The communication corridors go at right angles to the wall, go to the outdoor unit on the other side. Done to preserve the aesthetics.
  • Place in the outdoor unit is chosen no further 5 meters of internal stuff translates into the category of non-standard installation - adds value to the payment. Most outdoor unit is hung on brackets. The penultimate step - remove the equipment from the street. Sometimes it causes high altitude - to risk your life for a measly $ 150 would not be desirable.
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  • The third step: those twisted tubes, hoses. Communications installation are connected inside. On the reverse side of the block on the bottom edge of the recess is: based on three communications. Thin copper tube inlet, enters the cooled chlorofluorocarbon intake heat coil and evaporated. By thick copper tube freon goes back to the compressor, creating a vacuum. The hose is needed to drain the fluid, bend when installing, be careful not to start up the unit. Securing communications
  • The last communication attached to the outdoor unit. Note: Freon is inside the air conditioner, in the outer block. Tube gently connected (not possible to mix) each to its port. Nuts twist.
  • We spend vacuuming. Need compressor drawing in air. Hem to the service connector header for the left tube (valves closed). Connect the vacuum pump hose to the middle (valves closed). Open the left valve manifold includes a pump. Arrow begins to creep slowly down. Reaches zero - in a vacuum. Let the instrument work for a while - remove air from the guarantee (within the evaporator should be given to empty).
  • Collector need to undock: if you believe in the sufficiency of Freon in for the normal operation of a split system. Otherwise, you will need to attach to refuel. Hose service has a certain volume, the master evacuated before the measurements. It should open the valves of the outdoor unit - Freon rush into the liner pipe. power connection
  • Connect the power supply. First, we are conducting an external cable assembly. Anyway, where to start: from the outside, from the inside. Find a shield (sometimes under three phases), according to the notation install wiring. Often colored cable, make a photo, write. On the other side of the split-system do the same. Do not forget about grounding to avoid accidents.
  • Time to open the valves. Nozzles, which cling to the outer liner block, angular. With the end of the cover - plugs. Unscrew the wrench can be an adjustable. Below them are hexagonal holes, like a folding bike Soviet production. Buy a set of the necessary keys. First it unwinds thick tube, then the second.
  • The process came to an end. Sufficiency freon is determined by a temperature drop in the flanges at the exit site (only released at one end). When checking the manifold is connected, measures the pressure. Typical numbers 8 - 9 atm. Indications depend on the ambient temperature.

Dismantling the unit system

Dismantling the unit system is carried out in reverse order. About dismantle the outdoor unit:

Removing the outdoor unit

  1. We do not touch electrician check the grounding. No grounding - clings carried zero phase outlet (no voltage) at one end, for housing the other external unit. The risk of an accident is reduced.
  2. To begin, remove the freon from the circuit. Connect collector - will lose a bit of freon. Not good at all. Closing the outlet valve of the external unit, on a thin tube.
  3. Run split system cooling. The compressor starts, pumping Freon. Starts to build up on the condenser. Gradually indoor unit emptied, freed copper tube. Missing a minute - there is no way to measure! Some air conditioners cunning techniques freon pressure. Try to look through the error codes. Air conditioning will refuse to work with a closed valve, if the fault is not - connect the unit directly to an external power source. We do not rule: there is a code to indicate the adequacy of evacuation. The service center will not tell.
  4. Freon been driven in the outdoor unit. After removing the cap, pull crane on a thin tube, a thick pipe tighten, turn off the device. wiring dismantling
  5. Pull out the plug. Engage in communications. Anyway, which side to start. Dismantle the wiring is carried out together with the refrigerant circuit. Relatively streets - the line is in sight. From the inside looking for space connectors indoor unit, raised from the wall without removing the mounting plate. Unscrewed the copper tubes, hoses strapped tape. Undock, carefully rewind the bay at least 60 cm in diameter. From the outside, too, the hose will hang in the air. Look at the place to establish a better communication through walls.
  6. It is better to do the outdoor unit. External power is hanging at a level above the second floor - take a lot of trouble. Even the fear of heights on the third does not play a big role, drop out will provide the hospital for an indefinite period. Be sure to check the instructions on the weight of the object. The box weighs twenty kilograms - man will draw without any problems. People cause climbers - Leaky wall dowel-nails (anchors) mount brackets removed.

Other steps are obvious. Everyone can remove the indoor unit, dismantle the bearing bracket, drag the unit to the site of a new home. It is better to use the original packaging, do not forget to check nameplates.

We would like to thank the enthusiastic guess shoot video. Speculation tested on materials obtained by means of cameras. We consider the review as an explanation to the material on YouTube.

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