What you need to know about the construction of frame houses? – Setafi

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How to get a beautiful, warm and cozy cottage in a matter of months, and even keep within a small amount? This is possible if it is built from modern materials using prefabricated Canadian technology. Buy a prefabricated house with a plot offers the Wayhome company, which provides professional services for the construction of country houses and cottages. The company guarantees that the built house will be designed taking into account all the wishes and requirements of customers as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Frame houses and cottages are prefabricated structures. The supporting base is a wooden or metal frame, and wall panels made of chipboard, heat and vapor barrier materials are used as enclosing elements. The assembly of such a building takes about 8 weeks, and the cost of it is several times less than when building a brick or monolithic house.

The content of the article

  • Profitability and high speed of construction
  • High heat and noise insulation properties
  • Aesthetic appeal

Profitability and high speed of construction

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Country frame houses are very light structures, for which a lightweight foundation is quite enough. Cottages have high seismic resistance and can be built on moving, soft ground. The assembly technology is such that construction is possible at any time of the year, it does not require the use of heavy and costly special equipment and does not damage the landscape of the site.

High heat and noise insulation properties

Due to the use of modern heaters in the enclosing structures, prefabricated buildings have high heat and sound insulation characteristics. Cottages easily warm up and reliably store heat, despite the small thickness of the walls. They are not afraid of temperature changes, frost, wind and precipitation.

Aesthetic appeal

When erecting turnkey frame cottages, you can use almost any finishing materials, both for external cladding and for interior work. At the same time, all communications are easily masked inside the walls themselves. Houses do not shrink, if necessary, they are easy to complete and expand, and you can start fine repairs immediately after the completion of construction work.

Frame housing construction is the cheapest technology for the construction of country houses today. Even with the use of expensive modern thermal insulation, the cost of building a prefabricated structure on a lightweight foundation is much less than that of brick, concrete and even wooden buildings the same area. At the same time, a prefabricated house is economical in operation - current costs for heating and air conditioning are low.

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