How to remove the stain of coffee: 14 methods

Traces of coffee can be derived in several ways.
Traces of coffee can be derived in several ways.

Sometimes coffee lovers, in addition to the invigorating effect of a hot drink, also get a coffee stain on jeans, a blouse and other clothes. I know how to remove the stain of coffee with their own hands and without much effort. I hasten to tell you all the secrets.

Effective methods

To remove the stain from coffee and other hot drinks at first glance seems like a very difficult task. But, knowing a few tricks, you can cope with this problem by simple means.

11 ways to remove coffee marks

The instructions presented in the table will tell you how and how to remove coffee stains on clothes:

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Picture Recommendations
table_pic_att14939216601 Method 1. Ammonia + turpentine
  1. Mix 1 scoop of ammonia with 1 spoon of turpentine;
  2. Using a cotton pad dipped in liquid, treat the contaminated area;
  3. Leave on for 1 hour so that the solution can soak and be able to remove the coffee from the clothes;
  4. Finally, wash with soap.
table_pic_att14939216612 Method 2 Glycerin + salt
  1. Make a mush from these ingredients (1 to 1);
  2. Apply the mixture to the desired area;
  3. At the end, remove leftovers and wash clothes.
table_pic_att14939216623 Method 3 Boiling water + soap solution
  1. Moisten well in the right place in a simple soap solution (1 cap of liquid soap per beaker of water);
  2. Boil the kettle and pour a thin stream of hot water into the desired area until it dissolves.

This method is applicable only to flax products.

table_pic_att14939216624 Method 4. Salve

The process of removing stains with ammonia is very simple: dilute 1 spoon of alcohol in a glass of water and wipe the desired area.

In the end, rinse the item in soapy water.

table_pic_att14939216645 Method 5. Glycerol

Glycerin can remove contamination from a white product. Heat the product and apply to the desired area.

After half an hour, rinse the glycerin with cold water.

table_pic_att14939216676 Method 6. Soap solution + ammonia
  1. Mix 3 tablespoons of liquid detergent with 7 tablespoons of sal ammoniac in half a glass of water;
  2. Handle contamination and wash the item as usual.

This method is great for woolen and silk products.

table_pic_att14939216677 Method 7. Ammonia + glycerin
  1. Mix in a small container, one teaspoonful of water, glycerin and ammonia;
  2. Using a cotton swab dipped in a solution, wipe the desired area;
  3. Rinse off residues with hot water.

This method can even remove the old coffee stain from clothes.

table_pic_att14939216688 Method 8. Vinegar + soda

Prepare a thick gruel of these ingredients. Rub it in pollution and after 10 minutes rinse in warm water.

This method is not suitable for bright things.

table_pic_att14939216689 Method 9. Soda Ash + Laundry Powder
  1. Take ½ h. l soda per liter of water, mix well;
  2. In another container, stir 1 scoop of laundry detergent in the same amount of water;
  3. Dip the thing first in the 1st solution, then in the second;
  4. At the end, rinse the residue in clean water.

The price of soda ash is approximately equal to the cost of baking, so it will not hit the pocket.

table_pic_att149392166910 Method 10. Alcohol

Rinse your clothes in a weak solution of ethyl (1 tbsp. l on 2 glasses of water). Then wash as usual.

This method effectively removes coffee traces from synthetic fabrics.

If you want to remove the stain on the carpet of coffeeact like that:

  1. Blot the spilled drink with a paper napkin;
  2. Mix ½ cap of shampoo in a liter of water at room temperature;
To get rid of coffee stains on the carpet, you can apply a special shampoo for carpets.
To get rid of coffee stains on the carpet, you can apply a special shampoo for carpets.
  1. Dampen a light-colored flap in the resulting solution and place it on the stained area of ​​the carpet. If the product has a thick foam, you can rub it into the fibers using a foam sponge (example in the photo below);
Processing the necessary area, try not to go beyond its edges.
Processing the necessary area, try not to go beyond its edges.
  1. Leave the product for 15 minutes, and then remove the residue with a clean, damp cloth;
  2. Next, get rid of excess moisture with paper napkins and leave the carpet to dry completely.

The sooner you find a stain and begin to process it, the more likely it is to return the carpet to its original appearance.

3 ways to remove traces of chocolate and cocoa

How to save things soiled in hot chocolate or cocoa? There are simple methods:

Picture Recommendations
table_pic_att149392167613 Method 1. Salty water

Stir 1 tbsp. l coarse salt in a glass of water and wipe the desired area. At the end, be sure to wash the clothes in the usual way.

table_pic_att149392167714 Method 2 Hydrogen peroxide

Liberally saturate the fabric with hydrogen peroxide and leave to soak for half an hour. Then thoroughly rinse the product in cool water.

table_pic_att149392167815 Method 3 Warm glycerin

Heat some glycerin to 30-40 ° C. Apply the product to the desired area and after 15 minutes, rinse the item in cold water.


We found that to remove the traces of coffee and other hot drinks can be tools that are at hand. The main thing to remember is one rule - the sooner the cleaning is started, the better the result will be. The video in this article will convince you of this again. In the comments, share your secrets and leave questions.

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