How to clean a suede jacket at home: 11 recipes and 3 main tips

My favorite suede jacket eventually lost its neat look. I quickly corrected the situation, because I know what to do in these cases. I want to share with you how to clean your suede jacket at home.

Suede - fastidious material, but regular and proper care will prolong its beauty.
Suede - fastidious material, but regular and proper care will prolong its beauty.

Suede jacket cleaning

In order for the product not to lose its original appearance, it is necessary to know how to clean the suede jacket and how to wash its collar. This can be done with the help of improvised tools that can be found in any home.

To care for the jacket, you can independently prepare cleaning products, the price of which will be minimal
To care for the jacket, you can independently prepare cleaning products, the price of which will be minimal

Remove stains and grease: 8 funds

There are a few simple recipes for suede cleaning that cope with minor soiling and scuffs on the product:

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Picture Instruction
srcset = " Option 1. Office eraser

If the jacket is dirty, the easiest school eraser will come to the rescue.

Just treat them to the damaged areas, as if erasing traces of a pencil from paper.

srcset = " Option 2. Ammonia

Dilute 5 drops of ammonia in a glass of water or skim milk.

Rinse damaged areas and rinse them with water.

srcset = " Option 3. Petrol

Remove fat stains can be using purified gasoline (enough for one teaspoon).

Lubricate them with contamination, then rinse with clean water. Repeat the procedure several times until the spot disappears completely.

srcset = " Option 4. Talc or starch

Another tool that will help remove the stain on a suede jacket.

Dust the damaged area with powder, wait until the composition is absorbed into the material. Then remove the residue of talc or starch with a stiff brush.

srcset = " Option 5. Steam

To remove light spots on suede, you can use a steam cleaner or a regular kettle.

Hold the product over the steam for a few minutes and then brush the suede with a rubber brush.

srcset = " Option 6. Vinegar

To rid the suede jacket from the dirt, dilute the vinegar in the water.

Dip a cotton swab or tissue into the solution and walk them over the surface of the product.

This method is good because it is perfect for a jacket of any color.

srcset = " Option 7. Salt

Cleaning the jacket from fresh contamination can be done with salt.

Powder the stain thoroughly with it and leave for two hours. Then remove the remaining salt with a brush.

srcset = " Option 8. Hydrogen peroxide

Dissolve a tablespoon of peroxide in a quarter glass of water.

In the resulting liquid wet the sponge and process it material.

Collar cleaning: 3 ways

When processing suede jackets, special attention should be paid to the collar. I will describe three methods of cleaning that will return the original appearance to the material.

Picture Instruction
srcset = " Method 1. Steam
  • Remove all greasy areas on the collar with a steam cleaner (example in the photo).
  • Scrub the collar with a stiff brush, thereby removing the fat layer.
  • Treat contaminated places with a damp cloth.
  • Rinse material with warm water.
  • Wipe the collar with a dry cloth.
srcset = " Method 2 Talc and Starch
  • Mix both components and sprinkle the collar with the mixture.
  • Leave the powder mixture for an hour.
  • Remove the rest of the powder with a brush.
srcset = " Method 3. Coffee grounds
  • Apply the remnants of coffee grounds to contaminated places.
  • Wait an hour.
  • Using a stiff brush, remove the mixture from the material.

If you are not interested in the answer to the question of how to dye a suede jacket at home, then you should not use this method on light products. But for dark jackets, it is suitable.

Useful tips

With the removal of stains figured out, it's time to tell you how to wash a suede jacket at home and how to care for it after that:

Picture Recommendations
srcset = " Tip 1. Washing.

Natural suede can be easily washed in a washing machine.

To do this, select the delicate mode without pressing and a temperature of 30 ° C.

In the process, use a highly soluble powder.

srcset = " Tip 2. Drying.

The suede jacket should dry on coat hanger at room temperature at 20–25 ° C.

srcset = " Tip 3. Soften the material.

Acetic solution will help soften suede after washing.

Spray it over the surface of the jacket through a spray bottle. And also for these purposes you can use a weak solution of glycerin.

After proper processing, the material will not only become softer, but the question of how to iron the suede will lose its relevance.


Cleaning suede at home is a doable exercise. If you stick to my advice, you can personally verify this.

Be sure to watch the video in this article, in it there are clear instructions on how to care for suede products. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments, in the same place you can share your own experience in suede cleaning.

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