We learn how to choose a dry closet for a summer residence. Rating of liquid dry closets for summer cottages - Setafi

It is not very difficult to figure out how to choose a dry closet for a summer residence. If the device is on the street, you can choose an inexpensive peat model. If you intend to use it indoors, it is easier to use a chemical toilet. The main selection criteria and the rating of the best devices are described in this article.

The content of the article

  • Types of dry closets
    • Peat (compost)
    • Electrical
    • Chemical (liquid)
  • Main selection criteria
  • The best liquid toilets

Types of dry closets

Before you understand how to choose a dry closet, you need to understand the main types of these devices. In total there are 3 types - peat (compost), electrical and chemical. Each has its own characteristics, pros and cons.

Peat (compost)

If we talk about which dry closet is better for the dacha in terms of price, it is peat that will come out on top. The principle of operation is quite simple - waste products fall into a container with peat and are composted there, i.e. are converted into fertilizer. After 8-12 months, they can be used as a top dressing for various plants.

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Peat dry closets

Such devices are as cheap as possible, so they are in great demand. The toilet has a ventilation pipe, which makes it possible to quickly remove moisture. However, odors are not completely eliminated. In addition, there is no flush as such. Therefore, if you talk about which dry closet is better than peat or liquid, you can definitely choose the second option.


In the rating of dry closets, electric-type devices consistently occupy one of the highest positions. They separate waste into liquid and solid. The first fall into a separate container, passing through the drainage tube. The fecal masses enter a special chamber, where they are burned or dried, losing a significant part of the volume (50-70%). This is due to the ventilation system.

Electric dry closet

Such devices work quite effectively. However, they require an electrical connection and are more expensive than peat. Therefore, the review of dry closets includes other types, for example, chemical ones.

Chemical (liquid)

This is one of the best devices in which waste is processed as a result of chemical reactions. The choice of dry closets of the chemical type is associated with effective chemicals that not only break down feces, but also disinfect them. Waste enters the collector, from where it is washed off with water, as in a stationary toilet.

Then they fall into the tank from below, where they are processed with special substances. As a rule, bacteria and other microorganisms are used as preparations. At the same time, the collection container is completely closed, which ensures 100% tightness. Thanks to this, there is no unpleasant odor and leakage.

Chemical dry closet

Depending on the size and purpose, the choice of a dry closet for a summer residence is reduced to 2 types:

  1. Portable (can be carried).
  2. Cassette (stationary).

Portable ones can be used even in residential areas, i.e. put in a corridor or a special room. They perfectly kill odors and provide complete safety.

There are also such types of dry closets for summer cottages as cassette. They are a conventional toilet bowl with a container at the bottom (tank), where waste flows. This is where the disinfectant comes in. Flushing is carried out thanks to the built-in pump of bellows, piston or electric type.

Main selection criteria

There are several ways to choose a dry closet for a private home. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this - you just need to take into account the peculiarities of your situation. The main criteria are:

  1. If the toilet will be located indoors, and not on the street, a dry closet without smell and pumping is definitely needed. It is clear that a peat device will not work. In such cases, it is better to buy an electric toilet.
  2. Considering the top dry closets, you should take into account the volume of the waste collection tank. If used for 1-2 people, 50-60 liters is enough. In this regard, a dry closet with a peat device for a summer residence is quite suitable. But if you plan to live with a family, it is better to consider containers with a volume of up to 100 liters or more.
  3. It should be understood that large tanks with a volume of 80-100 liters must be emptied at least once a month. Moreover, if the toilet is peat, you will have to constantly import filler, and without your own car this is not easy.
  4. It is important to correctly calculate the size of the dry closet for a summer residence. If there are small children, it should be as low as possible. Elderly people, as well as limited in movement, on the contrary, it is better to choose devices higher.
  5. It also happens that you often have to move from place to place, for example, traveling by car. Then it is clear how to choose the right dry closet for a summer residence. A portable handheld device will do. You can also consider electric models that are recharged from the cigarette lighter.
  6. Most often, the best liquid dry closet is bought at the dacha. It does a great job of capturing odors. But in order for the device to work really effectively, it is necessary to choose the right liquid. It is recommended to use drugs containing live bacteria or ammonium compounds. There are also cheap formaldehyde liquids, but they can only be drained into the central sewer (not allowed into the soil).
  7. If we consider a stationary device for a dacha for permanent use, there is no doubt that it is better - a peat or chemical dry closet. In fact, the latter option prevents the spread of odors much better and is also more environmentally friendly.

The best liquid toilets

Having studied everything about dry closets for summer cottages, you can consider several liquid (chemical) devices that are the best in terms of price and quality. The current rating, taking into account the characteristics of devices, as well as user reviews, looks like this:

  1. Thetford Porta Potti Qube 365 - clearly demonstrates whether it is worth choosing a dry closet peat or liquid. It weighs a little over 4 kg, while the volume of the upper tank is 15 liters, and the lower one is 21 liters. A universal model that can be used in any place where there is no central sewerage.Thetford Porta Potti Qube 365
  2. Dometic 972 - Another variant of the chemical variety of dry closets. Very functional, portable, can withstand any load up to 250 kg. Easy to carry from place to place, portable. The upper and lower tanks are approximately the same volume - respectively 9 and 10 liters. Equipped with a push-button drain system and an indicator showing that the containers are full.Dometic 972
  3. SVITI 20 Luxe - Another option is how to choose a dry closet for odorless cottages. It has a waste collection tank with a volume of 20 liters. At the same time, the upper tank is equipped with a manual pump, which allows you to do up to 50 flushes, after which cleaning takes place. The lid and seat are quite sturdy and the build quality is good. Thanks to the damper, the penetration of unpleasant odors is completely excluded.SVITI 20 Luxe
  4. Thetford Porta Potti 165 Luxe - another liquid device with an upper (15 l) and lower (21 l) tank. Withstands heavy loads up to 250 kg, while weighing less than 4 kg. Equipped with a bellows-type pump, water flush, ensures complete tightness.Thetford Porta Potti 165 Luxe
  5. Bioforce Compact WC 12-20VD – quite capacious (upper tank 12 l, lower 20 l) and at the same time lightweight toilet (6 kg) with a seat height of 40 cm. One of the best models in terms of price and quality. The assembly is reliable, but you need to take into account the absence of a funnel, with which water is poured into the upper container. In a heated room, it is possible to operate a dry closet in winter and other seasons.Bioforce Compact WC 12-20VD

The rating of liquid dry closets for summer cottages includes the best models at a reasonable price. They are suitable both for use in one place and for transportation. Since liquid devices do not let in odors, they can be used not only on the street, but also in the house.

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