Why does the e3 error occur in the Gorenje washing machine? Ways to find a breakdown and fix it - Setafi

Error E3 in the Gorenje washing machine appears in situations where the water drain system fails. The easiest way to diagnose is to make sure that the pressure in the water supply is normal, inspect the hose, open the faucet, and clean the filter mesh. But it also happens that the reasons are related to electronics, and then you can’t do without the advice of an experienced specialist.

The content of the article

  • Reasons for the appearance
  • There is no water or it does not pass
  • Malfunctions of the inlet valve
  • Pressure switch failure

Reasons for the appearance

The Gorenje washing machine diagnoses the E3 error in different cases. They are mainly related to the fact that the operation of the drain hose or other elements is disrupted, although there may be other options. Among them, you can consider the most common:

  1. The Gorenie washing machine shows an E3 error if the water from the water supply does not flow well. In this case, the reason may not be related to the device itself. It is necessary to check whether the tap is open, whether there is sufficient pressure in the water supply. If everything is in order, it is recommended to inspect the hose for creases and kinks.
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  2. Error F3 of the Gorenje washing machine also appears due to failures that are associated with the parts responsible for draining. It happens, for example, that the tie-in to the sewer is not made correctly, and the water that entered the car immediately goes back into the pipe. Therefore, you will constantly hear how the liquid drains, but the water is not collected.
  3. If there is a leak, then the Gorenye washing machine will give error 7, and the process is not running, because the required amount of water is not being collected. You can verify this reason by seeing the leaked water next to the unit.
  4. If the display shows error F4 in the Gorenje or E3 washing machine, this may also be due to a situation such as the failure of the sensor, which determines the amount of liquid received. The device sends incorrect data to the control module, so the machine cannot start the washing process.
  5. Finally, there may be such a factor as a failure in the operation of the control module. Then the unit may freeze and even stop responding to commands or turn on.
Washing machine

Error E7 washing machine Burning, E3 and other common malfunctions can be fixed on their own if the cause is accurately determined. To do this, you need to focus both on the codes on the display and on external signs.

There is no water or it does not pass

When the Gorenje washing machine shows an F7 error, this often indicates water supply problems. To conduct an independent diagnosis, it is recommended to proceed as follows:

  1. Make sure there is water in the plumbing.
  2. Open the cold water supply valve to full.
  3. Remove the plug from the socket and turn off the water.
  4. If there is an error 03 of the Gorenye washing machine, you need to unscrew the water supply hose by loosening the clamps attached to the body.
  5. Clamp the filter using pliers or pliers, pull towards you.
  6. Clean the mesh with tweezers and rinse under strong water pressure.
  7. If this does not help well, dissolve 2 tablespoons of citric acid in a glass of water and pour the net for an hour.
  8. After that, all the details are put in place - the Gorenye washing machine will no longer show error 4.

Malfunctions of the inlet valve

There is another reason why the Burning washing machine shows error 3. It is connected to the intake valve. This is a small but important node, you can find it under the top cover (located next to the back panel).

After detection, it is necessary to check the part so that the Gorenje washing machine does not show the error F4 or E3. To do this, take a multimeter and act like this:

  1. Set up the device to measure resistance (in ohms).
  2. Attach probes to windings.
  3. See the number on the display. If the valve is single-coil, the value will be approximately 3.8 kOhm, if there are 2 or 3 coils, the number should be in the range of 2-4 kOhm.
  4. If the element is faulty, you need to take a picture of it to clarify the order of connecting different wires, and dismantle it.
  5. Then you need to put a new part, screwing it to the wall and then connecting all the necessary wires, focusing on the previously taken photo. After that, the Burning Washer will not show the E3 error.
Washer burning error E3

Pressure switch failure

Error codes for Gorenje washing machines clearly indicate the specific cause of the failure. In the case of E3, it is necessary to know not only the decryption, but also the features of its appearance. If this happened for the first time, most likely the pressure switch that controls the liquid level has broken. To check and repair it, proceed as follows:

  1. Remove the top cover.
  2. Next, you need to see the disk, from which there is a rather long tube towards the tank.
  3. They find a disk to which a long tube is attached to the tank.
  4. In order not to show the Gorenje washing machine error F3, this part must be removed.
  5. Purge and find a tube with a diameter corresponding to the fitting. It must be inserted into the appropriate slot.
  6. It is necessary to blow again weakly and listen for clicks. If yes, then the part is working, if not, it is broken.
  7. Next, you need to ring all the remaining contacts in resistance mode. If the reading fluctuates within a small range, this is normal.
  8. If there is no resistance, these are obvious malfunctions of the Gorenie washing machine. Then burned or damaged contacts are replaced with new ones.

But it also happens that all sensors work normally, there are no damaged areas. At the same time, the error code F7 Gorenje also appears on the display, then the failure is associated with the control board. Most likely, a failure is observed only on one triac, therefore, incorrect data on the liquid level are received, which is why the process does not start.

F7 Gorenje errors

Moreover, it may also turn out that the Gorenye washing machine does not turn on, freezes or all programs go astray. Then self-repair is not allowed, as it can lead to serious damage. If the Burning washing machine shows the F4 error and does not work correctly, it is better to call a wizard who can identify the exact cause of the failure and eliminate it.

Thus, the Gorenje washing machine may issue error 4 and other codes. In the case of the common E3, the cause is most often associated with different nodes responsible for draining. Step by step excluding these or other factors, you can detect a breakdown of a particular part and proceed to repair it.

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