The best compressor for the garage and home: how to choose, manufacturer rating - Setafi


Pneumatic equipment is often used for both industrial work and home use. They require compressed air, which is supplied through a valve, to achieve a certain pressure in the system. For such purposes, simply nowhere without a reliable compressor.

Such devices are produced by dozens of companies, which we will talk about in this article. We will also tell you which compressor to buy for the garage and its necessary characteristics.

The content of the article

  • Which compressor is better to buy for a garage - type of device
    • Piston compressors
    • screw system
  • How to choose a compressor for a garage - basic criteria for evaluating equipment
    • Pressure
    • Which compressor to choose for a garage - performance
    • Receiver volumes
  • Garage compressor rating - what to choose for everyday use

Which compressor is better to buy for a garage - type of device

There are really many types of such equipment. But at the heart of all is a specific drive that transmits torque to the design of the device, helping to generate compressed air and transfer it to the system.

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Torque can be transmitted both on the basis of an internal combustion engine and from an electric motor, which is more suitable for garage conditions. We will also talk about them in the framework of our article.

And according to the method of converting and compressing air, only 2 models are distinguished - piston or screw.

Piston compressors

Primitive equipment, easy to manage. The basis is the working cylinder, inside of which the piston system is located. Through the brass mechanism, a torque is created, which is transmitted by the shaft and a reciprocating movement of the piston is created. Several valves maintain the necessary air compression. When the exhaust cylinder expands, the intake valve opens and air is collected from the "outside", and when the bleed volume is reduced - the exhaust sleeve is activated and the ready air is transferred under pressure.

screw system

Here the opposite principle of compression is used. The main component is the "Archimedean screw", a pair of screws that move air as it is compressed. A similar procedure occurs when working with a manual meat grinder - the screw creates pressure, which is enough to cut through the products and release the finished result out.

How to choose a compressor for a garage - basic criteria for evaluating equipment


In this section, we will talk about the basic components of each pump: pressure, degree of performance and volume of the receiver. Without their calculation, your compressor is not something that will not pump air, but will not even turn on at startup. The choice of a compressor for a garage depends only on the following points:


A lot of mind to determine the performance indicator is not required here. For garage work, according to experienced users, 6 atmospheres are enough (in some cases you can meet not Atm, but BAR - these values ​​\u200b\u200bare unambiguous with each other) For spray guns, 4 bar. That is, when choosing, we focus on the average - 6 bar (atm).

Compressors with a receiver always have a pressure switch in the design, adjustable to a difference of 2 bar. Thus, for productive work we need: 6 + 2 = 8 bar. You can take more - it will not be worse from this.

Which compressor to choose for a garage - performance

A bit tricky setting for an inexperienced user. This is because most plants do not mark the working performance indicator, but "input", which are far from the actual marks.

The value is measured in liters per minute (mostly). That is, knowing this moment, you can understand how much you will receive the volume of compressed air at the outlet from the pump.

The values ​​are different for each pneumatic device. We recommend paying attention to devices with at least 600–800 l/min.

Receiver volumes

We need it not only as an additional supply of compressed air, but also as a pressure corrector to supply the necessary compression. Also, the receiver helps to cool the compressor and pauses in its operation, increasing the duration of operation.

The interesting thing is that the same manufacturer offers the same models, but with different receivers. This suggests that the volume of the tank affects not only the parameters of the purchased device, but also the output of compressed air as a result.

Garage compressor rating - what to choose for everyday use

If we talk about manufacturers, then there are more than a hundred, if not thousands, but the most popular are Abac, Fubag, Remeza (Aircast).

One of the “premium” and highest quality is Abac, whose models are produced in Italy and China.

Our selection of pumps is as follows:

  1. PATRIOT EURO 50/260;
  2. ZUBR ZKPM-440-50-R-2.2;
  3. Elitech KPM 200/24;
  4. Abac Montecarlo L30P 1129100037;
  5. Remeza SB 4/C-100 LB 30 A;
  6. Remeza SB 4/C-100 LB 75;
  7. FIAC AB 100-360A.

This is far from a “perfect” selection, because each parameter depends on how often and for what you will use your technique. You can share your experience of using this or that device in the comments!

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