Juicer for carrots and beets: which one to choose for home use? – Setafi

A juicer for carrots, beets and other hard raw materials must be powerful and reliable enough. Many modern models based on a screw or centrifugal mechanism meet these criteria. When choosing a specific device, you should pay attention to its technical characteristics and evaluate reliability based on the brand and customer reviews. These and other selection tips can be found in the material below.

The content of the article

  • Manual Models
  • Centrifugal models
  • Screw models
  • Main technical parameters
  • Overview of the best models

Manual Models

The easiest option is a manual juicer for carrots and beets. As the name implies, it is operated manually, that is, it does not work from the network. This has both pluses and minuses. On the one hand, you can use the unit anywhere, but on the other hand, it is very difficult to set it in motion.

In fact, a manual juicer for carrots and apples is an analogue of a meat grinder. The principle of its operation is associated with the rotation of a spiral screw, which is driven manually. Instructions on how to choose a similar carrot juicer are quite simple. The main requirement is the reliability of the parts and the body: it is desirable that they be made of stainless metal.

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But for vegetables, root crops, such an aggregate is ineffective. The fact is that a manual juicer for beets and carrots does not give much liquid. A significant part of the juice remains in the cake (it can be used in soups, casseroles). However, it takes a lot of effort to get it.

Centrifugal models

If you make a rating of the best juicers for carrots and beets, electric models with a centrifugal mechanism can lead it. In these devices, raw materials are ground on a grater with very small holes. After that, the working part rotates at high speed, so that the cake becomes almost dry. It can no longer be used in dishes. however, much more juice is obtained.

Efficiency depends on technical parameters. If you choose which juicer is best for carrots, you should consider models with high power. It should provide good rotation of the mechanism with a number of revolutions of at least 40 per minute.

The advantages of such devices include:

  • there is no need to make an effort;
  • electric carrot juicer is affordable;
  • unlike manual, it has a warranty service period;
  • work is fast and efficient (cake is squeezed out almost completely);
  • root crops are fed through a wide feed opening - they can be cut into pieces or even laid as a whole.

Although there are some downsides. Even the best carrot juicer is not without flaws:

  • the mechanism is quite noisy, it is not always comfortable;
  • periodically the engine and other parts break down;
  • The carrot juicer has metal elements with which the products come into contact, so the juice is not subject to long-term storage.

Screw models

There is also such a type as a screw juicer for beets and carrots. It is also similar to a meat grinder, since the basis is a spiral auger. But it is not driven manually, but with the help of an engine. A screw juicer for carrots, as a rule, has nozzles with ribs, due to which the pressing force on the pulp, and hence the amount of juice, increases.

There are also models with 2 screws - they are parallel to each other, but at the same time they rotate in different directions. As a result, even a small carrot juicer equipped with such a mechanism works as efficiently as possible.

Carrot Juicer

The obvious advantages of such models include:

  • lower noise level;
  • pulp gets into the juice;
  • the mechanism practically does not heat up;
  • the maximum amount of useful substances is preserved.

But there are also negative points. Even the best carrot juicer with a screw mechanism does not have a wide mouth. Therefore, carrots, beets and other types of raw materials have to be pre-cut. Other disadvantages are low speed and rather high cost compared to centrifugal and especially manual devices.

Main technical parameters

Juicer for pumpkin and carrots, as well as other vegetables and fruits, has several technical parameters. Before making a purchase, it is recommended to consider the following criteria:

  1. Power - if the device is equipped with a centrifugal mechanism, the figure is 400-800 watts. At the same time, even the best juicer for carrots and beets with an auger develops a power of 100-200 W, which is quite enough for home use. But it is worth remembering that the larger the parameter, the greater the speed of work.
  2. The volume of the container for the resulting juice and for the removal of cake. It usually ranges from 0.6-1 l, although there are models with 1.5 and even 2 liters. If you plan to get a lot of juice, you should choose them.
  3. A carrot juicer often comes in a plastic case. But it is better to purchase models made of stainless steel. They are more expensive, but much more reliable.
  4. If you buy a manual carrot juicer, there are not many options to choose from. But when purchasing a model with a centrifugal mechanism, you need to take into account the shape of the case. If it is cylindrical, the juice is squeezed out qualitatively, but the cake does not separate. If it is conical, the juice is squeezed out worse, but the cake is well discarded.
  5. The auger juicer produces carrot juice at a slow speed. Centrifugal works faster, but you need to know what the speed is. Often you can choose from 2 speeds, and sometimes from 5.
carrot juicer

Overview of the best models

Manufacturers produce different models, and choosing the best is not so easy. But if you study the technical specifications and real reviews, as well as take into account the optimal ratio of price and quality, you get the following rating:

  1. Polaris PEA 1031 - juicer for celery and carrots, as well as other vegetables, fruits. Equipped with a wide chute with a diameter of 65 mm, develops power up to 1000 watts. You can choose from 2 speeds, the motor will automatically shut off when overloaded. The device is reliable, the case is made of stainless steel.
  2. Kitfort with index KT-1104 - a screw device that allows you to get juice with the maximum amount of vitamins. The power of this carrot juicer is 240 W, while the number of revolutions per minute is from 60 to 70. It has a wide loading opening with a diameter of 7.6 cm.
  3. Scarlett Series SC-JE50S43 is a popular model that can be cited as an example when asked: "recommend a carrot juicer." It is equipped with the reliable screw mechanism rotating with a speed of 55 revolutions per minute. There is a convenient reverse function for quick cleaning of cake.
  4. Philips with designation HR1919 - a unit with a centrifugal mechanism, develops high power up to 1000 watts. It is possible to set 2 speeds, while the cake is collected in a separate container, and it is easy to remove it.
  5. Kelli with index KL-5091 develops power up to 1100 watts. This low cost carrot juicer is equipped with a 7.5cm wide filling opening and a large 1L juice container. The tank for collecting cake has the same volume. The body is made of steel for durability.
Carrot juicer.

Juicers designed to produce carrot juice are universal. They are suitable for any other raw materials, including berries and herbs. Modern models are quite reliable, they can be used to produce juice even in large volumes. Moreover, it is better to choose powerful devices that can easily process even hard root crops.

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