Water leakage, slow coffee delivery and other similar signs indicate a breakdown of the device. In such cases, it is necessary to disassemble the Delonghi coffee machine, determine the exact cause and carry out repairs. How to do it yourself at home is described in this material.
The content of the article
- The main causes and signs of breakdowns
- How to disassemble a coffee machine
The main causes and signs of breakdowns
Before understanding how to disassemble a Delonghi coffee machine, it is useful to study the main causes and signs by which a specific breakdown can be diagnosed. The most common cases include:
- Water flows from under the horn. This is due to the clogging of the ring with oils released from coffee, or the deposition of salts. The main reason is the violation of the shape of the ring, as well as clogging of the filter. The ring must be washed well, the filter must be cleaned, and the seal will have to be replaced with a new one.
- If water appears in the sump, this indicates clogging of the sealing ring with oils, a high degree of wear of the stuffing box, gasket. To solve the problem, you need to figure out how to disassemble the Delonghi coffee machine, clean clogged elements and, if necessary, remove scale.
- Water is not supplied at all - most often this is due to excess scale. It can also indicate a broken float. It is cleaned or changed. Clogged filters are also replaced, and before installation moistened with waterso that there is no air pocket.
- If coffee is not supplied, the breakdown may be caused by an air lock or a faulty float. Another factor is too finely ground coffee. In this case, follow the instructions on how to disassemble the coffee machine, remove the airlock and descale the surfaces.
- During grinding, extraneous sounds appear. This is due to a malfunction of the millstones or the ingress of foreign objects. Understanding how to fix a coffee machine, in this case, is quite simple. It is necessary to remove foreign objects, disassemble the device and clean the grinders from coffee oil.
- It also happens that the cappuccinatore does not work. Then it is necessary to clean the remaining fat from the milk pipe and remove scale.
- Finally, another very common case - the container overflowed with grounds. Then the device will start flashing, and do-it-yourself repair of the Delonghi coffee machine will be reduced only to emptying the container.
How to disassemble a coffee machine
To fix the problem yourself, you need to disassemble the machine. For this, 2 screwdrivers and bits of the T20N type are enough (it is called a hexagon with a pin). The sequence of actions is as follows:
- Remove the back cover by unscrewing the screws with a curly screwdriver.
- Slide the right and left side panels back and remove. To do this, pull down and sideways at the same time, as shown in the photo.
- Next, you can consider the internal structure of the machine. The marked elements fail most often, so they pay special attention.
- Next, you need to carefully look at the handle that regulates the grinding, and remember its position. It is pulled up with little effort.
- Unscrew 2 screws from the back side and raise the panel, as well as the container into which the grains are poured.
- Open the plastic latches and pull the entire panel back.
Further do-it-yourself Delonghi coffee machine repair comes down to these actions. Remove the top panel, after unscrewing all the screws on each side. Also disconnect the yellow wire that goes to the power button.
- Carefully inspect the car. The front surface consists of a half with a screen and a lower part. which, in turn, is divided into 2 more fragments. Both parts pull up and simultaneously towards themselves.
- Further it is clear how to disassemble the Delonghi nespresso coffee machine. The upper half is pulled in exactly the same way - i.e. up and towards you. After that, the board with buttons opens. It can be removed by first unscrewing the screws (4 are visible in the photo, one is not visible - it goes below).
- Remove the silver trim on the dispenser.
- Remove the frame by pulling it up (it moves on skids). You need to act very carefully.
- After removing the module with the dispenser, the cover is removed from it and the cause of the breakdown is determined. For example, the photo shows a brown spot next to the stiffener. It narrows the channel, which is why the drink was served more slowly than usual.
- After removing this contamination, the apparatus is assembled in the reverse order.
Thus, repairing a coffee machine with your own hands is not so difficult. Although you need to act carefully, because many parts are small and can fly off to the side. In addition, it is necessary to remember the sequence of actions and the position of the regulator so as not to confuse anything. If there is no certainty, it is better to entrust the repair to professionals.