How do you want to take a steam bath sometimes! To eat fish and drink beer... Don't you like it? Then you can simply improve your health: do not believe it, but the bath strengthens the cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of a heart attack by 20 percent!
But what to do when the bath is only in the country, but you want it here and now? That's right - choose an electric heater that can be installed even in an equipped room: even in a residential building, even on the second floor of a high-rise building. In our article, we will tell you how to make the right choice of an electric sauna heater.
The content of the article
How to choose an electric stove for a bath - a practical guide
- How many volts should be in the system
- Is it worth it to install a steam engine
- Type of heating system
What is the difference between a closed stove and an open one
- Features of the open model
- Which electric heater to choose for a sauna - closed type
How to choose an electric stove for a bath - a practical guide
How to choose a sauna heater - follow just a few criteria and get the desired installation:
- the volume of the room allocated for the steam room;
- the need to install a steam generator;
- heat supply setting.
Before buying a particular machine, you need to make a preliminary calculation of the electric sauna heater, namely, calculate the power of the electric heater. It is very simple to do this by taking the average data for a Russian bath.
If your open or closed heater will be installed in a room without additional heater, then heating one cubic meter of air will require a kilowatt of heater power for the sauna.
How many volts should be in the system
In ordinary houses or apartments, an outlet of more than 220 volts cannot be found. This option is enough for furnaces no more than 7 kW. You won't find the best electric heaters for saunas under 220 with more power. The whole truth lies in the fact that all companies are guided by future wiring that meets all the technical rules for standard houses. Tape heaters for a 7 kW sauna will work quietly with a room of 7 squares - it will fry so much that your ears will wither!
If you want to make a Finnish bath in an apartment, then the power will be quite enough, but this indicator may not be enough for the owner of a private house. Therefore, it is worth thinking in advance and drawing a line under 380 volts - three-phase.
Such a network already fully complies with the rating parameters of electric sauna heaters. Kamenki can work tirelessly for at least 6 hours, warming up a centner of stone. So, in order to complete the transition to three phases in the house, you will need:
- obtain permission to re-equip the power supply network;
- run a separate copper bus;
- if you are installing wiring in an apartment, then you should contact the meter in the entrance;
- install new energy consumption readers;
- counters for three phases are sealed.
For a country house, this can be done without any problems. With all this, the scope of work can reach right up to the dismantling of the wall and conducting a new grounding. The regulatory authorities will tell you what needs to be done for a high-quality installation of a 380 volt network.
You should be aware that laying a separate bus may be prohibited in the apartment. Therefore, go to your housing inspectorate in advance and ask if the system power of your house is enough to feed the 380 line.
Any dismantling ends with a repair, no matter how you spin and maintain the original appearance of your walls and floor. To switch a powerful device from the rating of electric sauna heaters, you will definitely need to lay a strong and thick cable.
Fans of tricks may like the versatile oven. It works with both 220 and 380 volts.. At the same time, all wiring produces more power on a standard system, since it is also intended for a three-phase power supply. If you are still thinking about which electric stove to choose for a sauna, take a closer look at this option.
Is it worth it to install a steam engine
A traditional bath should have a lot of steam. So spoke my grandfather, my father, and I will speak. But a dry Finnish candle does not give the effect of "watering a pebble with water." We have to look for an alternative - a steam generator.
Remember: this option is dangerous, because in a very hot room, a lot of emitted steam can only aggravate health, and not strengthen it. This is especially true of cores and patients with respiratory systems. When using a steam engine, there is no way to adjust the steam supply.
So how do you choose an electric sauna heater? We strongly recommend that you look at the option with a steam generator in the heater itself. It can work not only "dry", but also as a familiar Russian bath. You won’t get a lot of steam, but the atmosphere of a standard steam room will be provided.
An electric heater with a steam generation system makes superheated steam. It is almost invisible in the atmosphere. At the same time, some devices can even lower the temperature of the steam themselves so as not to harm human health.
Remember? To choose a model from the rating of electric sauna heaters, just look in the characteristics of each steam machine!
Type of heating system
To date, only such generators are installed in bath electric stoves:
- Conventional pipe. They do not work without loading stones, they are very cheap and often break.
- Tape. They can work without stone "weight" at all and emit 50 percent more heat than their pipe competitors.
How to choose an electric sauna heater? Look at the features of each type of heater. Tape allow you to save, but are more expensive. Such a system will be especially useful for those who cannot buy a universal model or install a 380 volt system, but want power.
What is the difference between a closed stove and an open one

In this section, we will consider the features of the main competitors in Finnish baths - open and closed burners.
Features of the open model
The stones in the equipment are located "in plain sight", on top of the heating elements. Strong cast iron stoves are equipped with such an apparatus for a bath, small in size. Since the cobblestones are at the top in close proximity to the fire, the heating of the bath is much faster than in other formats. For example, a room of 10 squares can receive visitors after half an hour. The difficulty is that the stones both warm up quickly and cool down quickly. To increase the heat in the room, cobblestones are poured with water from a ladle. Steam from such a system is scalding. The main thing for which they love the oven is the speed of heating and the simplicity of the design.
Which electric heater to choose for a sauna - closed type
"Closed" devices are much more complex in design. All stones are located inside the furnace itself. Heating occurs inside the device itself, so it takes several times longer to heat - 3-4 hours, at least.
But after a long fire, the bath is able to receive guests for at least half a day, and all without additional heating. A bucket of water is located near the furnace and gradually warms up, releasing steam at maximum temperatures, expanding in volume. Such steam is called “soft”, and it is great for beginners who are just mastering Russian traditions of strengthening health and spirit.
What oven do you use in your home? Tell our readers about your bathhouse in the comments!