Impact wrench: how to choose the most powerful and reliable - Setafi

Pneumatic wrench allows you to quickly tighten and unscrew the threaded connections. It works with compressed air, hence the name. Today, hundreds of different models of instruments are produced. And if you carefully study how to choose an impact wrench, you should take into account a few points. The main selection criteria are described in detail in the article.

The content of the article

  • Types of tools
  • Specifications
    • Max Torque
    • landing square
  • Extra options

Types of tools

Often, users are looking for the most powerful cordless impact wrench, although this indicator is not the most important. To make the right choice, you need to understand what types of modern devices are. First of all, all models can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Corner.1
  2. Direct.2

The easiest way to hold devices of the latter type. Outwardly, they resemble a pistol, a screwdriver, they lie well in the hand. They provide effective torque due to the parallelism of the axes of rotation of the motor and cartridge.

There are also 2 other types of tools:

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  1. Drums3
  2. Unstressed.4

The former work through a series of frequent strokes. Longer ones come first, and then short and powerful ones. As a result, the fastening is very reliable. Such devices are well suited for rusty joints, dismantling large bolts. They are the ones discussed in this article.

Hammerless devices are well suited for mounting and dismounting, if it does not require much effort. They also perform well when working with sensitive fasteners that require accurate and precise movements.

If we consider a cordless impact wrench, the rating of models, you need to take into account the type of impact mechanism. The most common are:

  1. Twin hammer - that is, a double hammer. It creates torque in impulses, not evenly. Good for intensive work.
  2. Rocking Dog - Delivers one strong hit, so it does best with medium loads.
  3. Single ratchel is a fairly simple ratchet mechanism. Suitable for the least intense load. Used in angle wrenches.


It is also important to determine what parameters the device has. The characteristics described below are of particular importance.

Max Torque

A reliable way to choose a wrench is to study the maximum torque, which is directly related to the power of the tool. It is measured in units of N * m, that is, Newton multiplied by a meter. Different models differ greatly in torque - the value lies in the range from 30 to 3000 N * m.

For domestic purposes, it is quite enough to use devices up to 1000 N * m. If it is supposed to work, including with large-sized fasteners, it is clear which wrench to choose. The tool must have a torque of at least 1500 Nm.

For tire fitting, installation of wheel disks, less powerful devices will be needed. Nevertheless, their torque should be at least 100 N * m, the optimal value is 500-700 N * m.


landing square

This is the size of the spindle, which is directly related to the torque of the device. The more powerful the tool, the larger the diameter of the spindle. According to this indicator, 4 groups can be distinguished:

  1. With diameter up to 18 mm and torque from 600 to 1400 Nm. Such tools are used for tire fitting, in car services, for cars.
  2. With a diameter of 18-25 mm and a moment from 700 to 2000 N * m. Suitable for cars and light trucks.
  3. There are also devices with a diameter of 25 to 50 mm, which corresponds to a torque of 2000 to 4000 N * m. These are the most powerful devices that are used to work with trucks, large fasteners.

If we talk about how to choose a pneumatic wrench with the highest power, you can consider models with a spindle size of 50 mm or more. They are suitable for working with the largest fasteners.


Extra options

Since the wrench is a technically complex device, other parameters are important when choosing:

  1. Weight - the more it is, the more productive the device. On the other hand, if you take a tool that is too heavy, your hands will tire quickly. Therefore, it is optimal to choose a device of medium weight.
  2. Case material - pay special attention to this parameter if you intend to use the device constantly. In such cases, the body must be particularly robust, preferably made of composite material.
  3. Compatible with a compressor that supplies compressed air. Parameters such as operating pressure and air flow must be checked. If the device operates autonomously from its own engine, for example, a gas wrench, this item can be skipped.
  4. Ergonomic rubberized handles. Before buying, you need to hold the device in your hands, make sure that it lies comfortably and does not slip.
  5. If we talk about which wrench to buy for professional purposes, you can also pay attention to the torque tightening regulator. This is a rather expensive and rare feature, but it is indispensable in cases where the tightening cannot be done “by eye”.

Thus, when buying a tool, pay attention to several parameters at once. If we consider the question of which pneumatic wrench to buy for a garage, a light device with a torque of 500-700 N * m and a diameter of up to 18 mm is enough. If we consider tools, for example, for tire fitting trucks, it is necessary to choose the most powerful devices with a torque of 1500 N * m.

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