Chainsaw or electric saw, which is better for giving

Owners of summer cottages are often faced with the need to choose the right tool for various types of work. With so many to choose from, it's easy to get confused. First you need to find out whether to buy a chainsaw or an electric saw. After that, it will be easier to decide on a specific model.

The content of the article

  • Features of the device gasoline and electric saws
    • Chainsaw design
    • Electric saw design
    • Differences in basic parameters and price
    • Differences in the operation of electric and chainsaws
  • What is better to choose for specific conditions - an electric saw or a gasoline model

Features of the device gasoline and electric saws

Tools differ in design and functional parameters. It is necessary to understand the main differences between the two devices.

Chainsaw design

One of the key elements of this equipment is a high-speed engine. It is fueled by gasoline mixed with special oil. The resulting composition fill the tank and get to work.

The use of pure gasoline is prohibited. This provokes the failure of equipment immediately after switching on.

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Also, in addition to the engine, the mandatory elements include a brake, an oil pump that allows you to lubricate the chains, a tire, a clutch. The model is run manually. Chains can be used differently, depending on the type of equipment and the task that is set for it.


Electric saw design

The saw set in this model is similar in design to a chainsaw. But most power saws do not have a clutch. It has been replaced with a soft start button. The engine is less powerful than the opponent. This is due to the fact that an increase in productivity entails a heavier tool and increases power consumption. Due to such nuances, the equipment is less economical and convenient to use.

The design is equipped with a protective arc that allows you to make inventory more secure. There is also an oil pump. The intensity of its work depends on the speed of the chain. It is necessary to fill in the oil in time. Otherwise, faster wear of parts occurs.

electric saw

Differences in basic parameters and price

The principle of operation and cutting elements of both devices are similar. The difference lies in the drive. The power tool is driven by an electric motor. Needs network access. The chainsaw requires fuel to function, which includes gasoline.

The described differences affected the properties of both devices. The power characteristics of the models also differ. It was noted that electric saws have less power. The difference is in the number of turns. For an electric saw, the rate per minute is a maximum of 3000, and for chainsaws - up to 15,000. But the electric motor has a higher gear ratio. In the electric model, the chain spins about 30% slower.

The difference lies in the fact that one type has a clutch, while the other does not. This part allows the chain not to rotate when the model is idling. Power saws do not have this feature. The chain starts moving as soon as it is turned on.

Tires are also not mounted in the same way. Electric models use keyless chain tensioning systems. For chainsaws, fastening occurs with the help of nuts, which are tightened with a wrench. This is a more reliable and proven method. The tightening force can be controlled visually.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the center of gravity. Petrol units are balanced. This makes them comfortable to grip and work with. More strength is required to hold electric models in the hands. The situation is complicated by the cable connected to the network. It can either lie on the ground or hang and pull the back of the equipment down.

It is necessary to choose the appropriate option based on the characteristics. Cost does not always play a major role. But if you compare the price of both types, then electric saws are cheaper.

benzo or electric saw

Differences in the operation of electric and chainsaws

Electric models do not need serious preparation for work. Install the saw element, fill in the oil and connect to the network. Many models have quick-clamping parts, thanks to which the chain is tightened or changed in just a couple of minutes.

Chainsaws are harder to prepare. Some models have nut clips that cannot be disassembled without a wrench. Chain tightening is carried out manually using a screwdriver. The nut elements will be held tighter, but this procedure takes longer.

Also, before using for a gasoline unit, you need to prepare fuel. To do this, gasoline is mixed with oil, then loaded into the tank. The mixture can be made in the morning. But it is not worth preparing fuel for several days in advance. With prolonged storage, it loses its properties.

It was noted that due to a more balanced design, the chainsaw is more comfortable to hold in your hands. Therefore, you can work with it for a longer time. Electric models often get in the way of the cable, which complicates their use. This also makes them less secure. It is impossible to work on such equipment in the rain.

Otherwise, the security level of the devices is the same. If the operating instructions are not followed, serious injuries can occur when using both types.

What is better to choose for specific conditions - an electric saw or a gasoline model

To determine the option, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the work. Electric saws it is worth choosing if you have to use the tool in enclosed spaces. The gasoline version will not be able to replace it in such conditions. It is perfect for joinery and carpentry work.

The chainsaw is noisier, so the electric model is suitable for cases where a certain level of silence is required.

If you plan to work with trees, hedges, it is recommended to choose a chainsaw. It can be used in any weather, it is mobile and light.

Saws powered by electricity produce less noise. They are more environmentally friendly and suitable for indoor use. But less maneuverable because of the wire, require a power supply and cannot be used in bad weather.

Fuel-powered saws are manoeuvrable, more comfortable to hold, they handle complex tasks and are more mobile. But they create a lot of noise and are not very environmentally friendly. It is recommended to choose the final version based on the type of work to be performed.

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