Best Refrigerator Odor Remover: Tips for Choosing - Setafi

Odors appear in the refrigerator due to old products and leaky containers. Various means are used to eliminate them - in the simplest case, this is a weak solution of vinegar or ammonia. Along with home remedies, professional preparations can also be used. The most effective ways to eliminate unpleasant odors are described in the article.

The content of the article

  • home remedies
  • professional tools
  • Prevention measures

home remedies

If you clean up in a hurry, you can simply wipe the refrigerator, for example, with vinegar or ammonia. But in any case, products are first laid out from it, after which they begin processing. If there is time, it is better to completely defrost the chamber, rinse it from dirt and only then rinse it from the smell. To eliminate it, you can use the following tools:

  1. Ordinary food vinegar is better than alcohol, not apple and not essence. The fact is that the concentration should be weak - just a tablespoon per glass. If you take 70% essence, a third of a teaspoon is enough. Otherwise, the acid may damage the material of the refrigerator compartment itself.
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  3. Instead of vinegar, you can use ordinary lemon, and citrus itself is better, and not citric acid. The juice of one fruit is squeezed out, diluted with a glass of water and processed. Then leave a few sliced ​​lemon slices on the shelves for a few days.
  4. Another way to eliminate the smell in the refrigerator is an ammonia solution, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Just 2-3 drops are enough for a glass of water. It is better to work in a mask so as not to inhale the fumes.
  5. Take rye bread - you can fresh or old, but only without mold. Cut into a few thin pieces and arrange on each shelf. Leave for a few days.
  6. Also, apple slices, ground coffee powder, fresh herbs (thyme, basil leaves), chopped onions can be used as odor absorbers.

If you use solutions, you need to act like this. Soak a clean rag in them and wipe not only the walls, but also the seal. They also process places for attaching shelves. Then leave to ventilate for several hours. Refrigerator odor remover

professional tools

There are also professional products to eliminate unpleasant odors. Among the most popular brands are the following:

  • Breesal - the safest for humans, pets;
  • Electrolux Freshplus - perfectly absorbs odors, and acts almost instantly;
  • Top House - does not fix the problem so quickly, but it lasts a very long time;
  • Kokubo is one of the best value for money products;
  • Topperr is one of the most affordable products.
professional tools

Prevention measures

The odor problem needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Moreover, after treatment, you should take care of the means of prevention. The main way is to flush the refrigerator once a week. Appeared smudges are wiped off immediately, without waiting for drying.

There is also a proven method for storing food in an airtight container. Plastic containers are often used, although other materials can be used - bamboo, silicone, stainless steel.

Hot and even warm dishes (pots, plates, pans) should definitely not be placed in the refrigerator. They not only give an intense smell, but also prevent the unit from producing frost. In addition, due to temperature changes, food will lose its taste and may even deteriorate.

Thus, when an odor appears in the refrigerator, you first need to carefully inspect it and find the source. Then remove all food, containers and defrost the chamber, then rinse it. If you constantly maintain sanitation, there will be no foreign odors.

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