Direct drive in a washing machine: what is it, why is it needed, pros and cons - Setafi

We can say about the direct drive in the washing machine that this is a modern device in which the motor and drum are connected without a belt drive. They contact through a clutch, which makes the mechanism more durable and reliable. However, it also has its drawbacks associated with expensive repairs. Read more about the features of direct drive and its real benefits in this article.

The content of the article

  • What does direct drive mean
  • Pros and cons of direct drive
  • Drive repair features

What does direct drive mean

All washing machines are equipped with an electric motor. It is connected to the drum, and different models have their own type of integration. If the drum and motor are in contact without a belt drive, it is a direct drive washing machine.

In it, the main elements are connected using a special coupling, which performs 2 functions at once:

  • gearbox;
  • driving mechanism.

Direct drive in a washing machine is a more advanced technology than belt drive. This mechanism is reflected in the features of the engine itself. As a rule, in modern models a three-phase brushless type mechanism is used. It consists of a rotor and a stator, as well as inductors (36 units).

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Direct drive in washing machine

The direct drive washing machine works on the basis of the following device. The rotor is fixed to the shaft of the washing drum. Moreover, in this case, the drum shaft and the rotor shaft are the same. The motor is controlled by signals from the electronics.

Pros and cons of direct drive

Now it’s clear what direct drive means in a washing machine. This is the name of the connection without a belt, when both elements are in contact through a coupling. This mounting method has several advantages:

  1. There are fewer parts in the connection structure, so the mechanism is durable.
  2. Models of direct drive washing machines, as a rule, work for at least 10 years. This is the warranty period provided for engines.
  3. The design is more stable, so the drum works in a balanced way. This increases its wear resistance, as well as the quality of washing.
  4. Vibration is almost imperceptible or at least significantly lower than in models with an outdated transmission. Thanks to this, the washing machine without a belt drive is quieter.

But it wasn't without drawbacks either. For example, direct transmission is quite sensitive to voltage fluctuations. Because of this, the risk of breakdowns increases. They can occur almost as often as with conventional models.

Modern devices are controlled by electronics, which are also sensitive to excessively humid air. In this regard, a direct drive washer is also more vulnerable. There is also a disadvantage associated with severe bearing wear. The reason is due to the fact that the mechanism does not have a pulley, which increases the load. Therefore, the details will have to be changed more often.

Washing machine with direct drive

Finally, there is another disadvantage associated with emergency situations - breakthroughs and leaks. In a direct drive machine, the drum with the motor axis are located on the same shaft. Because of this, the oil seal may be damaged, as a result of which water will immediately enter the engine. This is a rather rare but dangerous situation.

Drive repair features

As you can see, the advantages of direct drive in a washing machine are obvious. Due to the reliability of the mechanism, some manufacturers guarantee uninterrupted operation of the engine for a long period of up to 10 years.

But on the other hand, such a proposal has its pitfalls. For example, a gland leak may not be included in the warranty coverage. Therefore, before buying, you need to carefully study the documentation.

It should also be understood that in the event of a malfunction, the repair of a direct drive model will be much more expensive compared to conventional devices. This is due to 2 main reasons:

  • as part of the mechanism there are many electronic microcircuits;
  • equipment is more resistant to voltage drops;
  • the design of the motor mechanism is more complicated and consists of more expensive parts.

From this review, it is clear that the direct drive of the washing machine has pros and cons. In general, this is really a more profitable and technically advanced device. But even if the manufacturer provides a long-term warranty, you first need to familiarize yourself with the list of insured events. Then direct drive is really the best option.

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