Types of spotlights for suspended ceilings: how to choose – Setafi

Types of lamps for suspended ceilings are classified according to the type of lamp, its technical characteristics, as well as the type of base and its attachment to the ceiling. This article discusses all the main classifications, and also describes tips for choosing a diode depending on its power and the color of the light.

Types of lamps

The content of the article

  • Types of spotlights
    • Mounting type
    • Base type
    • Lamp type
  • What else to consider when choosing

Types of spotlights

There are several classifications of models, they are associated with different technical parameters. In practice, criteria such as the type of mount, the type of base, and the type of lamp itself are of great importance.

Mounting type

There are these types of spotlights for suspended ceilings, depending on the type of fastening:

  1. Invoices – take up minimal space due to small dimensions. They are mounted in ordinary metal racks, the depth of which is easy to adjust. The cartridge itself does not have to be hidden under the canvas, which again saves space.
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  3. Built-in – in this case, the cartridge is recessed under the blade, which is why it needs to be lowered slightly relative to the rough surface. Installation is carried out using spring clamps. They are installed in pre-made holes.
  4. Hanging – without rigid fastenings. In this case, the housing simply hangs on the cable, which serves as both a support and a source of current. This is the most original solution described, but it can only be implemented in a room with high ceilings.

Base type

It is also useful to know which spotlights to choose for a stretch ceiling, depending on the type of base. Each of them has its own designation - Latin letters and numbers:

  1. Marked E14 and E27 indicate the most common cartridges. They are called "Minion" and "Goliath" respectively. Such sockets can be used for a regular incandescent lamp, as well as a modern LED.Marked E14 and E27
  2. GX70 and GX53 – these types of ceiling lamps for suspended ceilings are designed for installation of a modern device (fluorescent lamp, LED) using a pin. Installation is carried out using a special pin. The lamps are very durable, operating up to 30 thousand hours. h.GX70 and GX53
  3. G5.3 and GU10 – bases for compact low-power luminaires. These are narrowly focused light sources of various types, for example, halogen, LED, fluorescent.G5.3 and GU10
  4. G9, G4 – another pin type, has contacts of 9 and 4 mm. Typically used for halogen lamps, but also suitable for LEDs. If you plan to use 220 V lamps, G9 is suitable for this.G9, G4

Lamp type

An equally important characteristic is the type of lamp itself. There are 4 main options:

  1. Halogen (halogen) – equipped with a large and small bulb, the latter containing the light source itself. They give quite bright light, but heat up the base a little.
  2. Luminescent They do not consume much energy, but only if used for a long time, for example, for 4-5 hours. If you turn them on and off frequently, a lot of electricity will be spent on heating, and then you won’t be able to save on lighting.
  3. LED – the best option, since such lamps last a long time and consume a minimum of electricity.
  4. Incandescent lamps – get very hot and waste a lot of energy. They are used very rarely, usually as an original design solution.

What else to consider when choosing

Along with the characteristics described above, it is important to take into account several other parameters. One of them is the luminous flux, which is characterized not only by the intensity of the glow, but also by its shade:

  • 1800-3800 K – warm colors;
  • 4000-5000 K – neutral (conditionally white);
  • from 5000 K – cold.

An important role is played by the lamp power characteristic, which is traditionally designated W. It can be assessed taking into account the purpose and area of ​​the room, for example:

  • bedroom – 15 W per square meter is enough;
  • corridor, toilet, bathroom – 20-25 W;
  • kitchen – 25-30 W;
  • The children's room should be illuminated the most - 60 W.

It is easy to calculate that for an ordinary bedroom with an area of ​​12-15 m2 it is enough to install one lamp with a power of up to 225 W (standard 220 W). It is clear that there will be more than one lamp, so you can install, for example, 4 x 60 W or 12 x 20 W. Illumination is often measured and designated in lux. In such cases, it is recommended to focus on such indicators.

Number of light sources

As for the number of light sources, they can be determined not only intuitively, but also based on a specific calculation using the formula:

A = (B*C)/D,


  • A – number of diodes;
  • B is the area of ​​the room;
  • C – norm of illumination;
  • D – power of one lamp in W.

On the other hand, the task can be simplified if we focus only on the power in W per 1 m2, as shown above.

Materials and design matter, as does shape. For example, rounded lamps are most often chosen because they look better and also last longer. The general recommendation is that it is better to consider more modern models of well-known brands. To do this, you should not only study the technical specifications, but also pay attention to customer reviews.

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