Living and dead water. How to create a device with your own hands? – Setafi


Do you want to be forever young and beautiful? Like a character from fairy tales: looking just as young and beautiful, living over 100 years and not complaining about anything? Then this article is a must-read! In it, we will tell you how to make a device for activating water with your own hands from just a couple of items.

The content of the article

  • Will it be possible to activate the water at home and where are the places of "water"?
  • Scheme for obtaining living and dead water
  • Do-it-yourself electromagnetic water converter - detailed instructions
  • How to activate water at home

Will it be possible to activate the water at home and where are the places of "water"?

The healing qualities of these types of water have been known since the time of Kievan Rus. The physical and chemical component of the liquid has not yet been thoroughly described in any scientific source. Therefore, it is not surprising that it has an unlimited impact on the human world and the biosphere: in some situations it gives life, and in others it takes it away. And in some situations, water can become a source of healing.

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Where is the "dead water" - in swamps, lakes and domestic springs. This is all water from stagnant springs. According to historians and healers, this category of water is devoid of any useful qualities, has no vital energy. It is most suitable for food and household needs. In ancient times, decoctions were brewed from it.

Sources of living water are stored in mountain channels and waterfalls. Rainwater is one of them. All such waters lead to rejuvenation of the body and are beneficial for our general condition.

But these are, rather, ancient conjectures and fairy tales. In modern society, the concept of "alkaline water" is accepted. It is just a derivative of living. You can read about its beneficial properties in medical reference books. Let's just say that alkaline water can even help you lose weight!

Scheme for obtaining living and dead water

To make living and dead water with your own hands, you do not need to go on an expedition to mountain lakes or channels. This type of liquid is quite obtained with school knowledge of chemistry and physics. What you need is to create an electrolysis reaction at home. Therefore, water can be called not only "living", but also "activated". And the device is an activator.

Studies on the structuring of living water were carried out back in the 80s of the last century by leading scientists of the USSR. We do not know big results, since all operations were carried out under the heading of secrecy. But if you take the word of traditional healers and healers, some information nevertheless leaked out from under the hands of scientists.

Also, when studying the production of living water with their own hands, they also used foreign practice. Since she simply published in magazines and newspapers, she was not something sky-high and inaccessible.

Modern research has proven that living water receives a negative potential during an electrolytic reaction. It is also called catholyte. From this procedure, the liquid receives regenerative properties. Drinking water helps to strengthen the immune system and fight complications after serious illnesses, injuries or operations.

The external and internal use of living and dead water was once approved by Pharm. USSR committee. He distinguished its absolute harmlessness and the need to use it for medicinal purposes.

The name of dead water is anolyte. In the process of electrolysis, many anodes pass through it - a positive electrode. The properties of dead water come down to the best disinfectant. Some 50 years ago, people disinfected their wounds with it.

Next, we will talk about how to make an apparatus for living and dead water with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself electromagnetic water converter - detailed instructions


The scheme of the apparatus for living and dead water can be made at home. There is a lot of material on the Internet on this subject, it is impossible to make a mistake.

To make a do-it-yourself apparatus for living water, we need:

  • Dielectric plate 150*150 mm.
  • high power diodes. We recommend taking models D231 or D232. You can ask in stores about foreign analogues.
  • Wire with socket. Length about one and a half meters.
  • Glass jar 1 liter - 1 pc.
  • A flap of tarpaulin with dimensions of 160 * 120 mm.
  • Food grade stainless steel. Brands - AISI 304 and AISI 316. They must be resistant to acidic environments and active rust. The dimensions of the plates are 180*40 mm.
  • Two M6 bolts + nuts.

We drill three holes in the dielectric with a diameter of 6 mm. The distance between the two holes in the middle is 6 cm. The end hole is for attaching the power cord. The position doesn't matter. The main thing is to place it near the edge of the future reservoir - banks.

Take one piece of stainless steel. We mark the future hole with distances: 2 cm in width and 1 cm in length. Drill a 6mm hole. After 20 mm, we bend the plate at a right angle. We do a similar process with the second stainless steel plate.

We fasten the stainless plates with bolts in the middle of the dielectric base. We attach a diode to one. We let the wire through the extreme hole and solder the wires: one - to the end of the diode, the second - to the base of the plate without a diode. We isolate all open parts of the wiring with electrical tape or other material.

We sew a small bag from a piece of tarpaulin so that it is slightly larger than a steel plate in size. Pour water into a glass container and place a canvas bag on a plate with a diode. We lower the device into the jar - it is ready for use.

If the family budget allows you to purchase a finished device, then use this option better. It is more reliable than a DIY water revitalizer. You can look on the Internet, which devices are currently being sold. Or in the comments, if experienced readers write about their acquisition and experience.

How to activate water at home

The preparation of such water is not difficult and does not require special knowledge. In a pre-prepared device (purchased or manufactured), pour water into the bag. We fix the cover on the positive electrode (diode). Water should not reach the neck of the jar and just cover the rag bag. More accurate indicators are established in practice.

Making living and dead water with your own hands will take about 5-10 minutes. Important: after the end of the procedure, the resulting liquids should not mix. To do this, a container with dead water - a cloth bag, drain immediately to another place.

Accuracy is an important part of the process. Do not pour water and put your hands into the device connected to the outlet. All manipulations are performed only with the device turned off!

There is also an alternative to equipment - a bagless electrolyser. For its manufacture, two jars without a neck are used. It is important that they have straight sheer edges. The design of the circuit remains unchanged, only the installation must be separate: the anode from the cathode.

What is your experience with living water? How does digestion and immunity improve? What did you do: do-it-yourself water electrolyzer or a ready-made device? We will be grateful if you share in the comments ready-made devices for revitalizing water at home. Have a nice day!

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