How to test a thermocouple on a gas stove? Cleaning and part replacement – ​​Setafi

A thermocouple is a small but very important element of a gas stove that prevents the supply of fuel in the event of a ceasefire. Thanks to this, undesirable and even dangerous situations, including explosions, can be prevented. That is why it is useful to understand how to check the thermocouple on a gas stove, how to clean it and how to replace it if necessary. All this is described in detail in the article.

The content of the article

  • Purpose and principle of operation of the device
  • How to clean
  • How to check and replace a thermocouple

Purpose and principle of operation of the device

A thermocouple is essentially a thermoelectric converter. It measures temperature over a relatively wide range. It is a network of 2 conductors, in the circuit of which an electromotive force arises. It is the greater, the greater the difference between the temperatures of the contacts. Also, the value depends on the composition of the conductors.

Replacement of the thermocouple in the gas stove is carried out without fail as the equipment wears out. This is a very important node that shuts off the gas supply in an emergency. Normally, the gas enters the nozzle and burns. But if it overlaps (for example, the burner is flooded with water), it is urgent to stop the supply.

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This ensures the safety of residents in the house:

  • no explosion threat;
  • no risk of gas poisoning;
  • excess fuel is not supplied, which makes it possible to save gas.

Periodically, the element becomes clogged, so it is important to understand how to clean the thermocouple in a gas stove. To understand this, you need to understand what it is. A thermocouple is an electrical contact, through which an impulse is transmitted using:

  • ration;
  • welding;
  • crimping.

These contacts are made of metal, so they can become clogged over time. In this case, you will need to replace the thermocouple in the gas stove with your own hands or a cleaning procedure.

How to clean

It is quite possible to repair the thermocouple of a gas stove yourself. As a rule, the damage is not too significant - it is enough to do the cleaning. The instruction is this:

  1. Turn off the stove and turn off the gas supply.Thermocouple repair - 1
  2. Remove all items - the replacement of a thermocouple in a gas oven is carried out with free access to it.Thermocouple repair - 2
  3. Next, you need to find a thermocouple. This is a small knot, it is usually located in the upper zone of the oven. The element must be located near the divider, since it regulates the gas supply. Based on this, one can understand why a thermocouple is needed - it immediately stops the gas supply in the event of a strong decrease in temperature (due to extinguishing the flame).Thermocouple repair - 3
  4. On the reverse side, you can find soot and soot, dust and other accumulations. In most cases, it is for this reason that the thermocouple on the gas stove does not work. Cleaning is carried out with sandpaper, but it should be fine-grained.
  5. Further, all removed debris is removed, if necessary, wiped with a clean cloth and check whether the device works or not.

Cleaning should be carried out carefully, in no case hitting the surface. We can say about the oven thermostat that this is a device that is not very durable (compared to the same burner). Therefore, they work with exceptionally high-quality emery with a fine-grained structure.

How to check and replace a thermocouple

In some cases, the device does not work even after a complete cleaning. This is easy to verify by turning on the gas and not giving a spark. If the fuel continues to flow and creates an emergency, then cleaning did not help. Then you need to check it and replace it if necessary.

To do this, you need a multimeter or millivoltmeter. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Turn off the gas stove, turn off the gas supply.
  2. Unscrew the nut from the valve using a standard wrench.
  3. Remove the thermocouple from the oven.
  4. Put on gloves, take the sensor and heat it over a candle or a lit gas burner. You need to keep it at a minimum height above the flame - literally 1 cm.
  5. Set the tester or voltmeter to mV. After heating the thermocouple, attach the probe to its body, the second one will go to the output contact.
  6. Within 50-60 seconds, measure the voltage. Normally, it should take values ​​in the range from 18 to 25 mV.
  7. If the value is slightly below 18 mV, you need to move the thermocouple in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe flame and take readings again with a multimeter.

Since the principle of operation of a thermocouple for a gas boiler is exactly the same, checking and cleaning are carried out in the same way. If this does not help, the device must be replaced. With minimal experience, you can also do it yourself. The instruction consists of the following steps:

  1. Buy a new model - it is best to clarify the thermocouple code on it in advance or in the plate passport.
  2. Turn off the stove and shut off the gas supply, as in the previous case.
  3. Remove dividers and gratings.Thermocouple - photo1
  4. Take out the handles.Thermocouple - photo2
  5. Remove the panel.Thermocouple - photo3
  6. Disable solenoid valve.Thermocouple - photo4
  7. Unscrew the wire and remove the thermocouple.Thermocouple - photo5
  8. Then install a new one and assemble all the elements in reverse order.Thermocouple - photo6

Next, you need to again control the gas with a thermocouple. If the cooker turns off immediately after the fuel supply is empty, the device is working normally. Otherwise, you need to check the contacts. It is clear that you can repair the gas stove thermocouple with your own hands. But if it malfunctions, you should definitely call a specialist so as not to expose yourself to unnecessary risks.

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