How to use an electric jigsaw for cutting wood? – Setafi

Along with a straight cut, it is also necessary to make rounded cuts, as well as to obtain complex details with patterns and openwork contours. In these cases, a jigsaw is used for figured cutting. This is a handy tool that allows you to make cuts of almost any shape at shallow and deep depths. How to use it correctly is described in detail in this material.

The content of the article

  • Step-by-step instructions for getting a circle
  • How to cut patterns
  • Sawing Tips

Step-by-step instructions for getting a circle

Sawing wood is also possible to obtain figurines. For example, consider one of the simplest examples - obtaining an even wooden circle. You need to act like this:

  1. Insert the saw into the groove.1
  2. Tighten the screw.2
  3. Check with your hand how firmly the file has risen.3
  4. Position the part flat on the surface and position the instrument so that it cuts along the grain.4
  5. Move smoothly in a circle - sawing with an electric jigsaw should be neat, clearly along the intended contour.5
  6. If necessary, you can stop, rotate the part to a more convenient position and continue carving.6
  7. instagram viewer
  8. Then proceed in exactly the same way. Moreover, woodcarving with an electric jigsaw requires accuracy. Before the file stops completely, it is better not to remove it so as not to damage the workpiece.7
  9. The work is completed and the part is taken out, in this case a wooden circle.8

How to cut patterns

After you have mastered the technique of sawing circles, you can move on to more complex options, for example, to get figures. The principle of operation is exactly the same, but you need to act more carefully. Sawing with an electric jigsaw on a tree of patterns, a step-by-step instruction is as follows:

  1. Transfer the pattern to thick paper.
  2. Cut out the stencil using a sharp knife.
  3. Attach this template to the material and circle it with a pencil.9
  4. Prepare the device for work as described above and start sawing. To make the cut accurate, cutting wood with an electric jigsaw can be carried out using a parallel stop. It is attached to the instrument with screws.
  5. To drill a hole, you can first make it with a drill, and then insert a file. There is another option - the file is smoothly lowered into the thickness of the material until it becomes vertical. This is plunge cutting technology.
  6. Then they move along the contour and finish the job. This is the main way to cut patterns with an electric jigsaw.

Sawing Tips

Since figure sawing is a special type of work, it is recommended to practice on blanks first. After that, you can proceed to the main stage, and it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Focus on the lumbar region. Thanks to this, you can saw not only standing, but also sitting.
  2. If you need to cut a section of a small area, a hole is first made in the center.
  3. When changing the angle, you need to change the place of the canvas itself. In this case, the tool is left in the same position.
  4. Sawing with a jigsaw from plywood to obtain figures involves smooth and unhurried actions. Even one uneven movement can spoil the whole result or create a significant defect.
  5. Even if you work carefully enough, irregularities and roughness remain after sawing. This is quite normal - surfaces are treated to be smooth.

Thus, even complex openwork details can be sawn with an electric jigsaw. The principle of operation of the equipment is simple, so even a beginner can handle sawing. Almost all modern models have a cutting depth sufficient to make any workpiece. But it should be borne in mind that if the canvas is too thick, it will not be so difficult to pull out the sawdust. In addition, it is important to observe safety precautions, since the saw does not have a protective mechanism.

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