How to properly clean an evaporator. Can it be washed with water - Setafi

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As you use the liquid that is poured into the tank, it clogs the passages, which is why the electronic cigarette starts to work noticeably worse. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how to clean the evaporator, and whether water can be used for this. Step-by-step instructions and a description of the different methods can be found in this article.

The content of the article

  • Can it be rinsed with water
  • How to clean a vape
    • Washing under water
    • ultrasonic bath
    • Atomizer burning

Can it be rinsed with water

One of the common questions is whether the evaporator can be flushed with water. This is a completely acceptable technique, but subject to several rules:

  1. The vape is washed under the pressure of running water, but it should be of medium power. Otherwise, a strong flow may cause the coil to deform.
  2. Definitely do not use hot water and especially boiling water. From this, the vape will not become cleaner and may deteriorate.
  3. There is no doubt whether the evaporator can be washed with water. But at the same time, it is important to let the device dry completely and only then assemble it.
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  5. Finally, washing an electronic cigarette is allowed using only water, without cleaning agents. If you use soap, preparations for dishes, in the future, during smoking, their taste may be felt.
How to clean the evaporator

How to clean a vape

If we talk about how to clean a vape, then the main way is to rinse it under the tap. But there are other methods, such as burning or using an ultrasonic bath.

Washing under water

Do not worry about what will happen if the evaporator is rinsed with water. If you do it carefully, you should not expect any consequences. It is enough to follow this step-by-step instruction:

  1. Completely drain the liquid from the tank, trying not to leave even drops. To do this, you can blow the atomizer from the side where the contacts are located.
  2. Rinse the tank under the tap (the water should be warm, not burning your hands). If there is any doubt whether it is possible to wash the vape tank with water, it is allowed to use other means, for example, alcohol (can be replaced with vodka), vinegar 9% or a solution of citric acid (a teaspoon per half a cup).
  3. Place the tank on a clean, dry cloth.
  4. Wait for it to dry completely and blow the evaporator thoroughly again.
  5. Assemble the device and test its operation.

ultrasonic bath

Users who have doubts about whether the evaporator can be washed with water are advised to use another cleaning method - in an ultrasonic bath. This is a small capacitance with a device that generates waves of the appropriate frequency. You can buy the device at an affordable price.

How to clean an electronic cigarette

Baths are used to clean various products, such as chips, semiconductor boards, jewelry. Therefore, they are quite suitable for a tank, which is enough to put in a container for a few minutes and turn on the device.

Atomizer burning

There is another way to clean an electronic cigarette. The instruction is this:

  1. Rinse the atomizer under warm running water of moderate pressure as described above.
  2. Thoroughly blow through from the side of the contacts.
  3. Press and hold the button for a few seconds without a cartridge.
  4. Repeat this action 5-10 times.
  5. Put the atomizer and wait until it cools down completely.
  6. Insert an empty cartridge.
  7. Take a few slow and deep puffs until the steam disappears completely.

This cleaning method is an extreme measure, which should be resorted to only in the presence of severe contamination. The danger is that the evaporator can be damaged due to burning. Therefore, it is better to figure out how to rinse the vape vaporizer using plain water, a solution of vinegar, citric acid, and other household products.

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