Bottom drawers in the refrigerator: what are they really for?

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You probably store vegetables, fruits, herbs in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator, believing that they will last better and longer this way. In fact, this department is not intended for these products at all, but on the contrary - they will deteriorate much faster there. So what should be stored in the bottom drawers of the refrigerator if vegetables and fruits have been stored there all their lives?



The content of the article

  • Why not for vegetables and fruits?
  • So what is there to store?

Why not for vegetables and fruits?

Keeping these foods at the bottom of the refrigerator to keep them fresh is the biggest mistake. If you carefully follow the "life" of vegetables and fruits in this compartment, then you will understand that sooner or later they will become softer, or even completely lose moisture or even become covered with a crust of ice.

The fact is that cold comes best down. Fresh vegetables and fruits in these compartments freeze and lose all their beneficial properties. Although it is very convenient to store them there, it is better not to do this, because the products will spoil prematurely.

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Many manufacturers even put a label on the lower drawers that says that they are not intended for vegetables, fruits, or herbs.

So what is there to store?

It turns out that meat, fish and all those products that require intensive cooling are stored here. And yet, contrary to popular belief, this is the ideal place to store eggs, and not a tray on the door.


Often in the refrigerators of some models you can see the corresponding images, but raw meat and fish must be kept separate from ready-to-eat products. And fruits and vegetables should be placed, on the contrary, on the upper shelves.

The drawer with high humidity should store products that are sensitive to moisture loss. For example, unripe bananas, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, eggplants, peas and strawberries can be put in the lower compartment of the refrigerator.

It is also an ideal place to store drinks, various cosmetics and medicines.

Of course, each of us decides what and where to put. But be sure to read the instructions for the technique or pay attention to the icons on the shelves and drawers so that your products stay fresh for as long as possible.

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