Why do Americans buy huge refrigerators if they don't cook at home?

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A very long time ago, Americans turned food into a kind of cult, so now they rightfully bear the proud title of the “fattest” nation in the world. And here there is one point... Whether to live up to this title, or out of harm, or from an excess of money, but today in almost every American home you can find a huge refrigerator.

This looks rather strange, because the inhabitants of the United States, in fact, are not used to cooking at home, since fast food in this country is already a way of life and almost a national tradition. So why do they buy bulky refrigerators then? What is stored there? After all, the matter is clearly not in large stomachs, but there is definitely some kind of secret here ...


The content of the article

  • Why do Americans need big refrigerators?
  • What do Americans keep in their giant refrigerators?

Why do Americans need big refrigerators?

Well, let's start with the simplest reason. A kitchen in an American home is not our kitchens in Khrushchev, where sometimes even two people can hardly fit. In the US, this is a fairly spacious room, so Americans can easily afford to buy a two-door refrigerator, and there is still a lot of space left. It's a shame, of course, but the paradox is that sometimes there is simply no one to use such an aggregate: adults are at work all the time, and the younger generation prefers to live separately, as soon as it becomes firmly established on legs.

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The second reason is a bit dubious, but sometimes the Americans themselves explain their choice in favor of a huge refrigerator in this way. Almost any US citizen (if he has a good credit history) is quite free to buy a refrigerator on credit (whatever your heart desires). And the percentage for an American will be simply ridiculous - up to 3%. So why not give preference to the bulky two-door model if there is room in the kitchen? By the way, in the event of a move, it is unlikely that you will have to hire a separate car to transport it, since Americans often transfer equipment to new owners, so to speak, by inheritance.


The third reason is quite practical. And it arises precisely because Americans rarely cook at home. No, they are not that lazy, they just don't have time for it. Life in a frantic pace makes people buy a week (or even more) in advance. In addition, this approach is also very profitable, since there are quite good discounts on bulk purchases in the United States.

What do Americans keep in their giant refrigerators?

If you focus on American films, you might get the impression that all the shelves are crammed with beer, ice cream and soda. In most cases, it is. But they also store milk, meat, cheese, vegetables, fruits in refrigerators - everything is just like ours. Most of the shelves are occupied by semi-finished products. And also - soy sauce, maple syrup, honey, vegetable oil, mustard.


Given the reverent attitude of Americans to money, it becomes unclear why they need such large refrigerators, because a huge the stock of products will somehow end up in the trash due to expiration dates, and the equipment itself consumes quite a lot of electricity energy. Of course, if there are several people in the family, then such a position is very justified, otherwise it all seems very strange and completely irrational.


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