Feng Shui - a sensible approach to creating harmony in the kitchen and in the house

  • Ideal cuisine - spacious and bright
  • Color is an important part of harmony
  • We have functional zones correctly
  • Dining room
  • Order in the kitchen - order in finance!

It has always been a man's nature to take care of comfort in his home. After all, it is important not only the beauty and style of the home, but also its harmony and atmosphere. Therefore it is not surprising that nowadays the teaching of feng shui is very popular, with its help one can arrange all things in the house in a certain way, create the most favorable energy situation, which will be felt by the person as a welcome cosiness.

In Russia, from time immemorial, cuisine is the favorite place of the whole family. It so happened that the prosperity of the head of the family and the skill of the hostess reflects exactly the appearance and condition of the kitchen. So, the kitchen is the heart of the home, which reflects the well-being and prosperity of the family. Can you doubt that it is the kitchen that needs Feng Shui help?

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Feng Shui is an ancient Taoist teaching that studies the laws of energy distribution in space and recommends ways to achieve a person harmony with the environment, which allows you to bring in his life more luck and happiness. This is a set of methods by which you can improve our environment, develop an apartment layout and properly arrange furniture.

Feng Shui - science is not easy, and recommendations for harmonizing space are often given by the master in relation to this building and people living in it. And yet, basic rules and recommendations have been worked out that can be applied to any circumstances for harmonization with the surrounding world. And they are all permeated, in fact, common sense.

First you need to get acquainted with the basic concepts and terms.


Ideal cuisine - spacious and bright

Visually, the kitchen can be enlarged by installing a large mirror opposite the entrance.

In a small and dark kitchen you need bright walls (or even white ones) and increased lighting. In the daytime keep the window openings free from curtains - natural light is most favorable.

Nowadays, in modern urban conditions, the location of the kitchen is already a reality, and often it does not coincide with the recommended one for feng shui. But this discrepancy can be corrected with the help of techniques of this ancient teaching.

It's good when you can do the redevelopment. The ideal location of the kitchen is Feng Shui - in the south, where the elements of Fire are concentrated. Perfectly - in the East, corresponding to the elements of the Tree.

An improper place for the kitchen is the North of the house, connected with Water: as Water conflicts with Fire. In this case, we resort to the help of the elements of the Tree, which harmonizes the conflict of these opposing elements: we choose the green color for the walls and curtains.

It is also important how the entrance to the kitchen is located:

  • contraindicated passage to the kitchen opposite the main entrance to the apartment, to avoid direct attack Sha;
  • in the kitchen located in the immediate vicinity of the front door, guests immediately after the meal will have a desire to leave your house rather soon, and the household will want to eat often and not in moderation.

The following tricks will help:

  • door kitchen decorate thread curtains or curtains of beads;
  • diagonally from the kitchen hang or put something bright to distract the view of the person entering the house from the kitchen door. It can be a colorful picture or a beautiful plant.

There is also such a layout, when next to the kitchen is a bathroom or toilet. The proximity of these rooms threatens the owner with a "diversion" of wealth. Counteraction: above the entrance to the kitchen you need to hang a crystal or "wind music" with hollow tubes.

Color is an important part of harmony

The color of the kitchen according to Feng Shui should correspond to the side of the light on which it is located, which, in turn, has its own specific color.


The main rule is not to use colors of the opposing elements:

  • in the kitchen located on the south side (Fire) it is better to refrain from black and blue shades (Water);
  • in the eastern and south-eastern kitchens, do not use imitations and the color of the metal neither in decoration, nor in furniture.

Consultants on Feng Shui insist: in the kitchen, it is better to avoid using too bright and saturated colors, especially red and blue, as well as gloomy shades of gray and black. Screaming colors of "Fire" - red, pink and orange - can induce irritability and tune to quarrels.

The ideal color of the kitchen is feng shui - white, as well as light, delicate shades of green, yellow, brown. The remaining colors can be used as accents.

Feng Shui consultants are always against using mirrored tiles, as it looks like a broken mirror.


We have functional zones correctly

According to the rules of feng shui, the stove, refrigerator and sink are a triangle, and the distance between them of 1.5-2 meters will provide maximum comfort to the hostess. In this case, the objects of Fire (stove, oven, microwave oven) should be separated from the objects of Water (refrigerator, sink) by the elements of the Tree.

Where to put the stove?

The cooking zone located in the southern part of the kitchen contributes to the financial well-being of the owner. The south-western and northeastern sides are favorable, and the unfavorable location of the slab is the northern part of the room. In addition, the plate should not be placed next to the window, so that your wealth does not "fly away" through the window.
Unfavorable location of the hearth in front of the entrance, because the person preparing the meal, will not be visible incoming. In this case, you can hang a mirror in the cooking zone, which will reflect incoming guests or household members.


Ideal places for a refrigerator and a sink

The best place for a refrigerator is the south-eastern part of the kitchen, the favorable sides are north and east. It is important that the refrigerator is always full of fresh products!

In the south-east, north and east side you can place a washing zone, dishwasher and washing machine. It is advisable not to put them in the southern, south-western and north-eastern parts of the kitchen.

We arrange furniture

When planning the kitchen, you need to consider that furniture should not interfere with the free flow of Qi flows, so try not to clutter up the kitchen. Remember - a good kitchen should be bright and spacious!

The movement of Qi is facilitated by furniture without corners, since negative energy Sha emanates from acute angles.


A kitchen set should be with doors, open shelves are not welcome. If all the same they are, then buy jars for loose products of round shape. According to Feng Shui, it is undesirable to place hanging shelves and cabinets in the dining area - people sitting at the table will not be comfortable.

Even when planning the design of the kitchen, it is important to provide in advance for storing massive kitchen utensils and electrical appliances, and also convenient drawers for cutlery, because according to the rules of feng shui, knives, forks, scissors must always be hidden in boxes. In any case, take care that sharp objects do not stay at night for sight, especially on the table.

Dining room

The table choose according to the size of the kitchen - there is a lot of free space in the house, so there is a place for well-being. It is important not only the size, but also the shape of the dining table. Favorable forms: square (Earth), rectangle (tree), circle (Metal). But as noted earlier, the smaller the angles, the better, so round and oval tables are most suitable for the dining area. Undesirable are semicircular, L-shaped, triangular configurations due to their "instability" and "inferiority."

The best material for the table is a tree. Glass top is not desirable, because on the glass the food symbolizing prosperity and abundance, as the feng shui guru says, "falls into the void". If you already have a glass table, then you can simply cover it with a beautiful light tablecloth. Chairs are desirable with high backs.

Order in the kitchen - order in finance!

The state of the kitchen symbolically reflects the life and contentment of the family.Therefore, watch the order and cleanliness, try not to clutter the space with different objects.On the table and table top, leave only essentials. And the rest of things should be stored in cabinets and drawers.

All household appliances must be kept in good order. Perhaps, everyone knows this, but once again we recall that the faulty thing is a source of negative energy.

In time, eliminate the leakage from the tap to avoid "leakage" of your health and money.


Do not use cracked or chipped dishes, it must be thrown out immediately, making room for new beautiful things.

With all due respect to the teachings of Feng Shui, still, you do not need to collect a lot of talismans in the house and in the kitchen. Cleanliness, pleasant lighting and proper interaction of elements is the main thing. Create the conditions for a harmonious movement of the beneficial energy of Qi and rejoice in prosperity and abundance!

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