What type of heater to choose for your home

What type of heater to choose for your home


The arrival of autumn makes us think about additional heating of an apartment or a house, this question is especially acute for families with a small carapace. In the period of autumn cooling, it is possible to create the correct microclimate in the room, using special heating installations. Which heater to choose for the house? To answer, you need to carefully study the entire range of devices that the modern market offers.


You must first determine the technical characteristics, which must match the heater.


  • 1The power of the heater is one of the main parameters
  • 2Questions that will help you in choosing
    • 2.1How fast does it take to heat the room?
    • 2.2How safe will the appliance be?
    • 2.3How much space is there?
    • 2.4Is there a need for heating a certain surface?
    • 2.5Which surface needs heating?
  • 3Classification of devices of heating
    • 3.1Oil
    • 3.2Fan heaters
    • 3.3Convection
    • 3.4Infrared
    • 3.5Film

The power of the heater is one of the main parameters

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To select this option, you need to know the area of ​​the heated room (home, room, apartment). Typically, calculate 1 kW of power of the device for 10 m2 of the proposed premises (for a standard ceiling height of 3 meters). Find out the area of ​​the room and reduce this figure by 10 times, the resulting number and will be the approximate power of the heating appliance.

It is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the glazing of the house, the type of glass, the quality of the walls, the material of the floors, the thickness and material of the walls, the number of storeys, the presence of the basement. Through all these weaknesses of the house, heat loss can occur. If you are not sure if there is no significant heat loss through one of them, it is better to purchase a heater with a higher power.

Questions that will help you in choosing

First you need to determine in which room the heater will be used, just buy the device, maybe it will come in handy, do not. If you choose an electrical appliance, it can stand in the cabinet for a very long time without operation. There are some simple questions that you need to answer before choosing a heater.

How fast does it take to heat the room?

For rapid warm-up, you should choose a heater with a fan heater or an oil heater with an integrated fan and the ability to operate in two modes. Such heaters are suitable for premises in which you are rare: heating is turned on only when there are people in the room. Here are some examples of rooms in which the operation of devices of these types will be justified:

  • Summer cottage, not often operated (on cold nights you can turn on the heating appliance).
  • Garage, in which work is not often done.
  • Attic house of the house with a periodically occurring need to stay in it (when using it, for example, several times a week for hobby classes or as a creative workshop).

How safe will the appliance be?


If you plan to use the device in the children's room, then this question should be the first item. To the nursery raised requirements for security.

It is better to choose an electric appliance with a built-in thermostat, it will not allow it to warm up to a very high temperature and will raise efficiency of the device, provided that the automatic switch-on and turn-off of the unit is correctly set, in the absence period in it of people. Increased fire safety is characterized by infrared and film devices.


How much space is there?

For small rooms of a house or apartment, convection heating devices can be called ideal. Often the area of ​​the children's room does not exceed 6-8 square meters and it is for this room you can choose such a device.

Is there a need for heating a certain surface?

If the answer is positive, then the infrared heater will prove to be very useful.

Which surface needs heating?

Depending on the answer, you can choose an infrared heater with accommodation on the ceiling, wall or mobile bar.

What mode of operation is planned?

It may be necessary to heat the gazebo outdoors outside the house, then the choice should be stopped on the infrared heating type.

Classification of devices of heating

All room heaters are divided into 5 types:

  1. Oily.
  2. Fan heaters.
  3. Convection devices.
  4. Infrared.
  5. Film.

It is impossible to immediately answer the question, which heater is better? Each device has its pros and cons.

Let's consider each type of electrical appliance heating apartment or house separately.


In appearance it resembles a battery of heating of any house or apartment. As a heating element, oil is used, it heats the metal surface of the apparatus, and it already heats the air directly. It is undesirable to operate the device at maximum power. It is good to use heaters of this type in the rooms of the house, the size of which fits into the concept of "average".

In some models, there is a thermostat. Such a device disconnects the installation at the time of heating to the set temperature, which is important for ensuring the safety of the rooms in which the children are. The device without a thermostat warms up to 120 degrees, when you touch such a surface you can get a serious burn.

There are models with an on timer. Having set the right time, you can warm up the premises of the house to come from work.

The indisputable advantage of such a heating system is the quiet operation, safety, the exclusion of the ignition of the device, the uniformity of heating the entire area. In the process of use, oxygen is not burned, which can also be called a plus. The device does not require any special care. The settled dust is wiped off with a damp rag during the unit shutdown period.


Among the minuses, one can voice the drying of air, the large size of such a heating apparatus.

We recommend reading: how to choose an oil heater

Fan heaters

The device itself resembles a metal or plastic box in which a heating element (can be metal, ceramic or cermet), and behind it is built fan. The unit operates in the heating and ventilation mode. Cold air is directed to the heating element and, already heated, is evenly distributed throughout the room. Often there are several temperature ranges of the device and a different speed of rotation of the fan blades. The built-in rotating mechanism helps to distribute heat more evenly.

It is good to use this type of heating system for small rooms: a bathroom, a nursery. You can also create a comfortable microclimate in the workplace by installing the device under the table or on the work surface.

Available models with floor, wall and ceiling mounting system, there are also very compact copies that can be moved to different rooms in the house.

Advantages of the device: compactness, high speed of warming up the room.

The disadvantages include a high level of noise (at night, the device is an inconvenience and makes sleep difficult), a large consumption of electricity, the combustion of oxygen during use. Often it is necessary to wipe the dust so that it does not get on the surface of the heating element (the unit's power will decrease and an unpleasant smell will appear during the operation of the device).


Such heaters are used in all rooms of the house and apartment. The heating element is located in a metal casing. Cold air comes from the bottom of the unit, passing through the heater, its temperature rises, and it exits under the action of convection upward, and from below comes a new portion of air for heating. There are models with built-in fan, then the room warming up speed increases. Almost all models have a temperature sensor.

Pros: does not burn oxygen, is compact enough, silent (when the fan is turned off), equipment electronic schemes increases the accuracy of the maintained temperature of the apartment, automatic protection from overheating.

To the minuses, the high cost of the device is reckoned.


Heating installations of this type are used both outside the building and inside. The principle of operation differs significantly from the above: it does not heat the air, but surfaces, walls, people (works according to the principle of the sun's rays).

Infrared heater is very economical, since it works only in the zone in which it is needed at the moment.


It is fixed on a ceiling, a wall or on a tripod, which can be moved. Does not heat above 70 degrees.

Pros: high rate of heating (several minutes after switching on), fire safety, air is not overdried, oxygen is not burned when used, absolutely noiseless and economical.


Cons: high cost and a large number of fakes.


Such heaters are made in the form of panels on the wall, take up very little space, look great in any room decoration. There is a possibility of making it to order with the choice of any pattern on its surface. Can be mounted on a wall or directly on a curtain or window. High efficiency of the device, light weight and small size of the device are indisputable advantages. After operation, you can minimize the heater and put it in any closet or transport it from the dacha to the apartment.

When choosing a heating system, you need to take into account many characteristics of the device itself and do an analysis of the functions that it must perform. All this will help to find the golden mean between the price, economy and safety of the heater.

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