What is error 9 Tricolor. What to do if there is no access - Setafi

The main reason Tricolor gives error 9 is incorrect registration of the receiver. It may be incomplete or carried out with an error. To solve the problem, there are several methods described in this article.

The content of the article

  • Main reasons
  • Instructions for registering equipment
  • Other Solutions
    • Top up balance
    • Connect packages
    • Reboot

Main reasons

Error 9 Tricolor TV occurs due to incorrect registration. The main reasons may be:

  • there is no data on successful registration in the receiver;
  • the data was not transferred from the server;
  • the subscription period has expired;
  • the receiver is not registered in the system;
  • installed programs are outdated or contain errors.
Error 9 Tricolor TV

Instructions for registering equipment

The main way to fix error 9 Tricolor is to correctly register the equipment. When the client signs the contract, he is provided with a receiver - a device that receives a signal coming from the satellite.

In this case, you must register the equipment in the system yourself. They do this by entering a unique number that identifies the subscriber and his tariff plan. It is clear what Tricolor error 9 means. She says that the equipment is not registered or the procedure was completed with an error (not completed).

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To correct the situation, you need to register in any convenient way:

  • on the Tricolor website;
  • with the help of the operator (call to the hotline);
  • through the client control panel.

We can say about error 9 Tricolor that this is an inaccuracy that prevents the equipment in the system from being correctly identified. To eliminate the easiest way to register on the company's website. You should go to it and fill out the form shown below.

Enter the receiver number in a special field - it can contain 12 or 14 digits. Then you need to click the "Continue" button, specify the phone number and wait for the operator to check. Usually it takes no more than 8 hours. All this time the equipment should be left switched off. After successful registration, error 9 Tricolor TV on the new receiver disappears.

Other Solutions

Error code 9 Tricolor may also appear due to insufficient balance or due to paid packages. If all else fails, it is recommended to simply reboot the equipment. Additional solutions are described below.

Top up balance

It is also necessary to figure out how to fix Tricolor TV error 9 in case of insufficient balance. You can fund your account in a variety of ways. For example, cash is deposited through:

  • Postal office;
  • bank;
  • terminal.

Non-cash methods are also available, for example, payment by card or electronic wallet. To select a specific method, you must go to the desired link and click on the blue button, as shown in the figure. Enrollment usually occurs within a few minutes. After that, the inscription "No access to view error 9 Tricolor" will disappear.

No access to view error 9 Tricolor

Connect packages

In other cases, when there is no access to view due to error 9, you need to view the list of paid packages. Each has its own original number by which it can be found. To select, just go to the site, check the boxes for the packages you need and make the payment as described above. After crediting the funds, you can turn on the receiver again and make sure that there is no error.


It is useful to understand what error 9 means on Tricolor TV. But even if a specific cause cannot be determined, you can simply reboot the equipment to reset the settings. To do this, go to the main menu under the "Start" button and select the appropriate function - "Reset settings".

If nothing helps, and Tricolor gives error number 9 again, you should contact the master. This can be done through the call center (by phone) or on the website. To do this, go to the "Online Help" section and select the appropriate option.

Tricolor bug number 9

Thus, when Tricolor shows error 9, with a high probability this is due to the incomplete registration of the receiver. The main solution is to go to the site and follow a few steps. If you have questions, it is recommended that you call the toll-free hotline.

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