How to level the walls for painting with your own hands: the secrets of the masters - Setafi

There are several ways to level the walls for painting. If the differences are small, you can stop at plastering or puttying. But it also happens that the relief is palpable. Therefore, it is easier to create a flat surface with drywall. Step by step instructions for each method are provided in this article.

The content of the article

  • Alignment methods
    • putty
    • Plaster
    • Drywall with glue
    • Drywall on frame
  • Leveling with putty
  • Plaster leveling
  • Drywall with glue
  • Drywall on frame

Alignment methods

First of all, you need to figure out how to level the walls for painting. There are several types of technologies, the most common look like this.


Quite an affordable option, helps to cope with differences up to 10 mm. The volume of space in the room is not reduced. But it is quite clear that putty is not suitable for processing large cracks. Usually it is used as a way to level the walls for painting with your own hands after basic preparation. For example, drywall is first glued, and then puttied.


Considering how to align the walls for painting, you can stop at the plaster. It helps to eliminate relief up to 5 cm. In this case, the useful volume decreases slightly. For processing, cement or gypsum compositions are used.

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Drywall with glue

This is another way to quickly level the walls for painting. Eliminates relief up to 5 cm and at the same time does not reduce the volume of the room. The sheets have a flat surface, it is easy to install them. After installation, it is necessary to walk with putty, but only 1 mm is enough.

Drywall on frame

A useful and convenient option for leveling the walls in an apartment for painting is with the help of drywall sheets on a frame. The advantage compared to the previous technology is that even a large difference of 5-10 cm can be eliminated, i.e. where the plaster will no longer help. At the same time, the volume of space is significantly reduced, but the walls will be perfectly even.

Leveling with putty

An overview of how to level the walls in an apartment for painting, you can start with putty. To do this, you will need a dry mix, a primer, a mixer, a mesh to reinforce the surface, as well as a roller.

The main steps are:

  1. Preparation - the remnants of the old coating are removed with a spatula, they are cleaned from dust.Leveling putty - 1
  2. Using a roller, prime the wall.Leveling putty - 2
  3. Prepare the mixture.Leveling putty - 3
  4. To figure out how to make even walls for painting, you first need to putty them with a wide spatula.Leveling putty - 4
  5. Excess residues of the mixture are also removed with a spatula.Leveling putty - 5
  6. Each subsequent application is done perpendicular to the previous one. This is the basic rule, regardless of how it is planned to align the walls in the apartment for painting.Leveling putty - 6
  7. They wait a day, go through grinding and priming.Leveling putty - 7
  8. The primer is applied with a roller or brush. At the same time, a small amount of the composition is taken so that there are no smudges. This is one of the principles of how to properly align the walls for painting.Leveling putty - 8

Plaster leveling

There is no doubt about whether the walls need to be leveled for painting. This is a mandatory procedure, without which it will not be possible to achieve the desired result. In the simplest case, ordinary plaster is used. And they work like this:

  1. Clean the surface from dust, the old layer.
  2. They put beacons using a laser level or a regular thread.
  3. In a separate container, prepare the mixture, mix and wait a few minutes.
  4. Now it remains to figure out how to level the walls before painting. The prepared composition is applied with a spatula or a construction ladle.
  5. Pass putty, as described in the previous section.

Drywall with glue

Often, users are wondering how to perfectly align the wall for painting. For this, drywall sheets are suitable, for fixing which a special glue is used. The algorithm is the following:

  1. Prepare the surface in the same way.
  2. Knead the glue, add the building mixture.
  3. Apply it with a spatula along the center of the sheet.
  4. The material is cut into linings, sheets are installed on them and aligned with the rule.
  5. Glue by pressing to the surface. If uneven walls are to be painted, the rest of the sheets are installed in the same way, moving in a checkerboard pattern.
  6. Putty joints, pass primer.

Drywall on frame

There is another way to make perfectly even walls for painting - they mount the frame and fix the drywall sheets. The main sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Make a markup on a plumb line.
  2. Assemble the frame from profiles.
  3. Sheets are cut, the ends are cleaned with a planer.
  4. They are fixed so that the height above the floor is literally 1 cm.
  5. Fix with screws at an equal interval of 25 cm.
  6. As usual, the joints are puttied and also primed.

Now it’s clear how to align the walls for painting. Even if the surface is of relatively high quality, its preparation is required. For this, several methods are often used. For example, drywall sheets are glued, after which they are puttied and primed. All types of work can be done independently.

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