What kind of vacuum does a vacuum cleaner create and what should be the value: description - Setafi



The article provides information on the optimal vacuum values ​​​​for vacuum cleaners, working characteristics, what should be the indicators of maximum suction power, and also on what depends vacuum cleaner. You can also read a detailed overview of some vacuum cleaner standards, how best to choose the ideal model. washing vacuum cleaner, focusing on technical characteristics, performance, weight, main parameters and market place technology.

First of all, let's figure out how to correctly determine the vacuum and rarefaction of a vacuum cleaner, since the power suction - the defining characteristic of any vacuum cleaner, which buyers pay attention to when choosing the right model. And this is logical, because high-quality cleaning of the premises depends on how much debris the device can capture. In order to correctly determine the resulting air resistance, it is necessary to take into account the vacuum index and the strength and volume of the air flow. These two indicators determine the suction power of any model. For floor models, from 200 W is considered an acceptable standard, for vertical ones - from 100 W.

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The content of the article

  • Calculation of suction power in terms of vacuum
  • How to choose the perfect model of washing vacuum cleaner

Calculation of suction power in terms of vacuum

There is a ready-made formula by which the suction power indicator is calculated:

Suction power (W) = Vacuum (Pa) * Airflow volume (m3/s)

During the calculation, a final value is obtained, which must be compared with the electricity that is spent on the operation of the vacuum cleaner. Thus, the rationality of acquiring a particular model is determined in terms of productive work and economy.

If you need to determine the airflow rate, use a handheld vane anemometer. Further, the resulting value is multiplied by the cross section of the pipe, which draws in air with debris.

A pressure gauge must be used to determine the vacuum. But usually, the characteristics attached to each model already indicate the maximum vacuum and air flow rate during the operation of the vacuum cleaner. This indicator may depend on the size of the pipe opening - the larger it is, the smaller the corresponding indicator. Vacuum cleaners used for industrial purposes have a high discharge rate. And this is quite logical, since in such work a much larger volume of particles is absorbed.

How to choose the perfect model of washing vacuum cleaner

Washing vacuum cleaners have proven themselves in everyday matters, as they greatly simplify the life of every housewife. A washing vacuum cleaner can not only save you from garbage, but also help with wet cleaning. How to choose the most suitable model that will please you with quality work for a long time? There are various models and brands on the technology market, each of which is good in its own way. Not in all cases, the price depends on the quality. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the following indicators:

  • Versatility in use
  • The ability to carry out not only high-quality cleaning, but also get rid of unpleasant odors and allergens
  • Ability to handle complex tasks
  • Maneuverability in management
  • Large set of cleaning brushes
  • compactness
  • Easy maintenance, easy care
  • High quality assembly and production
  • Minimal noise effects during use
  • Sufficiently large waste bin
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