Cleaning the hood grate above the gas stove: how and with what to clean, tips - Setafi

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The more time you spend in the kitchen and use the hood more often, the faster and more dirty its grate. If you do not pay due attention to cleanliness, then over time the grate becomes so clogged that it is no longer able to cope with its functions, and large accumulations of fat can even lead to a fire. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning several times every two to three weeks. Now more modern models of hoods have appeared, which notify with the help of special sensors about the need for washing. Cleaning the hood is quite simple, especially if you have a dishwasher. Usually the filter is washed at a time at maximum settings. But in the absence of a dishwasher, you should not lose heart - the hood grate is easy to clean by hand, it is enough to know several effective methods and means. This article provides detailed information on the best ways to wash and treat grates, including home-proven methods.

The content of the article

  • What are the most effective tools in the fight against dirt on the hood
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  • How to clean the hood grate: a selection of detergents

What are the most effective tools in the fight against dirt on the hood

Check out a few proven ways to help remove dirt and grease from your grate:

  • Soap and soda solution. Thanks to baking soda, even the most difficult dirt can be removed. To do this, add ¼ cup of soda to hot water, a few drops of soapy water and mix with a spoon until foam forms. Then it is necessary to lower the filter into the solution for 10 minutes, clean the elements of dirt and grease with a sponge of medium hardness, rinse, wipe dry and return to its place.
  • Remedy for constipation. The most difficult cases are removed using this non-standard method. To do this, place the filter in a container with water and fill it with a product. Next, the filter must be rubbed with a sponge and left in water for several minutes.
  • Grease remover. Rubber gloves must be used when cleaning with this product. The filter is processed by means and then placed in a bag in order to avoid a pungent smell. Then the grate must be rinsed, wiped dry and returned to its original place.
  • Boiling in soda solution. If you have not paid time and attention to cleaning the grate for a long time, then grease and dirt in this case is not easy to remove. In this situation, boiling in a soda solution can help. ½ or 1 cup of soda is added to boiling water in a saucepan. After the soda dissolves, you need to reduce the heat and place the filter in a saucepan, boil for 15 minutes, remove and rinse under running water.
  • Laundry soap. To use this method, it is enough to heat up 2-3 liters of water and add half of the grated laundry soap. After the soap has dissolved, the filter is placed in the pan for 20 minutes.
  • Acetic acid. It is necessary to moisten a rag in a 9% vinegar solution and wipe the filter. Then leave it to soak for a few minutes and rinse.
  • Lemon. It is necessary to peel 2 lemons from the peel and add the juice and pulp to the surface of the grate. Then leave the filter for a few minutes and rinse in running water.

How to clean the hood grate: a selection of detergents

There are many detergents on the market that do an excellent job with pollution of varying complexity. Below are some of the most effective.

1. Grease remover "Shumanit original"

2. Cleaning agent "Sanita"

3. Cleaning agent "Silit Bang"

4. Grease remover "Unicom"

5. Cleaning agent "Frosya"

6. Foam for cleaning “Dr. Beckman"

7. "CIF" Anti-fat

8. Amway Appliance Cleaner

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