Why do I need to replace the pump in the dishwasher. Execution algorithm, errors and tips - Setafi

Replacing the pump in the dishwasher is required in cases where it does not drain the waste liquid. You can determine this by observing the operation of the device. If you have certain skills, you can remove the old one and put in a new one yourself. How to do this is described in the article.

The content of the article

  • How to understand that the pump is broken
  • Step-by-step instruction

How to understand that the pump is broken

First of all, you need to understand how to check the circulation pump of the dishwasher. To do this, you need to observe how the device works at the moment when it is necessary to drain the waste liquid. If it does not go down the drain and remains in the chamber, this is the main sign of a breakdown.

On the other hand, the same symptom may indicate a clogged drain hose or filter. Therefore, before starting repairs, disconnect the unit from the network, turn off the tap, and then disassemble and check each element. They are washed under a faucet with detergent, then put back in place and check if this helped solve the problem.

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But if the water still does not go away, and all the elements of the drain path are clean, it is necessary to replace the pump. To do this, it is not necessary to understand the differences between the recirculation and circulation pump, in the features of a particular device. Replacement is carried out according to the general rules described in the next section.

Step-by-step instruction

Replacing the pump in a Bosch dishwasher or other models begins with disconnecting the device from the mains and turning off the tap. The main steps are:

  1. All dishes are removed from the chamber, as well as baskets and filters.Step by step instructions - 1
  2. The remaining liquid is drained from the pan. If you can’t get close to the filter, the water is simply removed with an ordinary rag.Step by step instructions - 2
  3. Unscrew each screw and remove the cover. Next, you need to dismantle the grate above the drain pit and the tube connected to the sprinkler. Each part is fixed with a self-tapping screw, which can be unscrewed with a screwdriver.
  4. Under these elements is a plastic or metal panel. Remove it too by opening the latches or unscrewing the bolts.Step by step instructions - 3
  5. Before the replacement of the pump in the dishwasher begins, it is necessary to remove the insulator material, that is, a piece of felt or foam rubber.
  6. At this stage, it is necessary to tilt the unit away from you and carefully wipe the surface with a rag. If the pallet interferes, the front screws securing it should also be unscrewed.Step by step instructions - 4
  7. It is clear how to check the dishwasher pump. It remains only to find him. After the described actions, you can see the part in the intended place, as in the photo. A tube, a cord and a water sensor are connected to it. Each of these elements is carefully dismantled.Step by step instructions - 5
  8. The pump to be replaced resembles a similar part in a washing machine.Step by step instructions - 6
  9. The old part is removed and a new one put in its place. Next, you need to assemble all the devices in reverse order. To facilitate the work, it is first recommended to photograph the assembly from different angles.

After the dishwasher circulation pump has been replaced, it remains only to make sure that the device is working properly. To do this, the pallet is again screwed onto self-tapping screws, put insulation material and other details.

Connect the dishwasher to the outlet, pour some water into the pan. Next, the program is launched with the drain option and it is checked whether the waste liquid leaves the chamber. In this case, you must observe safety precautions and do not touch the metal parts, so as not to get an electric shock. Also, do not pour water into the tank under the pump, because this will lead to incorrect sensor readings.

Thus, the replacement of the drain pump in the dishwasher is carried out independently in just an hour. This will require ordinary household tools. But if there is any doubt about the cause of the breakdown, it is better to contact the service center - an independent repair at random can lead to even greater violations.

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