The construction vacuum cleaner differs from the usual one in greater power, large dimensions, as well as the volume of the collection container. It is designed to work with large areas, cleaning of various types of construction debris, including heavy dust. This article will help you figure out how to choose a construction vacuum cleaner.
The content of the article
- Suction power
- Power consumption and air consumption
- Type and volume of dust collector
Suction power
If we talk about how a construction vacuum cleaner differs from a regular one, then first of all we can consider the suction power. It is she who determines the efficiency of the equipment. The higher the indicator, the better the device sucks up even large dust particles:
- If the power is not more than 50W, it is a home use instrument. It normally sucks up only dust and a small amount of sawdust.
- An indicator in the range from 100 to 150 W - such a tool can suck up light debris and sawdust, including in large volumes.
- If you need to clean the area from construction debris, as well as dry the surface, you should consider models with an indicator of 250 to 300 watts.
- Finally, the most productive tools develop a power of at least 300 watts. They are used to clean the site from any type of construction waste. Effectively absorb even small metal filings and stone fragments.

Power consumption and air consumption
It is important to understand that suction power is not always indicated in the description of a particular device. In this case, you need to pay attention to other indicators. For example, it is useful to study how much power a tool consumes:
- If the indicator is less than 700 W, the device is only suitable for dust suction, as well as sawdust. This is a typical home vacuum cleaner.
- Devices with a power in the range from 1000 to 1200 W are also used only for domestic purposes. However, they also cope with the removal of water, as well as sawdust and even construction debris, if the area is small.
- Vacuum cleaners with a power of 1300 to 1800 watts do an excellent job with almost all types of construction debris.
- If you need a professional tool for cleaning large areas, you should consider models with a power of 1800 watts or more. They handle all types of debris, including heavy particles.
You can also understand how to choose an industrial vacuum cleaner by air consumption. Here you can also select 4 ranges:
- Within 1500 l in 1 min. - These are typical household appliances that will not cope with construction waste.
- From 1500 to 2500 liters is more productive equipment, but it is also not suitable for industrial purposes.
- From 2500 to 4000 l - such tools cope with all types of debris in relatively small areas.
- If the consumption is more than 4000 liters in 1 minute, this is a classic professional vacuum cleaner that can be used to clean even large areas.

Type and volume of dust collector
If we choose a construction vacuum cleaner correctly, then you can’t pay attention only to the technical characteristics. It is necessary to take into account the type of dust collector:
- A regular bag is convenient because it is easier to clean from debris or can simply be thrown away if the insert is disposable. But it will not be possible to collect the liquid. In addition, dust with sharp particles can damage the material.
- The container is devoid of these shortcomings, but because of it, dust can clog the engine filter. If the container is quite large, it will be more difficult to clean it of debris.
- There are also models with a universal dust collector, consisting of a bag and a container. It is the best choice for use in industrial volumes, as the insert can be changed if necessary, making cleaning as convenient and efficient as possible.
When studying what a construction vacuum cleaner should be, one should also take into account the volume of the dust collector capacity:
- Up to 2 liters is the standard volume for hand-held appliances suitable only for the home.
- From 5 to 15 liters - quite suitable for household construction tools, for example, for a carpentry, garage.
- From 20 to 30 liters - you can clean quite large areas, including from moisture. But such a container is heavy, it is easier to empty it with two people, or at least not fill it to the top, so that it is easier to take it to the trash can.
- From 45 l - the container is suitable for continuous cleaning of large areas.

You should also pay attention to additional options, for example, wet cleaning, filter cleaning, blowing (working in reverse mode when the vacuum cleaner blows dust), as well as a power regulator. All these parameters are not superfluous even for a home tool, not to mention a professional building vacuum cleaner.