The use of gas in private households can significantly save on heating, hot water and cooking. Despite all the economic crises, natural gas is still the cheapest source of energy.
But it is better - gas tank or the gas-line - to choose for your home? Each of these ways of gas supply and price advantages. To make a selection correctly, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of both the cottage gasification schemes.
The content of the article:
- What backbone (natural) gas
- In contrast than Gazgoldernaya (LNG) fuel
- Comparison of the gas line and the gas tank
- Factor # 1: Cost of connection
- Factor # 2: Energy efficiency and maintenance cost
- Useful videos on the topic
What backbone (natural) gas
We are far from the oil and gas analysis of the inhabitants of all the nuances of the "gas" the issue in detail often causes headaches. There is a natural, liquefied, balloon, compressed, gas main etc. Plus there are plenty of acronyms (CNG, LNG, LPG, HMT, AAH). And it's all about the fuel that we use in the home for hot water (coolant) and cooking.
To understand from scratch is difficult in all kinds of such familiar to many Russians fuel.

As such natural gas produced from the earth is a mixture of:
- methane;
- heavy hydrocarbons (ethane, propane, butane, etc.);
- hydrogen and hydrogen sulfide;
- water vapor;
- nitrogen;
- helium and other inert gases.
Depending on the field in the proportion of the first component of the mixture reaches 70-98%.
However, the "natural gas", entering the apartment house and the pipes, - it is purified of impurities methane with scanty amount of odorant (substances with a sharp unpleasant odor, facilitates leak detection). Flipping through pipelines for domestic use all mined from the earth without mixture processing unsafe. In it a lot of hazardous and harmful to human components. It is easier and safer to clean the methane from the rest.
After purification in this field already especially methane gas enters the TCA (gas transport system). A therefrom by a gas distribution and compressor stations it is fed through pipelines into the first settlements, then consumers. Since natural gas is supplied to the houses private owners and city apartments, to be burned in the gas stoves, boilers and water heaters.

Gas in the apartment and HMT based on methane identical in composition. However, the first through the pipes "flows" in the gaseous state. But the second car in the tanks is pumped into compressed to a pressure of 200-220 bar form. Such gas fuel is called on compressed (CNG). That it is sold at the gas-filling stations "Gazprom".
Thus there is still and LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) are also often used to fill in automobiles. But he is no longer that of methane and of propane butane. About it on - it's just something that is pumped into gas tanks.
For methane class also includes natural gas:
- LNG (liquefied).
- AAF (adsorbed).
First to facilitate transportation and storage of liquefied cooled at minus 1600s. It was his and bringing in huge tankers across the oceans.
A second embodiment - is methane, which is adsorbed on solid porous sorbent. In contrast to LNG storage equipment is not required to maintain the cryogenic temperatures. The pressure in the tank does not rise above 30-50 bar, so keep and carry it a lot easier and safer. However, this technology in Russia and in the world is not yet widespread, affecting the high cost of production of the adsorbent.
In contrast than Gazgoldernaya (LNG) fuel
Gazgolder (GasHolder) - this banal gas storage tank (propane, butane +). There it is injected in liquid form. Then gradually this "liquid" goes into a gaseous state, raising the pressure in the vessel. And due to a high pressure gas is pressed out of the reservoir into the supply pipe to the house.

Essentially, butane and propane - a secondary components remaining after separation of methane from the "natural gas" raised from the ground. Their proportion in the mixture pumped out of the ground often reaches 30%. Plus they are formed during the same processing associated gas, which exits along with the oil wells. They must either be burned in flares on the field, or look for ways to use energy.
Gas tanks may be used to store different gases. But it decided to use the equipment designed for propane-butane mixture for autonomous gas supply of private homes. It is also called liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). To engage in the liquefaction of methane for injection in similar domestic capacity is too expensive and unprofitable.
A mixture of liquefied propane butane (LPG) differs by:
- winter;
- year.
Butane Propane is cheaper. But he quickly freeze at negative atmospheric temperatures, so in winter it is added to a mixture of smaller parts. In winter, LPG is more expensive not because of the desire of power engineers earn more, but because of the need to increase technology in its percentage of expensive propane.
However, the purchase of liquefied gas in store is not necessary during the summer. In winter, when severe frosts Aircrew may "freeze." In the ice he did not turn, but the change from liquid to gaseous state will be in smaller amounts.

Gas tanks there are vertical and horizontal, and are divided into:
- underground;
- overground.
The Russian climate conditions, mount only the underground option. At low outside temperatures the liquefied propane-butane begins to evaporate less efficiently. It is easier to dig a deep trench to the bottom of the gas tank fell below the level of soil freezing at the site. Warm and artificially maintain the capacity needed for the evaporation temperature parameters, establishing special evaporators out more.
Some "experts" say that the gas tanks of vertical versus horizontal analogues have lower thermal output. evaporation mirror inside them much less. And indeed it is. Less fluid top area - less of it evaporates.
However, in the vertical tanks LPG evaporation process takes place with a somewhat higher rate, which fully compensates for the smaller size "mirror". Result The result is substantially the same. No wonder that in the Nordic countries, where the climate is similar in many respects to the Russian prefer to mount Gazgoldernaya capacity just in vertical design.
Comparison of the gas line and the gas tank
Comparing both versions of gas supply of private homes, it is necessary to look at both the purchase price of cubic meter of gas, and the installation of equipment and estimate the price of its operation in the future. Should take into account all the parameters of both systems. At the same time choosing what initially cheaper - gas tank and the gas, it is necessary to analyze and that are easier to repair and maintenance.

Gasometer - is primarily a complete autonomy in energy supply of private homes. Bulk gas may be disabled at any time. From accidents at gas pipelines can not be fully insured. In this respect, similar to fuel pipe blue with electricity. Collapsed public network, and the cottage was left without electricity and gas. A Gazgoldernaya fuel is always available. It is only necessary to monitor the filling of the reservoir.
Factor # 1: Cost of connection
If you look at the average prices for the main gas connection and installation of the gas tank, the first version of the much wins. Connect the house to the gas pipeline is now possible for 50-100 thousand. When you select the second method only Gazgoldernaya equipment will have to spend about 200 thousand rubles. The greater the volume of it, the more expensive it is worth it. Plus another installation and earthworks. But there are a number of nuances.

The main problem with the connection of the main gas is the timing of the implementation of all necessary works and approvals. If in the village of pipe already exists, then everything will happen relatively quickly and fairly inexpensively. But if from the house to the line more than two hundred meters, the trouble with connecting to many.
To connect the house to a gas pipe, it is necessary:
- Prepare calculation of gas consumption.
- Apply for technical conditions.
- Get these TOU (time it takes up to a month).
- Prepare a draft of the gas network in the home and away from the motorway (a couple of weeks).
- Conclude a contract with the gasman on the connection, providing them with the project documentation.
- Run installation (a few days, provided quickly find free installers) of gas equipment.
- Checking a representative of the main methane vendor operability of equipment and wiring in the house, and (can wait another month the arrival of the man) on the outside, followed by the conclusion of the service contract.
As a result, the minimum turns 3-4 months. And this is the case, if in the course of coordination and execution of the installation do not have problems. Usually all it delayed for six months. If a settlement is not included in the regional gasification program, when many questions have been resolved connections, the most engaged in this topic is not worth. Headache and walking the chain of command is a lot.
But the process of gasification of a private home with the help of the gas tank is achieved in 1-3 days. Private owners are agreed on the installation of such a plant on their land in the supervisory authorities is not required. It is only necessary to dig a hole under the tank for LPG, and set it to connect it to the pipe. All the necessary sensors, control equipment and valves are already included in the gas tank.
And one more thing. Entering from the highway to the house can be done on almost any site. With gasholder situation radically different. It must be removed to a certain distance from the buildings, wells and roads. Not every homestead is suitable for Gazgoldernaya equipment suitable location for the container can not be found.
Factor # 2: Energy efficiency and maintenance cost
When analyzing the expenditures for fuel gas must be separated cubic capacity (displacement volume) of methane and propane in the pipe-butane in the LPG machine privozyaschih liquefied fuel to the customer. If you look at the price tag in rubles / m3, it turns out that the main gas costs three to four times cheaper than LPG.
However, in the first case, the fuel is supplied in a gaseous state, and the second liquid. As a result of this evaporation liter "fluid" turns 200-250 liters of gas. And here still have to take into account the ratio of propane and butane in the LPG Gazgoldernaya. They have a different density.

If we compare the caloric content of the two types of gaseous fuel, the LPG will be ready to give odds methane. The combustion of a cube of propane-butane mixture of about 28 kW is released in the gaseous state, while methane is able to give a total of about 9 kW.
When calculating the averaged cottage 100 for heating squares necessary in order year 3000-3100 m3 of methane or LPG about 1000 m3. In this case, the first gas will have to pay three to four times less. As a result, it appears that fuel costs for the whole year as a result are obtained approximately equal.

By standards MES, main natural gas refers to 4th, the safest category of explosive gaseous substances. And here propane-butane is included in the more dangerous the 2nd group. Even at low concentrations of LPG in the room it can explode at the slightest spark.
And the methane itself is easy, when it rises under the leaks and the flow dissipates or goes into the ventilation. But propane-butane mixture of heavy and fall to the floor or the ground, gradually accumulate there until the critical values. In terms of safety the main gas greatly outperforms Gazgoldernaya. Not for nothing is strictly forbidden to install gas tanks near wells and cellars, where it can leak when leakage from the container.
To avoid problems with LPG tanks for him, and the room with the boilers are often equipped with special gas sensors. They immediately react to the increase in concentration of the gas, preventing the host of potential problems at home. It is not necessary to save them.
Useful videos on the topic
The following collection of videos to help you understand all the nuances of choice for cottage gasification equipment.
mains gas connection steps:
Autonomous gasification advantages:
All the nuances of the gas tank installation:
By all measures, the main gas connection and consumption of cheaper LPG from the gas tank. Especially it concerns the issue of the original expenditure. But if the gas pipeline next to the house is not present, the pipe pulling could also fly to most expensive. It is better to choose an option from the gas holder: it is expensive, but not completely autonomous and it will need to be wary of accidents on the pipeline.