Quadcopter - This is an interesting type of aircraft, which, according to the principle of operation, resembles a helicopter. Consists of 4 screws rotating in different directions. Thanks to this, the device can not only take off or land, but also move at a certain height and even hover in the air. The article details what a quadrocopter is, how it works, and what types of devices are most common today.
The content of the article
- Description and purpose of the device
- The principle of operation of a quadrocopter
- What is the device equipped with
- Types of quadrocopters
Description and purpose of the device
We can say that a quadrocopter is an unmanned aerial vehicle that is controlled by 4 rotors. Each of them rotates diagonally in opposite directions. Thanks to this, the device perfectly maneuvers and maintains stability during takeoff, flight and landing.
Moreover, there is a broader concept: a copter is an aircraft with a different number of propellers:
- 3 – tricopter;
- 4 – quadrocopter;
- 6 - hexacopter;
- 8 - octocopter.
There are other variants of quadcopters, but they are less common. The main purpose of the device is to take photos and videos in different modes (including panoramic) at a certain height. It can be carried out for both professional and amateur purposes:
- capture the landscape of a beautiful area;
- photoshoot;
- shooting a clip;
- filming, broadcasting;
- photograph a family celebration, for example, a wedding (flight of pigeons, fireworks, etc.).
You can also say about a quadcopter that it is a device that can be used for gaming purposes. Although it is also used for professional tasks, for example, when searching for people and specific objects. It can be done only with the help of expensive models on which a high-resolution camera is installed. It allows you to carry out a detailed survey of the area and detect even relatively small objects.
Sometimes devices are used for practical jokes and fun performances. But do not forget that a quadcopter is an aircraft. Therefore, if you intend to fly at an altitude of 50 m or more, you will need to coordinate it in advance with the Federal Air Transport Agency (Federal Air Transport Agency), having received the appropriate permission.
The principle of operation of a quadrocopter
Now it’s clear what a copter is, it remains to figure out exactly how it flies. The flight is carried out due to the simultaneous rotation of 4 propellers under different diagonals. The principle of operation is quite simple:
- when all the screws are gaining momentum, the apparatus begins to rise, like a helicopter takeoff;
- accordingly, a gradual decrease in the speed of all propellers leads to a decrease in height and landing;
- if 2 screws are gaining momentum, and 2 others are decreasing, the device flies in the direction of decrease;
- with an increase in speed at the screws with simultaneous rotation along the diagonal, a turn is made in the desired direction.
All possible combinations of screw rotation are shown in the diagram. It also gives an idea of what a quadrocopter looks like.
What is the device equipped with
Given what a quadrocopter is needed for, manufacturers equip it with various sensors and devices:
- All processes are controlled flight controller. In fact, this is a microprocessor, that is, a microcircuit that is installed directly in the case.
- Gyroscope - a special sensor that stabilizes the position in space along all axes.
- Accelerometer - a sensor that sets the aircraft in a position strictly parallel to the ground (for stability during flight).
- Barometer – a sensor that allows the copter to hover stably at a certain height, that is, to remain stationary for a certain time.
- Sonar – a sensor that detects the presence of obstacles along the flight path and ensures their safe avoidance.
- GPS - a navigation module that allows you to fly along a predetermined trajectory, and, if necessary, make an emergency landing (for example, when the battery is low).
- Battery - an element that provides power to electronics and sensors, maintains a charge for a certain time (from several minutes to several hours).
Types of quadrocopters
We can say about the copter that it is such a device for flying over any terrain. The device is almost always equipped with a camera that takes both photos and videos. Today there are several types of devices, the main classification is related to their dimensions:
- Mini - the smallest copters that can be called gaming. They fly only indoors or in a small yard, they can only deviate from the control panel by a few meters.
- small - also suitable as a toy, differs from the mini in a slightly larger radius of action.
- Average - more massive aircraft that can withstand moderate winds and maintain contact at a distance of tens of meters.
- Heavy produced in a metal durable case. On the example of such models, it becomes clear what a quadrocopter is and its purpose. They can fly over large areas, maintain communication even at a distance of several kilometers and withstand strong gusts of wind, as well as precipitation.
It is clear that a copter is an aircraft that can be used for a variety of purposes. Most often it is used for photos and videos from a height, as well as as a toy. Although some quadrocopters have even been adapted for the delivery of food and other goods. These are professional models that are much more expensive than amateur ones.