A good vacuum cleaner for the home: what is it? Vacuum cleaner for a private house: which one is better? – Setafi

A good vacuum cleaner for the home should be compact, convenient, powerful enough and at the same time safe. This means that dust must reliably settle in the device, otherwise there will be little point in cleaning. Detailed instructions for choosing, as well as a rating of the best models are discussed in this article.

The content of the article

  • Types of vacuum cleaners
  • Power
  • Dust collector features
  • nozzles
  • Rating of the best vacuum cleaners

Types of vacuum cleaners

To understand which vacuum cleaner to buy, you should start by studying each type. Depending on the design and purpose, there are 3 main groups:

  1. Traditional is a classic vacuum cleaner on wheels with a tube that can be dismantled and stowed compactly. It works from the mains, so the cord often gets tangled underfoot, and the hose can periodically twist. But this vacuum cleaner is the best in terms of power. For a private house, it will fit perfectly.
  2. Manual - compact and lightweight, often has a built-in battery, so you can carry it anywhere. However, it is not powerful enough, besides, the dust collector is very small. Not suitable for the home, but can be used to clean furniture and cars.
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  3. Vertical - a new generation of models comparable in power to the classic ones and at the same time more compact. The design allows you to conveniently carry the unit from place to place, as well as empty the dust container. Here are the best vacuum cleaners for the home (along with classic models).
Vacuum cleaner

If we talk about which company's vacuum cleaner is better to choose, we can consider several brands, for example, Thomas or Karcher. These manufacturers produce not only basic models, but also other varieties:

  1. With built-in water filter. Such units moisten the incoming air, so that it does not get dust that you have to breathe during normal cleaning. In this sense, there is no doubt which vacuum cleaner is better to choose. Almost all models of the Karcher brand effectively absorb 99.9% of dust particles.
  2. Washing - good enough vacuum cleaners that allow you to clean the house both dry and wet. The unit is equipped with a device that sprays water along with the detergent dissolved in it. After that, the container is easy enough to clean, and you can start a new cleaning.
  3. Considering which vacuum cleaner company is better, we can also mention more powerful models. They are used for cleaning not only the house itself, but also the terrace, garage, workshop. These are household vacuum cleaners that absorb even fairly large particles of debris.


If the power of the device is insufficient, it makes no sense to talk about which company is better to buy a vacuum cleaner for the home. Of course, the brand matters, but first of all, you need to focus on the technical characteristics. It is clear that the larger the indicator, the more efficiently the tool works.

For home use, 300-400 watts of power is enough. But if the territory is quite large, and besides, it is also necessary to clean the terrace and utility rooms, it is worth considering models from 400 watts. In this regard, it is easy to understand what is the best vacuum cleaner for the home.

The best vacuum cleaner

Dust collector features

Even if the power is high enough, you also need to figure out the type of dust collector. This is a rather important point, since it affects the safety and ease of cleaning. There are 2 main options:

  1. Considering which vacuum cleaner company is better to buy, most often users are faced with models with bags. They can be single or multiple. Surprisingly. it is better to choose the first option, because the reusable bag still accumulates dust, it is not always easy to wash it.
  2. Plastic container (cyclone filter) - during cleaning, a whirlwind of air is created in it, which is the reason for the name. Due to this force, dust particles settle on the inner surface. There is no doubt about the best vacuum cleaner for a private home. A device with a container is quite suitable for effective cleaning.

Finally, there is also an aquafilter that holds dust in a special container with water. Many users rightly believe that these are the best vacuum cleaners for the home, they provide maximum safety.


Modern vacuum cleaners for the home are equipped with several nozzles for different occasions. Along with the standard, there are other details:

  • for cleaning cracks;
  • for parquet flooring;
  • for cleaning upholstered furniture;
  • turbo brushes (collect wool well);
  • for washing windows (there is only a washing device).

Arguing about which vacuum cleaner is the best for a private home, we can conclude that the more nozzles in the kit, the better. Sooner or later, each of them will come in handy.

Rating of the best vacuum cleaners

It is impossible to say unequivocally which brand of vacuum cleaner is better for the home. All well-known manufacturers have very high quality models. If you take into account customer reviews, as well as value for money, you can make the following rating:

  1. LG VK76A02NTL is a device with a power of 380 W and a removable container with a volume of 1.5 liters. Allows you to do high-quality cleaning and does not scatter dust. Works within a radius of 8 m, has several nozzles in the set. Some buyers believe that this is the best vacuum cleaner in the world.LG VK76A02NTL
  2. Philips XB 2022 - 360 W model, weight less than 4.5 kg. A 1.3 liter container is used as a dust collector. Good build quality, 2 year manufacturer's warranty. At the same time, the noise is also quite strong - about 82 dB. According to this indicator, it is difficult to say which is the best vacuum cleaner for the home. But the fact that the model is productive and convenient is unequivocal.Philips XB 2022
  3. If you study which vacuum cleaner is better to buy, you can stop at the BBK BV1503 model. This is a budget option, which has good power at 320 watts. The unit is compact, equipped with a convenient valve for fine cleaning, as well as an automatic overheating protection system.
  4. The best home vacuum cleaners should be safe for health. In this sense, the Bosch ProHygienic BGS 21WHYG model is particularly attractive. It is equipped with a high-quality filter that perfectly purifies the air, so it is well suited for allergy sufferers. The weight of the vacuum cleaner is within 5 kg, and the power is consistently above 300 watts.
  5. You can also consider which company to choose a vacuum cleaner for an apartment. For home use, for example, Tefal TW7690 is well suited. It costs a little above average, but at the same time develops excellent power up to 550 W, absorbs more than 99.9% of all particles. The set includes all the necessary nozzles, including for parquet, crevices and furniture.

It cannot be unequivocally said that the best vacuum cleaner in the world is one model or another. Each device has its own advantages. But as for models for a private house, they must be powerful enough and safe (preferably with an aqua filter). It is these parameters that should be given priority attention.

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