Homemade miracle shovel: design features, how to make

There is always a lot of work on the garden plot, but the most time-consuming process is the annual digging, cultivation and weeding of the soil. Using a conventional shovel requires a lot of effort, leading to a strong tension in the spine. Innovative ideas also help farmers. An example of this is a garden ripper, which summer residents call a miracle shovel.

The content of the article

  • Design features and principle of operation
  • How to make a miracle shovel
    • Material selection
    • Dimensions
    • Manufacturing steps

Design features and principle of operation

The device is based on a quadrangular support frame with a pair of attached rippers. One of them is leading, the other is auxiliary.

The main ripper is articulated and looks like a conventional fork. The secondary opener rods are rigidly mounted and set so that when digging they fall exactly in the center of the distance between the fork tines.

There is a special stop on the rear ripper, with the help of which part of the efforts made to raise the soil is transferred to it.

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Miracle shovel.


When plowing, the support frame is placed on the soil and pressed on the stop for the stability of the miracle shovel. The teeth of the pitchfork are stuck into the ground and, pressing the handle, raise them, plowing. The soil breaks into large clods and crumbles against the tines of the auxiliary ripper.

If the ground is dense, then a minimum of effort will be required, you just need to press on the crossbar at the bottom of the structure.

Then they step back a step, move the support frame closer and repeat the operation.

This simple device allows you to process a large area of ​​land without overwork in a short time.

Work with a miracle shovel.


Advantages of a miracle digger:

  • if a large number of weeds grow on the territory, then it will become easier to deal with them, because the teeth do not cut the roots of weeds, but pull them to the surface;
  • the width of the dug-up beds is up to 35-40 cm, which means that they will be processed twice as fast;
  • a person does not need to bend down, in contrast to working with a familiar shovel;
  • there is no need to lift heavy damp soil on the bayonet of a shovel, so your hands will not get tired either;
  • if the humus layer is insignificant, then it will remain on the surface, and will not be buried to a depth.

You should not try to dig the soil with a miracle shovel during the dry season. The tool may break, and the earth will remain uncultivated.

How to make a miracle shovel

Ready-made options presented in stores selling garden tools are of high cost. Owners of small cottages rarely buy such equipment, preferring to make it with their own hands. After reviewing the recommendations and step-by-step implementation of the miracle shovel, even a beginner will cope with the work.





Material selection

At home, it is more expedient to make a simplified view of a garden tool without moving parts.

If the master has a welding machine, it is better to make a metal shovel. There is also another option - from plastic pipes. It is undesirable to assemble the ripper on movable bolts on your own, because they will often become loose and the nuts will have to be constantly tightened.

But no matter what material the miracle shovel is assembled from, the support frame must be welded.

For the manufacture of the frame, a metal profile with a cross section of 30 * 30 mm is used. Sometimes craftsmen use corners. The width of the shelf is 30 mm, the thickness of the profile is about 3 mm.

The handle lock can be made from a round tube, and a wooden handle can be taken from a shovel.

For teeth, it is recommended to purchase high-quality structural steel. Specialists usually make forks from bars with a cross section of 7–8 mm.

For work you will need:

  • drawing;
  • welding machine;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • square metal pipe;
  • measuring tool;
  • metal fittings.

Since everything is going to work with the thrifty master, then here you can use old items: a metal part from the bed is suitable for creating a support frame, and a sprawled fishing spear is for pitchfork


Manufacturers produce these products in size ranges. For women, inventory of small dimensions and weight is offered. For men - more voluminous options.

The average sizes are:

  • width of the working plane - from 45 to 60 cm;
  • the length of the rods of the working forks is 25–30 cm;
  • the gap between the rods is 7–8 cm;
  • The recommended length of the handle is up to shoulder level.

The remaining dimensions are selected based on the selected material and design.

Manufacturing steps

When all the blanks are prepared, you can begin to assemble the classic version of the miracle shovel.

Work progress:

  1. Metal bars of the selected length are cut and turned to make bayonets.
  2. The carrier bar is cut from a square pipe, then holes are drilled in it at an equal distance for the teeth.
  3. The base of the cutting is cut out of a metal pipe.
  4. To create a stop, the profile is molded into an arcuate shape and attached to the carrier bar.
  5. At the last stage, the parts are connected and welded.

Homemade miracle shovel is ready. For a more aesthetic appearance, it can be painted. With careful use, it can last more than one season. A practical tool will provide invaluable assistance when performing gardening work.

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