Although air conditioners are equipped with a heating function, most of the users use them to cool the air. In winter, cooling is not relevant, so split systems have a period when they are not used. If, after a long period of inactivity, you turn on the air conditioner, but it does not cool or blows warm, then read below the reasons why the air conditioner does not cool the air.
Before moving on to the main content of the article, make sure that the problem is not related to external causes. These reasons include:
- Device operating time. After starting the split system, for a significant change in the temperature in the room, you need to wait 10-20 minutes. The heating time depends on the area of the refrigerated room, indoor and outdoor temperature, as well as the capacity of the system itself.
- Insulation tightness. Weak cooling is due to holes in the insulation of the room. Open doors, windows, other openings and turned on ventilation can affect the rate of air cooling in the apartment.
- Obstacles. Cooling problems can be caused by various objects blocking the intake or air supply.
If there is enough power, the room is isolated, there are no obstacles, but it does not get colder, then diagnostics of the device are necessary. First, measure the air temperature: put the thermometer near the air intake grilles, and then hold it at the outlet. Be careful not to put the thermometer inside the grates - it can fall through and get under the fan. If the outgoing air is 6-14 degrees colder than the incoming air, everything is fine. The temperature difference between the intake and exhaust air is indicated in the device passport.
If it doesn't match, the problem is with the device. Next: a list of reasons why the air conditioner does not cool, how to fix it.
Fan mode is on. A common mistake, especially on older models. Error symptom - the device is on, but does not blow cold air. To fix it, change the mode using the remote control.
The device is in heating mode. Again, a common mistake for older models. Its sign is that the device blows warm air. To fix it, change the mode of operation.
The filters are clogged. Split systems are equipped with filters to clean the air from large contaminants that settle on the heat exchanger (its plates). Because of this, the radiator absorbs heat worse - the air conditioner cools poorly. With severe pollution, the hose becomes clogged, as a result, condensate will not drain through it - it will accumulate in the sump, and then flow out of the unit. Signs of clogging - frostbite on the evaporator tubes, the device does not cool well, condensate does not drain through the drain hose (may accumulate in the indoor unit). To fix the problem, disassemble the external unit of the split system (if you don’t know how, refer to the instructions), disconnect and remove the clogged system elements filtration, wipe the components, wash the filters (only use cold water, because the filters are deformed from hot), put them back and check the operation devices.
The radiator of the outdoor unit is dirty. All the same large contaminants like dust, fluff and wool can clog the radiator fan of the device, so the fan rotates worse and, as a result, the air conditioner cools worse. If the device is heavily soiled, the compressor will overheat. Signs of this problem are lower performance of the device, the fan in the outdoor unit does not make noise. To fix the problem, it is necessary to clean the radiator from contamination. To do this, you need to open the outdoor unit and clean the fan. Use brushes, rags, sponges or specialized devices.
Low voltage. The split system does not receive electricity with the required parameters, so the rotor or its winding may overheat. It also turns off the motor. Symptoms of a problem are warm blown air, the compressor does not work or makes no noise (may work in short periods of 2-4 minutes). To fix, you need to install a relay. It can be located either inside the device along with stabilizers, or separately.
These were the main problems why the air conditioner does not cool. You can eliminate them. Other problems require the intervention of specialists. Among them:
![ac repair (1)](/f/32bd677f3f61675d063044962a140c02.jpg)
- Freon ran out
- freon leak
- Clogged capillary line
- Changeover valve failure
- Compressor and/or condenser failure
- Thermal relay broken
- Thermistor or temperature sensor not working properly
- Problems with evaporators
- Broken radiator fan
- Blocks are not connected
- Broken control board or inverter module of outdoor unit