Indoor plants that can not be kept at home, photos, names, and which ones can be?

We all subconsciously seek to unite with nature, someone has a summer residence, and someone, for lack of it, seeks to create a green corner in his apartment. However, there are such indoor plants that can not be kept at home - photos and names of these representatives I would like to mention in this article.

  • What are not allowed to keep indoor plants at home?
  • Indoor poisonous plants - photos and names
  • What houseplants are useful for home?
  • Houseplants useful for home
  • Which houseplants can be kept in a bedroom or a nursery?
  • Indoor plants and associated signs

Sometimes we are impressed by the beauty, bright colors of the next flower, we strive to acquire it as soon as possible to decorate our home. Buying a flower, we do not always think about the consequences and sometimes start to feel bad or our pets suddenly fall ill. Among the inhabitants of the green world there are a lot of poisonous representatives, at times, the most beautiful of them are absolutely unfit for home maintenance.

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What are not allowed to keep indoor plants at home? Of course, it is not possible to describe them all here, but I would like to emphasize the most common - those whose attractive appearance we admire in the windows of flower shops. Some species contain toxic compounds, emit poisons into the atmosphere, harmful pollen. Some flowers are not recommended to be placed wherever you sleep. If you have small children or inquisitive quadrupeds, who are striving to try everything on the tooth, you should be doubly careful, careful when choosing home colors.

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What are not allowed to keep indoor plants at home?

The simplest rules of safety are the use of garden or conventional latex gloves in contact with green inhabitants. If you are pruning or removing branches, foliage, then use a special knife. The tools that you use in the kitchen should not come into contact with plants. Hand, as well as all cutting or auxiliary items should be thoroughly washed at the end of the work. Remember that individual flowers can actively release toxic substances during irrigation or watering.

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Indoor poisonous plants - photos and names

Oleander is very beautiful during flowering, however its aroma is capable to provoke a giddiness, a nausea or even a syncope. The juice of foliage, stems can cause allergies or burns to the skin. Do not let oleander juice fall on your eyes - the consequences can be very deplorable, even to the loss of vision.

Oleander, photo:



Potted spurge is very exotic, thanks to its large, richly green leaves. In fact, the family of euphorbia has many varieties: some are like cacti, others resemble miniature palm trees. Some types of milkweed have spines, the prick of which is a threat to the body, since they are very poisonous. Foliage, stems of milkweed contain juice, which when ingested into the esophagus causes severe poisoning, and on contact with the skin or mucous membranes leads to burns, irritation.

Euphorbia, photo:


Dieffenbachia attracts the eyes of its large decorative leaves with a mottled pattern. Its milky juice is very dangerous for the eyes, it causes burns, redness, itching when it comes into contact with the skin. If ingested in the mouth or esophagus provokes a severe burn of mucous membranes, poisoning. If you have small children or animals at home, do not start this plant!

Dieffenbachia, photo:


Alocasia is a decorative deciduous plant that is very toxic. Any work with it should be carried out by wearing protective gloves, and not only poisonous, but even the evaporation from the roots. In all the thematic forums seasoned growers strongly recommend the use of protection when transplanting alocasia. If you disturb the root (for example, cut it), you can feel an obvious cyanide smell, which is not recommended even for a long time to inhale. In case of contact with eyes, the alocasia juice can cause loss of vision, even if the child or animal accidentally slushes a small drop of juice, a prolonged malaise is guaranteed. All parts of alocacia are poisonous: contain hydrocyanic acid, mercury, and mercuric chloride.


Alocasia, photo:


Croton has very beautiful densely growing leaves, in appearance it resembles a small tree. At home it blooms very rarely, but it is often acquired precisely because of its attractive foliage. Croton is also very toxic, if under some circumstances its juice gets into the blood (through the wound or a cut when working with it), then even a fatal outcome is possible. In case of contact with skin, wash immediately with soap and water.

Croton, photo:


Azalea is very beloved by many growers, it is simply magnificent, flowers have a wide palette of shades, it is often used to create bonsai. It is poisonous, its foliage contains glycoside and andromedotoxin, which when ingested into a human or animal body causes poisoning, nausea, convulsions. The most poisonous is Azalea Simsa or Indian.

Azalea, photo:


Evergreen ivy from the Araliai family completely poisonous - berries, foliage, and stems can be fatal to the human body, animals. This lianopodobnoe plant is very attracted to cats, they also suffer from it more than others. For people, it also poses a serious danger.


Ivy evergreen, photo:

Ivy evergreen

Cyclamen - another home pet with decorative flowers of unusual shape. Its leaves look very attractive, but at the same time are toxic. A particular danger is the cyclamen tubers, which contain the strongest poison, similar in strength to the poison curare. When ingested, it causes a sharp deterioration in health, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, loss of consciousness.

Cyclamen, photo:


Adenium attracts flower growers with its exotic appearance, which is attached to it by thick air roots. Above him decorate multiple flowers of bright colors, different shapes. Adenium is very toxic, its juice provokes poisoning, causes burns on contact with the skin. It should be borne in mind that all its parts contain toxins, especially this plant is harmful for asthmatics. Milky juice adenium is able to penetrate the blood through the skin, so do not think twice before starting it at home.

Adenium, photo:


Monster can often be found in offices, public institutions, but often the growers settle it at home. It looks very impressive, grows to impressive size, has large carved leaves. Monster juice is very toxic, if it gets on the skin, it causes a burn, severe itching. If it gets into your eyes, it can significantly damage your eyesight. If a child or an animal eats at least a small part of the leaf, poisoning or inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract is inevitable.

Monster, photo:


Brallia is very attractive, not without reason its full name is Brallia Beautiful. This small bush gives flowers of all shades of blue, lilac, and also white. Alas, all parts of Brovallia are poisonous, so its contact with skin or mucous membranes should be ruled out. This flower attracts pets, but its juice is very dangerous for them.

Brallia, photo:


Aglaonema is struck by the beauty of the leaves, they are large, dense, with an incredible pattern, differing in variety. Despite the fact that it positively affects the air in the apartment, it cleans, disinfects it, it is still poisonous. Juice - the main danger to humans and animals, although berries are also toxic. If the flower is slightly damaged (for example, break off the sheet or scratch when transplanting), then the juice will be released immediately. For any landing or leaving work with the Aglaonema, protective gloves should be worn.

Aglaonema, photo:


The flowers of the primroses have the widest palette of shades, the leaves look cute too - round, textured, covered with small villi. Contact with these villi can cause a strong allergic reaction (burning, itching), and when blossom flowers of primroses, dizziness, nausea can visit even healthy, strong people (she singles out alkaloids). You should know that the bright decorative primrose is poisonous, all its parts are toxic, threatening your health.

Primrose, photo:


Gloriosa is an exotic, truly luxurious specimen. Its unusual flowers are able to change their hue during flowering. This attractive representative is one of the most toxic among domestic plants, all its parts contain poison. If you have children at home or animals, you will have to give up the possession of glirosis. When ingested, it causes severe poisoning, up to the failure of the kidneys.

Gloriosa, photo:


Can house plants cause allergies? The answer is yes, yes. A special threat is borne by representatives of the family of echinaceous, nightshade, aroid, and kutra. They should be treated very carefully, not just think about before starting them at home. Kutrovye are the most dangerous, especially revered adenium, plumeria, carissa, dipladeniya can cause significant harm to the health of your loved ones, as well as pets.

Plumeria, photo:


Remember that even flying in the air pollen can trigger an allergic attack. Almost all domestic flowers give off spores, essential oils, pollen during flowering, and in particularly toxic varieties all the excreted elements will also by no means be useful. A strong allergy can cause geranium, fern cultures.

Do not forget about the protection, if you decide to settle some of them. Representatives of the family of aroids also require increased attention, isolation from children and pets. Syngonium, loved by many philodendrons, contains toxic components in their juice.


Be careful with euphorbia, each of them contains a toxin of euphorin, which can cause allergies, skin inflammations, itching, burns. Wash your hands with soap, use gloves, or better - replace them with safer green cousins. The world of flowers is diverse and amazing, among the many options you can always choose a pet that will not only be safe for health, but also useful.

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What houseplants are useful for home?

Some of them are known to many since childhood, such as aloe and Kalanchoe, with which our mothers and grandmothers treated us from a cold or cold. The following plants are home healers: they purify the air, they can be used for recipes of traditional medicine, they allocate to the atmosphere components that normalize the emotional background.

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Houseplants useful for home

Lemon is very decorative - a small tree with bright fruits looks simply charming, plus to all it is very useful. I think that everyone knows about the healing properties of lemon fruit, but its leaves are capable of releasing useful volatile essential oils, volatile essential oils. Where there is a lemon tree is easier to breathe, the mood rises, brain activity is activated.

Lemon, photo:

Lemon with fruits

All known aloe - incredibly useful, has a wide range of applications for medicinal purposes. Aloe is undemanding to care, calmly endures long breaks between watering, quickly grows. The juice and flesh of its leaves is a real immunomodulator for our body. Aloe has a powerful bactericidal, healing effect, is able to suppress the growth of cancer cells, activates the vital forces of the body. The most common "healing" variety is aloe tree, but aloe striped and aloe vera are intimidating. The most useful components are plants that are already 3 years old.

Aloe, photo:

Aloe arborescens Miller (Aloe arborescens Miller) or perennial
Aloe vera (A. vera L)

Pelargonium - a close relative of geraniums, they are often confused, although geraniums are more related to garden representatives, and pelargonium is closer to home. Anyway, more often all kinds of pelargonium are called geraniums. This flower is very popular, which encourages breeders to breed many new varieties. It should be noted that individual varieties of pelargonium can be poisonous! Therefore, for home breeding choose safe varieties (hybrids, zonal pelargonium, large-flowered) that refresh, purify the atmosphere, destroy pathogenic bacteria. Moth, mosquitoes, flies do not like pelargonium, they "run" from the room where it is. If we consider houseplants, related signs, then pink pelargonium can be considered a magnet for love relationships. White pelargonium is recommended for those who dream of a child.

Pelargoniya, photo:

Pelargonium (geranium)

Spathiphyllum - elegant, refined flower, bringing happiness, helping women to meet their love, in the people it is called "female happiness". It cleans the air at home, suppresses harmful bacteria, has a harmful effect on mold spores, if there is such a problem. Spathiphyllum actively releases oxygen with the arrival of night. The genus Spathiphyllum is a houseplant that brings love, family happiness.

Spathiphyllum, photo:


Nephrolepis - one of the most attractive domestic ferns, also has air-purifying properties, "absorbs" radiation from the TV or computer. Nephrolepis secretes oxygen, biologically active compounds, it is easier to breathe in the room, the mood rises.

Nephrolepis, photo:


Kalanchoe - another home healer, which is called indoor ginseng or the tree of life. It is unpretentious, with the onset of summer it is recommended to take it out often to fresh air. The area of ​​application (medicines based on it) of Kalanchoe is incredibly wide - dentistry, surgery, gynecology, etc. Kalanchoe has hemostatic, wound-healing, anti-burn, antimicrobial, antiviral effect.

Kalanchoe, photo:


Useful begonia, namely the decorative and foliage group of plants that saturate the atmosphere with phytoncids, moisturize the air, protect it from dust. Bear in mind that the Begonia blooming variety is toxic, its hybrids too. The other room begonias are able to suppress the bacilli of staphylococcus and streptococcus, various chemical components of the air. Ornamental-deciduous species of begonias are houseplants that purify the air.

Begonia, photo:


Chlorophytum is unpretentious, grows, develops in any light, loves moisture. It also has powerful, air-cleansing properties, and if you add activated charcoal to its earth-mix during the transplantation, the beneficial qualities of this green inhabitant will only become stronger. This home flower is able to stop the poisonous release of combustion products. Types of chlorophytum, such as indoor Cape, crested, Bonnie, winged - this is the best indoor air-purifying indoor flowers.

Chlorophytum, photo:


In addition to their healing, decorative qualities, many indoor flowers carry a certain energy message, at least, so many people think. Many signs came to us from the depths of the centuries, whether to believe them or not is our personal choice, but it's worth paying attention to.

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Which houseplants can be kept in a bedroom or a nursery?

From the atmosphere in the bedroom you depend on your sleep, well-being and, finally, family relationships. Do not place poisonous representatives in the bedroom - those who throw toxic controversy into the air or provoke an allergy.

Stop your choice on chlorophytum, laurel, potted rosemary or lavender.

Purifies the air, emits oxygen geranium, camellia, spathiphyllum, begonia, calanchoe, aloe, and violet violets. These house plants for the bedroom are really able to relieve stress after a hard day, remove insomnia, calm the nervous system.

But the monster, ferns, ficuses, strongly smelling lilies, gardenias, oleanders should not be located where you sleep.

To have too many flower pots in the same room is also not recommended - in a humid environment (ground), all sorts of fungi are quickly planted.

If people suffer from asthma or allergies, then, of course, flowers in the bedroom are better not to post at all.

Indoor plants for a children's room are the same phytoncides that emit useful components that purify the air, which have a harmful effect on bacteria and viruses. For children it is better to choose unpretentious flowers that are resistant to "traumas" (tearing off leaves, kicking off stems). Children, as you know, are still unsettled, so some complex or capricious flower is unlikely to get accustomed if it becomes the object of close attention of young researchers.

For a children's room, hibiscus, lemon, myrtle, chlorophyllum, mandarin, balsam, hippeastrum, eucalyptus, phalaenopsis will perfectly suit. These green inhabitants perfectly clean the air, produce oxygen, fight toxins, all sorts of bacteria.

Balsamin Walker
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Indoor plants and associated signs

For some, green residents are a favorite hobby or simply a decor for the interior. However, along with this, many flower growers pay attention to the signs, study the influence of flowers on our life. Room favorite can easily become a kind of talisman, a keeper of happiness, a magnet for positive events. For example, one should only look at the oxalis (room sorrel) to notice its incredible similarity to the quatrefoil clover - an ancient powerful symbol that attracts luck.

Oksalis, photo:

Oxalis (acid)

The same chlorophytum, mentioned above, is considered the patron of a happy family life.

Strict kalateya has long been considered the keeper of family relationships, contributed to a long, happy family life. By the way, if you provide her with comfortable conditions, she will live incredibly long, for dozens of years.

Aihrizon, whose leaves are something like hearts, is considered a "tree of love".

Aihrizon - the tree of love

The money tree (Tolstyan) is a favorite "amulet which contributes to the accumulation of material wealth.

Fat or money tree

Aromatic myrtle often given to the wedding, because it contributes to family happiness, mutual understanding between spouses.

Incredibly beautiful hoya, which blooms with snow-white or pinkish "balls is recommended for placement in the matrimonial bedrooms. This flower is the patron of lovers, helps to maintain fidelity, gives mutual understanding to couples.

Hoya, photo:


Favorite by many violets - a symbol of comfort and home.


And spathiphyllum in general is the most "happy" flower (according to the majority). He is called "female happiness he helps alone to meet his lucky destiny, married - to strengthen the already existing relationship, childless gives the joy of motherhood, and many children - harmony, peace in the house, mutual understanding between loved ones people. If you have blossomed at home spathiphyllum, then be sure - happiness is already on the threshold!

Spathiphyllum blooms

Also, there are houseplants and associated signs are not very positive - there is definitely worth giving priority to the lianas. If you keep houses curly lianopodobnye, the male sex will bypass the side of living in it women or girls.

Ivy, Tradescantia, Roicisus (birch), Zebrina hanging, Campelia are the most active "muzhegons".

Gifted palms should also not be accommodated in an apartment.

Came to poor cacti - according to popular beliefs they are pushing residents of the house to drunkenness. It is also not advisable to get involved in breeding cacti for unmarried maidens.

Ferns, philodendrons along with the monster are considered absorbers of positive energy, vitality.

Geranium, yucca, neoregelia, sansevera are also considered energy "vampires".

Whatever it was, practice shows that those who take to heart all the negative prophecies themselves are attracted to their problems. He who seeks - he finds, says the ancient wisdom. There are many happy families and well-established fates among people who keep ferns, ivy, cacti in the house. So plant your favorite flowers at home, enjoy life, but with poisonous representatives be on the alert!

The choice of green pets directly depends on your preferences, observe safety measures when caring for them, protect any flowers from contact with animals or young children. Be attentive to your choice, if you are in doubt, you can always consult an experienced florist or ask your flower forum about your question.


In addition to external beauty, there are houseplants that can not be kept at home - photos and names of the most frequently purchased representatives I described in this article. I hope this information will help you make the right choice, create a cozy interior that will be aesthetically attractive, safe for you, your loved ones.

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