Everything about the boiler: what it looks like, how to choose the best model, description, photos, features and specifications - Setafi



Despite the fact that we live in an era of active development of technological progress, boilers are still quite relevant and in demand on the market. There are situations in life when you can’t do without a boiler at all. Now the boiler is no longer that obsolete device of the era of our grandparents. There are many advanced and functional models on the market that will be great helpers in everyone's home. Let's dive into history. Previously, boilers worked from sockets, but now it is possible to connect the device to a car cigarette lighter, computer, or even charge it! It is a sin not to use such a device on a business trip or during outdoor recreation. If there are interruptions in the supply of hot water at your dacha, then the boiler will be an excellent “lifesaver” in this matter, especially if you have small children.

Currently, there is a huge selection of boiler models on the market that differ in technical equipment, power, performance and design. All these parameters are important in operation. How to choose the most suitable model for yourself, what should you pay attention to first of all?

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The content of the article

  • How to choose a boiler
  • What you need to pay attention to when choosing a boiler
  • Which brand to choose: a brief overview

How to choose a boiler

First, let's figure out how this device works. A kettle is a kitchen appliance designed to quickly boil water and other liquids. The device has a simple design: a plastic handle and a heating element. It is important to note that the heating element must be made of stainless steel, which will significantly increase the service life of the device.

The boiler coil must have at least three turns with a large distance between each other. This design will ensure faster boiling of water.

The device usually has special marks that determine the minimum and maximum immersion in water. When turning on the device, make sure that the coil is located in the water to avoid overheating.

Before choosing, determine for yourself the purpose of use, because boilers are different. Accordingly, they have different purposes of use.

  • Submersible. Such a device is placed in a liquid. With good performance, the boiler is able to heat up to 7 liters of water in one use. It is charged both from a conventional charger and via USB.
  • Cumulative. The device resembles an electric kettle. Able to heat up to 15 liters at a time.
  • Boiler mug. In the city without such a device is difficult to do. The device is very easy to use and multifunctional. Able to maintain the required temperature for a long time.


What you need to pay attention to when choosing a boiler

  1. Specifications. When buying a device, check out its power, as well as how much water the boiler can handle. There is a direct relationship between the power and the volume of heating - the higher the power, the more volume of liquid the device is able to heat.
  2. Manufacturer. As a rule, boilers are made in China or Russia.
  3. Design. Choose a kettle based on your personal preferences, as the design does not affect the functionality of the device.
  4. Price. The price range of boilers ranges from 500 rubles to 4000 rubles.

Which brand to choose: a brief overview

  1. Delta KB-0004 is a submersible electric boiler made of stainless steel and plastic. Power - 1500 watts.
  2. 12-36V - car boiler. Worked great on the road.
  3. Tramp TRC-064 is an auto mug boiler made of metal and plastic.
  4. GASTRORAG DK-WB2015 - storage boiler. Power - 1500 watts. Heats up to 15 liters per use.
  5. ECH-0.5 / 0.5-220 - boiler-kettle. Power - 500 watts. Handles 0.5 liters at a time.
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