What is a blower, its purpose

A blower is a modern tool used to clean large areas and hard-to-reach places from various types of debris. About what it is, as well as about the features of its work - further.

The content of the article

  • What is a blower, its device and principle of operation
  • Purpose of the blower
  • Operating modes

What is a blower, its device and principle of operation

The basis of the simplest device is a centrifugal fan. It is powered by either a gasoline or electric motor. The principle of operation looks like this:

  • air is first sucked in through the center of the "cochlea";
  • it is then ejected at a fairly high speed through a long nozzle that provides a directed and powerful flow.

Blowers are of different types:

  • manual;
  • with a rigidly fixed branch pipe;
  • knapsack.

The branch pipe of the latter is connected to the fan by means of a flexible hose.

Models that operate on the principle of ordinary vacuum cleaner, that is, they can suck in air using a bell, collect rubbish in a bag provided for this.

battery blower

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Purpose of the blower

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The device may differ slightly in design and functionality. Depending on this, it is able to perform certain tasks:

  1. Cleaning the garden from dry dirt, plant debris. It is possible to perform full cleaning or local blowing of debris from hard-to-reach areas. The blower is effective in cleaning the lawn: the air flow does not harm the plants, it blows well the surface irregularities.
  2. Drying of various mechanisms: machines, agricultural equipment.
  3. Application during repair and construction works. For this, powerful versions of the device are used that can cope with dust, chips, small branches, debris, which includes separate large and relatively heavy fractions.
  4. Tidying up the adjacent territory of a country house or cottage.

Operating modes

Simple models have one mode of operation. There are options with several operating modes, which expands their functions:

  1. Airflow Main mode. With its help, the blower is a kind of rake equipped with an engine. By means of such a tool, debris is blown off the tracks, and hard-to-reach areas are cleaned.
  2. Suction. The function makes the tool look like a vacuum cleaner. The device draws in litter using a nozzle and collects it in a connected bag.
  3. Grinding. Additional to the previous function. If it is available, then along with garbage collection, it turns out to reduce its amount. This is done through grinding. It turns out that on the basis of the collected plant litter, the device creates mulch, which is good as a fertilizer.

Remember that the purpose of gardening equipment is the elimination of vegetable and street debris. Using a household cleaner will ruin it.

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