Rating of the best foot massagers of 2021: how to choose, photos - Setafi



Constant work on your feet, you can’t fit into shoes for a long time and you have to buy 1-2 sizes larger? Edema, cramps and other unpleasant symptoms of overwork haunt your legs? We are familiar with this situation, because it occurs in 80% of the inhabitants of our country. Your feet are the "breadwinners", and they require very delicate care and time to rest. No ointments and traditional medicine will definitely save! We take a proven solution - one of the devices of our top foot massagers!

In our review, you will find out what foot massagers are, the specifics of their work, and get to know the best representatives of the segment for 2021. Here you will find types of foot massagers in various price categories: both premium and budget (which everyone is very often looking for).

The content of the article

  • The principle of operation of the best foot massagers
  • An overview of the types of foot massagers
    • Control type
    • The nature of the impact on the feet
  • How to choose a massager for legs and feet - the best manufacturers
  • Foot massagers rating of the 10 best models of 2021
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The principle of operation of the best foot massagers

The best foot massager is unique in that it has a positive effect not only on the legs, but on the whole body as a whole. Why so, you ask? It's simple: even the ancient Chinese monks told us that extraordinary energy is concentrated in the feet. This is not surprising, because we "work" with our feet, sometimes even more than mentally!

The effect of the best foot massager is felt literally after 1-2 weeks of use. Here are just small changes in your body from a quality massage:

  • all the heaviness in the lower body is removed;
  • the lymphatic system begins to work actively, swelling decreases;
  • treatment of flat feet;
  • prevention of varicose veins;
  • reduction of stress and anxiety levels;
  • improving the duration and quality of sleep;
  • increased metabolism;
  • stimulation of active nerve cells, which contributes to the improvement of all human organ systems.

An overview of the types of foot massagers

How to choose a foot massager and we will talk about each individual type further. In total, there are 2 classifications: according to the method of management and the impact.

Control type

Here it is worth highlighting the top groups of the best foot massagers in electric and mechanical versions.

Electrical - have a motor that runs on mains or batteries. The design can be different: massage rollers, studded mats and even special shoes.

Electrical devices have many functions: speed controllers, thermostat, setting the intensity of the procedure, etc. By the strength of the impact, these devices are included in the rating of the best foot massagers.

The price of the device depends on many factors: manufacturer, equipment, power and others.

Mechanical - consist of rollers and wheels, which, like "accounts" are strung on a base. This base can have both a smooth and studded surface. Which foot massager from the category is worth buying: a needle surface, shoes with rollers, massage balls or special mats. The material from which products are most often made is wood or eco-plastic.

The main advantages of the device are low budget, ease of use and design, no intricate details. Of course, they are not considered a rating of the best foot massagers, but some devices can compete with electric ones.

The nature of the impact on the feet

To solve various problems, you can choose several options at once from the rating of foot massagers, because each device also differs in scope:

1 Compression . The method of operation is a change in pressure in the system: the pump gradually fills the chambers with air, over which the leg moves.

The number of such "cameras" differs for different devices, the design of the body is similar - shoes or bindings into which the legs are thrust.

Compression treatment has a positive effect on blood circulation and the flow of lymph nodes. This reduces the risk of varicose veins, reduces overall human fatigue. But massage with pads does not completely work through all the tissues of the foot, since the scope of its work is limited.

2 Hydration - as a rule, this is a simple water bath with a massage system. Additionally, in devices of this type, you can see several heaters and a vibration massage function. The bottom is reinforced with various bulges and rollers for processing fabrics.

Foot hydromassage relaxes all muscles, helps reduce stress and improves the quality of the skin on the feet. Therapeutic impact in this category is minimal, if any. The main thing is relaxation.

3 roller  - a system of rollers that move in a given direction. Therefore, to the question “which massager for leg muscles is better?” boldly answer - this one. Some of the top devices perform several functions at once: kneading the feet, stroking, etc. The result of the unit is compared with an expensive massage from a professional. Electric rollers treat flat feet, improve blood and lymph circulation, reduce the risk of diseases of the nervous system. Device modifications can not be counted: from primitive models to the best devices from the rating of foot massagers 2021.

4 Vibrating - consists of a stable platform with bulges. The device adjusts the speed of treatment of the feet and the intensity of the massage. The main task of such an apparatus is to reduce fatigue after a long working day or to give the muscles a rest after a workout.

5 Combined the devices are designed in such a way that it is possible to perform the functions of several massagers at once: roller, vibration and others. Such devices lead the top lines in the middle and expensive price categories. Which foot massager is better to buy - if you have a sufficient budget and are willing to pay for real pleasure, then we strongly recommend universal options.

How to choose a massager for legs and feet - the best manufacturers

Products in the expensive segment are represented by the Japanese Yamaguchi, who is not in vain famous for his massage equipment. Also, it is worth taking a closer look at the competitors of Takasima (Taiwan), Ogawa (Malaysia), OTO (Singapore).

average price - companies from Europe and America are leading here, for example, US Medica (USA), Anatomico (Italy), Casada (Germany).

Among the budget devices, the Chinese stand out mainly (Planta, etc.), and companies that work not only in the field of massage devices (Vitek, Polaris Beurer).

Foot massagers rating of the 10 best models of 2021



  1. Armed DJL-K816A;
  2. Planta MF-2B;
  3. BRADEX Mini KZ 0310;
  4. PLANTA MF-5W Super Compression;
  5. Hansun FC1006;
  6. US MEDICA Angel Feet;
  7. Beurer FM60;
  8. Dykemann Warmfoot K-33;
  9. Yamaguchi Axiom Air Boots;
  10. Gezatone Bio Sonic AMG709.

Among the devices there are models from various categories, which we talked about earlier in our article. The list is indicative, other devices from these companies are of no less quality than those presented.

This is our rating of foot massage devices in 2021. And what unit do you use or what did you look for in the store? Share with us in the comments!

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