Do-it-yourself two-chamber septic tank: what it is, what it looks like, how to make it – Setafi

Modern solutions for local wastewater treatment systems allow you to effectively use the site without connecting to a centralized sewerage system. One such solution is the construction of a two-chamber septic tank, which can be done independently.

Two-chamber septic tank

The content of the article

  • Basics of septic tank operation: principles and mechanisms
  • Site selection and preparation for construction
  • Mistakes to consider when building a two-chamber septic tank with your own hands
  • The final stage: checking and starting the system

Basics of septic tank operation: principles and mechanisms

Septic tank is a design for biological treatment of domestic wastewater. It is based on the process of settling and subsequent filtration of water through special chambers. Organic matter decomposes in them. A two-chamber septic tank consists of two interconnected compartments that perform the functions of primary and secondary sedimentation.

Site selection and preparation for construction

Before you start building a two-chamber septic tank with your own hands, you need to carefully select a location. It must meet the following criteria: distance from sources of drinking water, accessibility for maintenance and compliance with sanitary standards for residential buildings.

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Stages of creating a two-chamber septic tank:

  1. Marking the territory: it is important to clearly mark the boundaries of the future septic tank.
  2. Excavation work: digging a pit, taking into account the depth of soil freezing and the size of the septic tank.
  3. Foundation construction: preparing and pouring a concrete pad that will serve as the foundation for the septic tank.
  4. Chamber walls: installation of walls from concrete rings or pouring concrete using formwork.
  5. The device of overflows and filtration fields: ensures the flow of liquid between chambers and additional cleaning.
  6. Sealing: treating joints and seams with special sealants to prevent leaks.
  7. Installation of covers and hatches: providing access for maintenance and control.

These steps will help you create a reliable and functional two-chamber septic tank on your property that will serve for many years.

Do-it-yourself two-chamber septic tank

Mistakes to consider when building a two-chamber septic tank with your own hands

When building a two-chamber septic tank with your own hands, it is important to avoid a number of common mistakes to ensure its efficiency and durability.

Choosing the wrong location for a septic tank can be a critical mistake. The septic tank should be located at a sufficient distance from sources of drinking water, residential buildings and not in the path of groundwater to prevent possible contamination and ensure ease of maintenance. It is also necessary to consider the type of soil, as soil that is too wet or too dense can negatively affect the efficiency of the septic tank and the difficulty of its construction.

Neglecting the tightness of the structure can lead to wastewater seeping into the ground. And this is fraught with environmental problems and sanctions from regulatory authorities. Therefore, it is extremely important to carefully seal all joints and connections. You also need to check the quality of the materials used and their resistance to the aggressive wastewater environment.

Underestimating the volume and complexity of work is another common mistake. Building a septic tank is not just about digging a hole and installing containers. This is a complex process that requires the following points:

  • accurate calculations;
  • compliance with building codes and regulations;
  • using quality materials.

It is necessary to correctly plan all stages of work and take into account the ventilation system. You also need to provide access for maintenance and not forget about filtration fields. Errors at any of these stages can lead to malfunctions of the septic tank and the need for costly repairs.

The final stage: checking and starting the system

After completion of construction work, all structural elements should be carefully checked for tightness and correct installation. Then you need to run the system to make sure it works effectively.

The construction of a two-chamber septic tank requires attention to detail and strict adherence to technology. However, with the right approach and careful execution of all stages of work, this is a completely doable task that will provide a reliable and effective wastewater treatment system.

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