How to choose the perfect short curtains for the kitchen

  • Traditional and modern short curtains
  • The main advantages of short curtains
  • More about English, Roman, curtains-cafes and other types
  • How easy it is to choose the right color

Why do we choose short curtains for the kitchen? First of all, because such textile structures are easy to clean, convenient to adjust and do not interfere with the opening of the window. In addition, the length of the curtains is important in case the sill is used as an additional working surface.

Traditional and modern short curtains

The design of the curtains can be divided into 2 spacious groups:

  1. Traditional. Among the traditional curtains can be distinguished urban and rural styles. In the first case, laconic beautiful curtains are used, supplemented with tulle or sliding apart in different directions. They can be plain or with print.


Such models are distinguished by elegance and ease. Materials are used natural: linen and cotton.

If we talk about the rustic style, then here the design is dominated by the corresponding design - frills, embroideries, cages, peas, etc.

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Curtains in the style of country, Provence, Shebic Chic often have a lambrequin, an assembly at the top and a string.

  1. Modern. These are Roman or roller blinds and all kinds of blinds - plisse, vertical and horizontal. Roman and roll models easily climb upwards, providing access to light, and, if necessary, well obscure the room.

Rolled (roll-cassette type), even more practical than Roman ones - such a cloth does not hang and can be fastened to both swinging and folding doors.

Roller blinds can be hung not only on the sash of the window, but also on its full width.

Blinds are rarely used in the kitchen as an independent element of decor. Most often they are used in combination with curtains or tulle.

Choosing a textile decoration for the window opening, do not forget about the cornice. It can be chosen so that it is as close to the style as possible to the room, or to decorate it with lambrequin.


The main advantages of short curtains

What are the requirements for short curtains for the kitchen? First of all, they are obliged to decorate the interior, have a stylish design, and at the same time be mud- and wear-resistant, easy to wear off, when need to shade the room and hide the inner space from prying eyes from the outside, but not to interfere with the natural light.

Short curtains have the following advantages:

  • With their help, the kitchen space is ennobled, but at the same time it is possible to use and open the window sill;

  • Even the drawn curtains will not prevent access to the windowsill;

  • Short textiles are perfect for decorating a window, located next to the balcony door;

  • Shortened curtains make the kitchen space more spacious visually, so they are especially suitable for small and narrow kitchens;

  • You can choose the brightest design and experiment with color "spots

  • In the care of such curtains are very easy - and remove / hang, and wash, and iron them very simply.

More about English, Roman, curtains-cafes and other types

In addition to the previously mentioned 2 large groups, let us consider in more detail the main types of short curtains.

You can choose London (English) curtains - these designs are assembled in beautiful folds and fixed at the desired height. They can be performed in the form of a semicircle, while the radius is easily adjustable depending on the size of the window opening. Such products are made of monochrome or decorated (mostly floral motifs) natural soft and medium density fabrics.

London curtains will decorate the kitchen not only in the style of English chic chic, but also French Provence, Scandinavian country and Italian classics.

Roman curtains are also deservedly popular. Their length can also be adjusted, but they are more strict in form than English, but no less elegant.


In addition, they are light and economical in tailoring their own hands. Another plus - they fit in the interior of almost any style - from rustic to modern.

On Roman blinds, drawings and prints - strip, flower, cage, etc. look very good.


But monochrome Roman curtains look self-contained and stylish.

In the likeness of Roman and English, more elegant French and Austrian curtains are executed - their length Also is regulated by a cord (but not always) thanks to which the textile develops beautiful drapes. Their design is more complicated and suitable for large kitchens in Empire style, classic, etc.

Often such curtains are supplemented with lambrequin with svagami, chokolier and de jabo. But with such a complex decor you need to be careful, yet this option is more suitable for bedrooms and living rooms.

The design of the curtains in the style of the "cafe" looks cozy and cute, but not suitable for all interior styles. For example, for minimalism this is not the right decision, but in the style of chalet, provance, country, Scandinavian or shebi-chic it will fit more than harmoniously. For such curtains, the cornice is mounted at the correct height in the depth of the slope.

Short curtains in the form of lambrequin are also more suitable only for certain country styles and Scandinavian kitchen design.


This length is recommended for decorating windows in small kitchens, especially located on the north side. Lambrequins are easy to sew and change their moods.

How easy it is to choose the right color

How to choose really nice short curtains in the kitchen? It is very important to choose not only the right style, but also the color.

It can be chosen by focusing on:

  • Color finish - walls, floors, ceiling, platbands, apron;
  • Furniture - with the help of curtains you can support the main, additional or third in the interior color. These photos show that curtains are chosen in the tone of furniture - tables, chairs, headset;

  • Textiles and decor - do not want to hang universal simple white curtains? Choose the fabric in the tone of kitchen textiles and decor - tablecloths, upholstery of chairs, pillows, etc.

A win-win option is simple white and beige curtains that match any color and style of the kitchen.

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Read also:

  • . Curtains for the kitchen: color, material, look and style.
  • . Curtains-threads in the kitchen - choice, care, manufacture with their own hands.
  • . Lambrequin for the kitchen - what should it be and how to sew it?
  • . Guide for the choice of eaves for curtains in the kitchen and installation instructions.
  • . All you need to know about tulles for the kitchen.
  • . Knitted curtains for the kitchen.
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