How to choose the best air humidifier for a child's room

How to choose the best air humidifier for a child's room


Excessive air dryness is a real scourge for a city dweller. From lack of moisture in the air, everything suffers: from mucous nasopharynx and eyes to houseplants, furniture and musical instruments. But most of all the harm is caused by the dryness of the child's body. Drying mucous nasopharynxes of the child can not cope with the functions of purification of inhaled air. As a result, immunity decreases, the baby often gets sick, fits, coughs. All this can be avoided if you buy a humidifier for the children's room. Better still, choose several devices in the store so that you can maintain optimal conditions in the whole apartment.


  • 1Humidity: optimum performance
  • 2Types of air humidifiers
  • 3Tips for using a humidifier in a nursery

Humidity: optimum performance

On the basis of many years of research, doctors and scientists came to the conclusion: the optimal humidity in the premises for housing and people's work should be from 40 to 60%. For the children's room, the figures are slightly different: for a healthy child, 50% is enough, but when the ARD, runny nose, cough, the level of moisture content should be increased to 60-65%.

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At the same time, a simple hygrometer test shows: if in the summer, with intensive natural airing, the air is sufficiently moist, then in winter the picture is quite different. During the heating season, the humidity in the apartments drops to a dangerous minimum of 20-25%. How not to get sick if dry warm air deprives mucous membranes of normal humidity?

A humidifier in winter is a necessity, not only for a small child, but for the entire adult family, pets and plants.

In former times, when the humidifier could not be bought at any household appliance store, the parents coped with the problem in simple ways: hanging on the batteries of the room wet towels, put a battery near the battery with a water. A little helps to increase the air humidity in the room aeration of water in an open aquarium.


Some craftsmen made a home air humidifier with their own hands, using improvised materials and their own ingenuity. But today there is no need to invent and tinker: you can choose in the store a ready-made good air humidifier and do not waste time, which can be dedicated to the family.

Types of air humidifiers

Which air humidifier is best to choose from for a children's room from a whole variety of models?

Better, but also more expensive than all devices is the climate control system, which not only maintains humidity on the given level, but also cleans it of all unnecessary components: dust particles, mold spores, unpleasant odors. Well, if you already have it, but create it from scratch for a long time, expensive and troublesome. Therefore, it is worthwhile to consider cheaper and fairly effective options, and choose the best of them.



  • A traditional humidifier consisting of a fan and an evaporation system;
  • steam humidifier, which generates steam by heating water, like a normal steam generator;
  • The ultrasonic devices that create the smallest water dust by the action of ultrasound;
  • systems of cleaning and moistening, called "air washing".

The most inexpensive, easy-to-use and safe - humidifiers of traditional design. The dry air of the room is driven by the fan through the porous, water-saturated membrane of the cartridge. The air is partially cleansed and moistened. With increasing humidity, evaporation slows down naturally, that is, one can not be afraid of overmoistening. It works quietly enough not to disturb the child to sleep.

Steam humidifiers are less safe, because in the operating mode they contain hot water. Their main advantage is the rapid achievement of the required level of humidity. Many of the steam humidifiers are equipped with built-in hygrometers, allowing the device to automatically maintain the humidity in the children's room at a given level. Devices are able to clean the space of dust, but slightly. Many of the steam humidifiers can, if necessary, be used as household inhalers.


The ultrasonic humidifier is safe and efficient in operation. But if you decide to choose this type, keep in mind: for refueling the device needs distilled water.


This type of device for increasing humidity has one disadvantage: when applying insufficiently purified After a few hours of work, all the surfaces in the children's room will be covered with a thin layer of whitish raid. It is not household dust, but mineral substances contained in tap water. But for inhalation they are also not useful, like any impurities.

It is better and more correct for a child's room to buy a "car wash". This device will not only create the optimum moisture level in the nursery, but will also gradually collect all the dust raised by the toddler during games and fuss with toys. The washing works relatively quietly, though not silently.

The child quickly gets used to a quiet buzz in the nursery, and sleeps quietly. Washing works in much the same way as a traditional humidifier - it drives the room air through a lot of wet plates, on which dust, dirt, bacteria and other harmful components settle.

Tips for using a humidifier in a nursery

The range of devices is limited, unfortunately. For uniform moisturizing, they need to be rearranged from time to time. At night the device should be placed not far from the child's head, at a distance of 90-130 cm.

In the afternoon, steam humidifiers should be removed from the reach of the baby, as they present some danger due to water heated to 60-70 ° C.

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