Exhaust umbrella for kitchen: device ventilation structures

An essential element of any serious kitchen is an exhaust umbrella. Such a device is mandatory installed in industrial enterprises, but in the domestic kitchen premises it is quite a worthy place.

This option extracts extremely effectively removes from the air pollution associated with cooking. Let's look at the features of the work of the exhaust equipment and the points on which you need to pay attention when choosing the hood to the kitchen.

The content of the article:

  • How it works?
  • Types of structures and the problem of choice
  • Features of installation and operation
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How it works?

A device of this type is a powerful hood designed for efficient ventilation of air in a kitchen. They are most often installed directly above the cooking surfaces in restaurants, cafes, canteens and other catering establishments.

Such a device can be installed not only above ordinary cookers, but also over other similar equipment: grill, oven, etc.

The quality of food from having a good hood will benefit. Umbrellas trap water vapor, oil and fat particles, remove odors emanating from the dishes prepared. All these contaminants rise up under the influence of hot air and enter the working cavity of the ventilation hood. Here the polluted air passes through the filtration system, where the process of its purification takes place.

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Exhaust umbrella

Exhaust umbrella - a stylish and modern device that will provide effective air purification in a domestic or industrial kitchen

Then the air masses, freed from unnecessary inclusions, are returned to the kitchen room or are removed through the ventilation duct, depending on the type of device.

Fat contaminants move through a separate channel and are collected from accumulative glasses, from which they are periodically removed.

Grease trap hood

Grease traps are special aluminum elements that are installed inside the exhaust hoods. They trap particles of grease and other relatively large contaminants.

To facilitate the process of cleaning the accumulators from fat deposits, it is recommended to pre-pour into glasses a special detergent that can effectively dissolve the fat.

The advantages of exhaust structures such as "umbrella" include the following points:

  • the ability to use remote control;
  • high degree of automation;
  • the ability to install a suitable model in almost any part of the kitchen;
  • a wide choice of various models made of various materials with an attractive design;
  • high level of performance.

Among the drawbacks of such equipment, above all, are the increased noise generation caused by the operation of a powerful fan. For proper operation of the unit, it is necessary to perform its maintenance regularly purchase and replace carbon filters in a timely manner.

These items cannot be cleaned and repaired, so the cost of operating the instrument may be higher than expected. In addition, good equipment of this type and in itself is quite expensive.

Island umbrella

Island umbrella can be installed right in the middle of the kitchen, if the dimensions of the room allow. In a small room, such a device can be placed above the stove, installed by the window.

Exhaust technology in the kitchen is always necessary. Fragments of fat, hot steam, soot, drops and other contaminants may be imperceptible at first glance, but over time they form a layer of dirt on various surfaces that is not easy to remove.

In addition, the remains of gas that can get into the kitchen air, and the smell of accidentally burnt food are not good for the health of others.

According to the device, the ventilation umbrella is a steel dome-shaped case, inside of which there is a fan and a set of filtration elements. To collect relatively large particles, a special aluminum grille is used, which protects the ventilation turbine.

Industrial Exhaust Umbrella

At catering establishments powerful exhaust umbrellas are obligatory for application over cooking surfaces. Such devices are used for the discharge of harmful fumes and other industrial industries.

An acrylic filter is commonly used to remove a significant portion of grease. In installations with recirculation, a carbon filter that finely cleans the air is used without fail. Spark-proof mesh protects elements from overheating and possible fire.

It is especially necessary if an umbrella is installed above the device with an open flame. All filter elements must be periodically cleaned or replaced. Carbon filters replace, as soon as they become dirty, these elements cannot be restored.

Some types of acrylic filters can be washed and installed again, but they quickly lose their shape due to this treatment, so the number of cleaning and recycling cycles is limited.

Exhaust hood dimensions

Exhaust umbrella should be large enough to cover the parameters of the processed hob not less than 100 mm

A fan built into the umbrella or a ventilation turbine circulates air in the right direction with the necessary intensity. The performance of this element provides the total exhaust capacity, which should be correlated with the total volume of the room in which it will be installed.

Very part of the hoods provide lighting, which is very convenient. Such lamps can be used as additional lighting for the kitchen. Along with incandescent bulbs, halogen or diode lighting devices are built into the hoods.

The latter provide a sufficient level of illumination with a minimum consumption of electrical energy and increased service life.

Island exhaust umbrella

At industrial catering establishments exhaust umbrellas are installed above devices of different types: stoves, grills, ovens, etc.

If the umbrella is connected to the ventilation duct of the house, it must be equipped with special valves that prevent the return of the air masses entering the device to the kitchen.

Types of structures and the problem of choice

By type of construction distinguish wall and island exhaust umbrellas. The design can be exhaust or forced-air and exhaust. In the first case, the device only removes the exhaust air from the room, in the second case it also provides an additional influx of fresh air masses.

Types of exhaust umbrellas

Exhaust umbrella can carry out or remove waste air masses from the room, or their cleaning and return to the room

When choosing a suitable umbrella, consider the necessary level of air exchange, the size of cooking equipment, as well as the intended location for its placement. For an industrial kitchen, it is recommended to install a model whose dimensions are 100 mm larger than the size of the cooking surface.

For the manufacture of such devices using food-grade stainless steel. The device is usually equipped with not only a grease trap, but also a carbon filter. A useful option may be the backlight. Supply air exhaust devices, as the name implies, provide not only the removal and cleaning of polluted kitchen air, but also the influx of fresh air masses from the street.

Such umbrellas in domestic conditions are used extremely rarely, it is a technique for professional use. Some operations require a constant supply of fresh air. Umbrellas of this type make it possible to create an extremely favorable microclimate in the working room, and to adjust the humidity and air temperature to an acceptable level.

The power of the exhaust element usually exceeds the inflow capacity in models of this type by about one third.

The advantage of using an exhaust hood

The advantage of using an exhaust hood is that it can be installed in almost any suitable place; you just need to choose the right model.

Wall umbrellas are fixed not on the ceiling, but on the wall. Typically, these models are used to connect to the exhaust channel. To facilitate installation work, the hob should be installed as close as possible to the ventilation duct.

In this case air duct will not be too long, which contributes to the effective movement of exhaust air into the ventilation duct.

Wall exhaust hoods

Wall exhaust umbrellas can be mounted on the wall. They are more convenient to connect to the ventilation channel of the building than island models.

Short construction usually does not need to create a large number of turns when using rigid plastic ducts. There should be no more than three such knees for one ventilation hood. The sloping type of island umbrella, which allows you to bring the hood to the maximum allowable distance to the cooking surface, is very popular.

The island-type umbrella, which is attached to the ceiling, is considered universal. As the name implies, it is used for mounting over a kitchen island, specifically over the stove built into it. The design feature is that when installing it there is no need to use a wall, the structure is attached to the ceiling.

Such devices are usually used in large kitchens, both industrial and domestic. In small squares, the use of a kitchen umbrella above the island is usually not used due to lack of space. But this design may be appropriate even in a small kitchen, if the hob is installed near the window.

The presence of two filters allows you to clean the air at a high enough level so that you can return it to the kitchen. Of course, you should use the necessary tools to ensure adequate air exchange, but recycling allows you to save indoors some of the heat that was spent on cooking food.

Exhaust hood with recirculation

To remove polluted air with an exhaust hood, it must be connected to the ventilation duct. If this is not possible, use models with circulation and a carbon filter.

Recirculation is used in island hoods, since it is usually quite difficult to install such a unit near a ventilation hatch. And read on how exhaust hoods with recirculation work. this material. Some models of island umbrellas can be adjusted in height, which allows you to change the intensity of absorption of polluted vapors, depending on the situation.

If the place to install the hood is chosen in such a way that the filtered air cannot be brought into the ventilation duct, then you definitely have to give preference to the device with recirculation.

When choosing a hood for the kitchen should choose the right unit performance. The most powerful option is suitable for kitchens up to 25 square meters. m

However, you should not choose a model with too much power, because the higher the performance, the more noise the hood draws during operation. For a small room, this can be a real disaster.

Types of exhaust hoods

There are exhaust and supply and exhaust umbrellas. The latter not only provide abstraction of polluted air, but also make possible the influx of masses from the street to improve the atmosphere in the room.

The noise level of the device in the region of 40 dB is considered acceptable. It may be slightly higher (up to 70 dB), but you should not choose an excessively noisy model, since the sound of its work can cause irritation. Choosing the type of control, it is necessary to consider the installation height of the device. If the hood is set high enough, the remote option can be very useful.

This technique has a high price, so when choosing a brand, you should pay attention not only to known name, but also for the warranty period, as well as for the availability of service centers and warranty conditions service. Of course, the design of the device also plays an important role. Fortunately, models of exhaust umbrellas are very diverse, you can always find a suitable option.

Features of installation and operation

It is relatively easy to install exhaust technology of this type, but it is still better for inexperienced craftsmen to entrust these operations to professionals. If you decide to install yourself, then you should start with a detailed study of the manufacturer’s instructions.

Steel exhaust umbrella

Exhaust umbrellas are usually made of durable aluminum food grade steel. For industrial enterprises, such structures are often custom-made.

After that, you need to investigate the place of installation, take the necessary measurements, prepare tools, fasteners, materials, etc. An important point is the correct distance from the hob. It should be at least 60 cm for electric stoves and 70 cm for gas appliances, but not more than 85 cm.

If the umbrella needs to be hung higher, then a more productive device should be chosen to compensate for the difference in height. To install the exhaust vent, you will need the tools that are usually in the arsenal any experienced craftsman: a tape measure and a building level for making a mark; a screwdriver, a drill, a hammer etc.

Depending on the type of device, you will need to either just hang it over the stove or connect it with an air duct to the ventilation duct. Either a metal corrugated sleeve or rigid plastic structures are used as an air duct.

The corrugation can be bent in a suitable way, and to perform the knee of plastic, special adapters should be used to ensure the tight connection of individual sections of the duct.

If the power cord is not long enough, you need to install an additional outlet near the device. You need to make sure that the appliance has the necessary grounding.

Proper installation of the ventilation hood is only half the battle. That the device worked effectively, it is necessary to organize its work. Detailed information on such issues is contained in the instruction manual, which is provided with each device.

Regular cleaning is of paramount importance. internal filters. For example, aluminum grates should be washed with special detergents. A good result also comes from the use of funds that can be found in any kitchen: acetic acid, a third diluted with water, a saturated solution of ordinary laundry soap or a pasty mixture of water and food soda

Aluminum sieve trap

Aluminum trellised grease trap exhaust hoods should be regularly cleaned of dirt accumulated on them, so that the device works correctly and efficiently

These recipes are useful to those who suffer from intolerance to chemical agents. Grilles should be cleared of grease and dirt accumulations at least every three months.

Replacing carbon filters is usually done in the following order:

  • disconnecting the device from the power supply;
  • dismantling aluminum grilles;
  • removing the used filter;
  • installation of a new filter element;
  • installation of aluminum gratings;
  • connection and check of operation of the device.

At the time of installation of the new filter should be a characteristic click. If, after replacing the filter, unusual sounds appeared in the work of the exhaust hood or it became more noisy, the filter may be installed incorrectly, the work should be redone.

If the cleaning and replacement of the ventilation hood filters is not carried out in a timely manner, the quality of the instrument may deteriorate significantly.

Carbon filters in exhaust hoods

Carbon filters are necessary in exhaust hoods with circulation, they carry out fine air purification and need regular replacement.

Removable filters and glasses for collecting fat in the models of umbrellas that are used in catering, in accordance with the instruction should be cleaned daily. It is also necessary to constantly clean the outer surface of the exhaust hood. Some items are recommended to remove and soak in special cleaning solutions.

After cleaning, rinse them thoroughly. Another element that needs periodic cleaning is the duct. It is necessary to remove the connecting elements and remove deposits from the inner surface of the structure.

Corrugated elements often need such cleaning than smooth plastic channels. Some industrial models of kitchen umbrellas are equipped with an integrated cleaning system, but in everyday life such expensive units are usually not used.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

This video shows the principle of operation of such structures:

Recommendations for increasing the efficiency of ventilation umbrellas are explained in this video:

The process of installing an exhaust hood at an industrial facility is presented here:

Exhaust umbrella can ensure proper air exchange, both in conventional and industrial kitchen. Proper installation and regular maintenance will ensure long and trouble-free operation of such a device.

Perhaps you have recently purchased a new model of exhaust hood for the kitchen and can share your impressions of his work? Please leave your comments, share your experiences and valuable tips in the box below.

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